I will never understand - grow up!!
I too have posted on this site before but got paranoid and deleted my entry but every once in awhile my own thoughts drive me stir crazy and I just need to vent. I have no relationship with my 24 year old SD. I have been married to her "daddy" for 6 years together 9. We have never had any kind of relationship. This is his only child. She rejected me from day one. Her mom and my husband divorced many years before I even met him - but just like I have read other's write about - it would not matter who the other woman was as long as it's not her "mommy" there won't be any letting go of the past when it comes to them. In 9 years it has been very minimal that I even see her - maybe a few times a year - but every time I would experience her rude behavior and her nasty attitude. Right before Christmas last year she came over and for the first time ever stayed for hours and talked to me and my kids (I have 2 biological kids - teenagers) and engaged - and it blew me away. I thought maybe there is hope. WELL that was very short lived. We invited her over for New Years...games...food...and WHOOPS drinks...and all HELL broke loose. She got into a huge screaming match with my husband and nobody was able to de-escalate it. She would not stop. She turned into a raging crazy monster. She disrespected our home...embarrassed us as we had other company and honestly I was waiting for someone to call the police as she was screaming and yelling for at least an hour. She said so many disrespectful things to me that night even though she was fighting with her dad. At the end of the horrible ordeal she said he wouldn't see her again or his grand-kids, she said she should take every picture we have of her and her kids right off her wall (really??) and told him to EMBRACE his wife and step-kids. She said many other things that are just ridiculous...but WOW.
The next day my husband texts her and apologized for what was his part (what he said to set her off) and wanted to sit down and talk just the two of them. She rejected his apology and said have a nice life with your family.
Fast forward 3 months to Easter...he sends her a text and says Happy Easter hope to see you and the kids soon. Her response - no thanks...we're good...you stay there with you and your family I will stay right here with mine.
It took me a long time to learn to disengage...and I have. I want nothing to do with that negativity. I guess I just still try to wrap my head around how people can be like this...but who am I kidding....this world is full of unkind selfish angry assholes. I just feel bad for my husband because he has tried...and he also agrees there will be no relationship with her until she can forgive and LET GO OF THE PAST and treat our family with RESPECT. How come these grown women can't LET GO OF THE PAST??? But I do know that it bothers him that he has no relationship with her and he is not even allowed to see his grand-kids whom he loves very much.
Finding this site has brought justification and almost healing knowing that so many people go through this same type of thing. I just will never get it!!!
Yes..Looking back it sure is
Yes..Looking back it sure is a blessing in disguise. In the beginning I was looking forward to, desired to, was excited to get to know her and have a good relationship. What a joke. I am grateful that I never have to see her again if I choose.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
My lovely SD30 went on a
My lovely SD30 went on a tirade. Told daddy she would never speak to him or see him again until he divorces me. She then proceeded to attack him via the Internet and she said horrible things about my DH, my kids and myself. Apparently she is upset that daddy isn't sending her lots of money anymore and he choosing to support "the strangers he lives with" (my kids and I) instead of supporting her; his precious daughter. (She really said this).
Prior to this happening, princess was trying to arrange a meeting with DH and BM as she wanted to "discuss" the reasons why her parents divorced when she was a baby! Hahahahaha!!!! What a loon! Needless to say, that didn't happen.
Now princess has been out of our lives for 3 years and it's been bliss. My DH came to terms with what a manipulative, spoiled brat she is. We are very happy without her drama. I didn't go into great detail regarding my spoiled, wacko, princess SD but it sounds so similar to your scenario except for the fact that my SD had her little tantrum when she was sober!. Why is it that these adult SD's are so jealous of their fathers finding love and having a life? I once asked my DH "does she expect you to divorce me to please her? So, if you leave me Is she planning on laying next to you at night to keep you warm? Is she going to be there when you get home to hear about how your day went"? You get the idea. The answer is that she won't be there and that no matter what my DH does, he will never be able to make her happy as she is a narcissist/sociopath and she doesn't even know herself what would make her happy. These spoiled adult princess brats just want to watch their daddies do handstands trying to please them while they try to dream up new and exciting ways to manipulate their fathers. Truth be told, they don't love their fathers and they don't care about them. If they did, they would want them to be happy. These types of people can't ever be pleased. They always want more.
Good riddance; I'm so glad she's gone. Stupid brat.
It's good to see you here
It's good to see you here again Amber. My SD went on a tirade just over a year ago and wrote me a nasty, hate email. SD didn't have the nerve to come say it to my face. The reason she wouldn't face me; I intimidate her, because I calmly tell her as it is, the truth.
SD told me quote: "I wish you would move out, so Dad can have a life with his family. You leave mine (family) alone and I will leave yours (family) alone, except for Dad. You have ruined my relationship with my Dad". This is just a touch of her tirade. She refuses to recognize our marriage of 36 years. SD has never been able to accept our relationship; it absolutely nothing to do with BM and DH's divorce; but I am the "other woman".
I have never kept her Dad from spending any time, any where, whenever he wished with SD and family. In fact we used to do everything together for years. What makes her think she owns her family and I own mine. You don't tell adults of any family or otherwise who they can associate with and how to live their lives. SD is extremely controlling. I have never been involved with SD and DH's relationship; don't know where that came from; except I figure any disagreement they ever had was my fault.
So I relate to your situation Amber; it's almost like we live the same life.
Good to hear from you.
"The next day my husband
"The next day my husband texts her and apologized for what was his part (what he said to set her off) and wanted to sit down and talk just the two of them. She rejected his apology and said have a nice life with your family. "
What did he say "to set her off"?
To be honest it was so
To be honest it was so crazy.... for hours we had been playing games...talking...laughing...listening to music....and drinking (BIG MISTAKE). Again...this is only the 2nd time in 9 years I had been around her and things seemed to be going different then they usually did and then BOOM....I remember going into the other room to change my shirt because I spilled. When I came back just a few minutes later everyone was silent and her and my husband were just going at each other. At that point I had no clue what had happened...I think everyone was like what the hell just happened...what did we miss???
I asked my husband what happened - what did he say to her.... and to this day he says he does not even remember...he had a lot to drink - and YES he can be an ass when he drinks...but he probably just said something that was the truth and she got all mad and defensive. Regardless...it was an opportunity for him to once again TRY to reach out to her and say we need to sit down and talk and get all this shit out on the table so we can move on. Her mother of course has been a big contributor to this toxic behavior. My husband has said many times...I did not raise her to be like this and I believe it I have been with the man for 9 years. My kids and him have a good relationship.
The funny thing is she had the nerve to say that night...that's why I don't come around..I stay away because there is always tension here. It's like seriously???? You BRING the tension....but oh well. Some people will just NEVER see themselves.
Wow, I can almost understand
Wow, I can almost understand when younger step kids get upset like this but she's an adult who has had adult relationships, surely she can be a bit more open-minded about this? And to stop her dad seeing his grand-kids is making those kids suffer for no reason. She needs to grow up and get over this.
Sorry, that's not particularly helpful for your situation but I'm not sure what else you can do. I hope things calm down and she sees sense.
Exactly....that night we were
Exactly....that night we were going to send her home with the Christmas presents that had been all wrapped up for the grand-kids but that never happened. Those presents sat here wrapped until March when he finally took them to his ex wife to have her get them to the kids. It is just really unbelievable the way people can act and always play the victim role - and oh they play it so well. And like I said most of this behavior comes from his ex because even when he was talking to her about this whole dysfunctional situation...he posed a question to her - what did I ever do to deserve this? His ex's answer....you broke up our family. SERIOUSLY??? Get over it....
The poor kids. She has 3 beautiful children who we have spent more time with than her over the years as we have had them over for weekends to help while she worked etc.....and I admit I miss them too - but I have also realized they are not my grand-kids. SD does not want that...the minute one of them started calling me grandma around age 2 - she put a stop to that real quick. Oh well....I will wait for my bio-logical grand-kids.
Your SD has serious mental
Your SD has serious mental problems. The issues with your DH are deep and nothing you can do will help. He needs to let her go as she will continue with the emotional blackmail for years to come.
Stop buying the step gkids gifts. If they didn't come to visit for Christmas then this shows you that she doesn't want to be involved with you and DH.
Best wishes.
If you feel you are missing
If you feel you are missing something, "stepmeanie"; I'll give you my grown SD and grown SGD (mother/daughter).
No thanks needed. }:)
SD's behavior is so immature,
SD's behavior is so immature, but I've come to realize that many grown steps never resolved their issues from the past and they're still stuck in the dysfunctional parent/child dynamic. Steps need to realize that you can't "fix" the past, mommy and daddy aren't getting back together. It's time to move on, grow up and live YOUR life.
After DH and I married we had a few months to ourselves since my boys were with their father for the summer. School was starting soon so I moved them in and got them settled. When ss30 found out he started crying...yes, crying. "What?! Your kids are going to live here? I had no idea how to deal with a grown man crying because his step siblings were going to take over his old room.
I've tried to be sensitive to DH's sons who lived in this home from Jr. high and up, but I have to live my life and allow my kids to live theirs too. Skids are adults with their own lives. ss30 now lives w/his gf in mommy's house and ss26 lives with wife, his own skid 8, and baby 3, in IL's house. I believe the saving grace for me w/my relationship w/ss26 and family is the fact that he is a step parent too. He literally cannot hate on his father (openly) about having skids live with him when he's doing the same.
This is hard...it is hard for
This is hard...it is hard for you as you are on the receiving end of her lack of acceptance....more than likely her break-down and outburst was things she had built up inside her and they finally let go, they alcohol might have been what helped release her hurts and fury. It sounds like she still has not come to terms with her parents' divorce and you are the easy target. Try not to take it personally. I have been thru this myself. I have 2 stepsons whose parents divorced when the boys were 2 & 4, they have no memory of their parents being married. I met them all 3 years after the divorce, husband had full custody. It was not any easier for the boys at a young age to accept me. I was screamed at and told I was hated. My stepson at 10 years old carved her hated me in his wooden dresser top, wrote it on his calendar. It never got any better either. They boys are 34 and 32 today and I have no relationship with either one, I finally withdrew after years of being treated like this. I understand they are hurting, I understand they do not accept, I understand that they do not have to accept me and I understand that they have not come to terms of their parents divorce and my role in their lives but I also am not willing to be their punching bag.
I think in the beginning
I think in the beginning years I felt more of a hurt of not being accepted...but started to really disengage about 2 years ago...and now I have come to terms with who she is and am relieved I do not have to have a relationship with her. In the beginning it was natural for me to want a relationship with my husbands only child. My eyes have now opened to who she is...and SD or stranger....NO THANKS.
My husband and I don't discuss it too much - he does not really let his emotional side out - but I can tell it bothers him. He knows there is nothing he can do anyways until she changes her behavior - forgive/lets go of the past. Even though I have accepted her for who she is it still bugs me from time to time and creeps up. This is a good place to get it out. Telling my husband for the 100th time I don't understand his daughter does not help him.
oh dear lord, avr! twenty
oh dear lord, avr! twenty seven freaking years...
my parents divorced when my brother and i were little, and dad remarried at the same ages your ss's were when u met them. my brother had alot of behavioral and attitude problems with her being the target, but he (nor i) ever in a million years harbored hopes of them splitting up and dad and mom getting back together. when bro got his head out of his @$$, he never resented her or rejected her. they've been married 32 years
i could not imagine the long-held rejection you have dealt with. sadly, i will probably be writing the same comment with the same sentiments as you - just give me another 10-15 years....
Tuff Noogies, my oldest
Tuff Noogies, my oldest stepson is now a step father himself so I hope all the hurt and hate he dished to me comes back so he can come to terms with what he did as a child. I hope he will then understand how hard that was for me and can appreciate my position a little better.
For me I have finally closed doors. I would get glimmers of hope to have them dashed and a person can only take so much before they feel they can take no more.
Comment removed do to too
Comment removed do to too much personal information.
This is EXACTLY what my
This is EXACTLY what my fiancé's fat, lazy, lame ass SD did to me! Well, she's started with me TWICE and the second time I went bat shit crazy on here AND him! FUCK the bitch! I told his lame ass spawn don't come near me or my family or I will fuck you up! I'm sick sick sick of the disrespect. Maybe she can talk to others that way and HAS spoken others that way, but NOT ME BITCH! I don't give a flying rat's ass about her, her spoiled kids or anyone in his family for that fact. Why the hell should their happiness come before mine?!! HELL NO!!!!!!! Geez this makes me nuts as hell!! Sorry not sorry!!!!! Burn in hell and the funny thing is she works in a church LOL!!!!!!! All I can say is I will NEVER allow her back into my life nor her kids EVER!! Good riddens I could care less don't ever come to my home, yes MY home. If the fiancé wants to see the bitch do it on your own time with your money NOT our money. Life is too short to deal with these spoiled ass bitches!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!
disengaging is a wonderful
disengaging is a wonderful thing isn't it?
I think the worst thing your
I think the worst thing your DH can do is keep sucking up to her, it gives her power and she will continue to use it.
If your DH is able to communicate to her that walking away, as much as it hurts him, is HER decision and that he will hold her accountable for walking out of his life and denying him access to his own grand-children, maybe one day she will realize the wrong she has committed
Right now she is bitter and angry and obviously jealous and resentful of you and your children. She believes by cutting your DH off, she is forcing him to choose her....when really, he shouldn't have to pick one over the other ever.
Perhaps if your husband backs way off, he is actually making her accountable for her actions. Yes that is a very difficult decision and would not be easy, but I do believe it is the right thing to do, and he does not have to feel guilty as he didn't walk away, she did
Also, grandparents have rights, and if he wanted to fight it he could gain access to see his grandchildren
Over 5 years ago I went
Over 5 years ago I went through the same thing with my SD who is also an only child. Only skids have unique problems - especially with entitlement and sharing. I think they have a harder time accepting the divorce of their parents because they were part of a condensed family unit. They were the center of their parent's universe. Anyone who 'invades' this 'cocoon' concept is looked upon as 'the enemy'. I also think the guilt that the father experiences is greater because they see their little princess as being all alone.
I had been married to DH for over 20 years, had nothing to do with his divorce, but I got the full brunt of SD's anger and frustration from day one. She had a meltdown because I asked her and her husband to please speak up instead of having their 'sideline' conversations, mumbling to each other while I was in the same room. You were lucky that your DH had your back. Mine ran out the door instead. I informed DH that SD is not allowed in our home until he can tell her in front of me that she is to respect me as his wife. He has never done this. This means that over the 5 year period our marriage has changed somewhat so that my needs are first with me instead of his.
DH recently mentioned what SD is doing in her life to someone else. He has the right to see her or communicate with her as he wishes, but knows that I will have no part of her until I have his back. Your DH can kiss up all he wants but his actions show her that his marriage is his first priority. It just takes time but SD will get tired of it like mine did. I am sure any communication my DH has with SD is through his efforts, not hers. She never calls or acknowledges Father's Day, his birthday, Christmas, etc. Right now you may be upset but in time you will be thankful you do not have to put up with her behavior or the drama. It will be rare that you even think about her.
Thank you....yes this is
Thank you....yes this is exactly where I have been headed...to rarely even have to think about her!! It took some years...and in the beginning my husband didn't notice or didn't want to notice her rude but subtle behavior towards me. Then over the last few years I started speaking up and asking him what the problem was. He would then tell me to ask her. My response to that was yeah right in 9 years we have never even talked period. She never calls him or gives him gifts ever either. The only time she did call was when she needed something. Now she has not talked to him since their fight New Years weekend. Like other have said....good riddance.
Thank you....yes this is
Thank you....yes this is exactly where I have been headed...to rarely even have to think about her!! It took some years...and in the beginning my husband didn't notice or didn't want to notice her rude but subtle behavior towards me. Then over the last few years I started speaking up and asking him what the problem was. He would then tell me to ask her. My response to that was yeah right in 9 years we have never even talked period. She never calls him or gives him gifts ever either. The only time she did call was when she needed something. Now she has not talked to him since their fight New Years weekend. Like other have said....good riddance.
Your SD sounds like a very
Your SD sounds like a very toxic person and in many ways it is fortunate she has chosen to distance herself. I appreciate though, this would at times be hurtful to your DH and consequently yourself. I think DH offering the olive branch now and then is a good thing, not something he should do constantly but definitely a couple of times a year and I envision it will be declined for quite some years. Usually people like your SD don't know how to accept an apology nor do they ever apologise, so I imagine she will keep her distance for a very long time to come. Enjoy the peace in the meantime
Wow you nailed it on this
Wow you nailed it on this one!! I don't think she would ever accept the apology or ask!! He has texted her a few times over since Jan...Easter...Mothers Day...with no response other than the usual no thanks go on with your life with your wife and step kids! I will enjoy the peace.
I had two SM's and never
I had two SM's and never mistreated them, out of respect for my Father; who by the way is going to be 100 next month. Yes, there's a big party planned; he has a girlfriend who will be attending too. My Dad is amazing and lives alone in his own home. I do not mistreat his girlfriends either.
wow happy birthday to your
wow happy birthday to your dad!! 100 and with a girlfriend...good for him. I just don't get how someone can have so much hate toward someone who has done nothing but try to do good and be kind!!
My SD is just jealous that DH
My SD is just jealous that DH and I have enjoyed life for 36 years and plan to keep doing so. Her problem, not mine; I am actually enjoying my disengagement, don't have to tolerate my grown SD and grown SGD (mother/daughter). They are pathetic women.