Lucky PT SM's
Those of you complaining g of ur sks that only have to deal with them on weekends and school breaks please BE VERY GREATFUL! I would Love to be a PT sm. I'm with these nitwits 24.7 not even a trip to granny's or an aunts house. Their moms family is non existent. Mom is strung out on any drug her cunt can afford her. While I at 25 am left raising her 3 7,10 and 11 and my 2 age 6 and 7 months. I wish she would clean up her life and remember those 3 things that are supposed to be her heart her pride her joy. Snap out of it and come get her kids! I'd love them every other weekend but it's not fair I'm stuck with her responsibility while she's out doped up! Life's not fair duh but that vent sure did feel good!
I can't imagine full-time. I
I can't imagine full-time. I think I'd leave.
Stepmonster (great book!) says that, ultimately, part-time is harder / more disruptive to the home. I don't know. The joy I feel when skids leave is wonderful...
My sks are good kids and we
My sks are good kids and we had to grow to mesh with each other I run a tight ship and we follow a schedule everyday homework chores studying bath dinner bed. Theres occasional hiccups in them not giving me the same respect they give their dad but nothing to HATE them over. I have grown to love them I just dream of what it had been like if they're mom wasn't a heroin addict.
When there are children in
When there are children in the world that are not yours you totally get to go live your life with out thoughts about what happens to them. Now many people will make financial commitments to help relieve the suffering of the anonymous masses. And that's a good thing.
But you cannot destroy and sacrifice your life for others. Well you can - but it is a BIG mistake.
I often think our lives would
I often think our lives would be so much easier if it were all or nothing. 50/50 is so hard and frustrating sometimes. So while I'm grateful for my weeks off, I am a little envious of your situation too!
Wow I can't imagine being a
Wow I can't imagine being a full time SM. I am a completely disengaged SM EOWE and basically " single " every second week from Friday to Monday morning. I told DH I would leave him if this changes to more skids time . It doesn't appear it will - while BM is a bitter , jealous " victim " , she does care about her kids and is anxious for them to come back to her place . It's one thing her and I have in common lol .
I have to agree with lady. No
I have to agree with lady.
No one here is stuck. There's nothing stopping a SM from telling her husband that his kids are his responsibility. If these men were single, they would figure out chores, ,meals, transportation, homework....on their own.
When they have a spouse who makes the choice to step in and play mommy, they don't have to worry about parenting.
So if mom dies and your
So if mom dies and your husband does the right thing, you will divorce him???
It would feel Soooooo good to
It would feel Soooooo good to get a break. Hell I get a break from my own kids but there's no break anymore because while my daughter is with her dad and my son is with my mom I still have his 3. Just one weekend a month would be nice. I'm not belittling anyone's expierence but it is very hard when NO ONE from their family is involved not even a grandparent. I am a 24.7 stepper ent and no I'm not "stuck" but before the kids came when it was just me DH and my BioD and her dad lived in another state DH stepped up to the plate in every way possible so I wouldn't turn my back on him I do love the kids it's just alot to go from 1 kid to 5 at the age of counting down already until they are off to college lol.
Have you considered sleep
Have you considered sleep away camp for all of the older kids (including your bio)? Plenty of camps have scholarships if money is an isssue. Now is the time to star getting applications in especially for the free/low cost camps.
BM is a stressed out anxiety
BM is a stressed out anxiety ridden helicopter parent who completely over schedules skids and can't wait for them to come back to her so she can interrogate them ( for hours I'm told ) about every aspect of their time with us and everything I did , wore , said and ate lol . I have a lot of fun with it . My happiest day is Monday mornings when DH shuttles them back to her . I could not and would not have skids at my house 24/7. I would get most certainly a divorce . I am extremely self sufficient , financially independent and DH is not on the deed of my house . I don't need to put up with crap and DH knows it . Hats off to SM's who do it full time . I simply couldn't .
What did you and your
What did you and your say?
exDf's girls pulled that ONCE. I made it clear to them that their mother had no say in my home. Their dad told them he would spank their butts if they disrespected me, misbehaved or did anything their mother and her sisters told them to while with us.
They were with us EOWE and a month during the summer. Their mother gave them the green light to do and say some crazy stuff, but they knew that neither one of us would put up with it.
dumb@$$ and MIL pulled that
dumb@$$ and MIL pulled that crap years ago with all three kids. the older two confirmed it to dh. kaos confirmed it by body language, and every time he'd do something to purposely annoy me or pi$$ me off, dh would call him out on it. years later, he STILL tries to push my buttons, dh STILL calls him out on it for the most part. but it's not quite as frequent as it used to be... he's ok to coexist with under the same roof about 50% of the time, towards me. another 30-40% of the time he's working on pissing off dh, which has nothing to do with me.
full-time was fine with oss. full-time is fine w/ lurch. full-time w/ kaos has proven to be very exhausting. alot of it depends on the kid themself, and the relationship the kid has had with the NCP.
I have a full time skid and I
I have a full time skid and I am not at all thrilled about it. I would be very happy if the skid was with us half the time or even less. I am not gonna lie.
We have our SS7 4-5 days a
We have our SS7 4-5 days a week and I'm the complete opposite of many of you. I've grown so close to SS7 that I wish his actual mom would move away or something. I feel like I'm trying to raise a normal boy and she's trying to raise a weirdo.