transgender stepkids
It's becoming popular for teens to say they are transgender. I read an article by a therapist about how she noticed that it correlates with being self centered and socially inept. That same therapist is super frustrated because treatment guidelines make it impossible to discuss gender and explore why teens are identifying as trans so much now. They are only allowed to support the identity.
My SD jumped on the bandwagon. Biomom does not know at all. I've been following this stuff on tumblr and reddit and it is pretty scary. A bunch of creepy old men are telling the teens that their parents don't care about them, that suicide is a rational response to your parents not wanting to get hormones and surgery, etc. She is banned from the internet at our house but she is not here often so it doesn't do much.
I think it is going to get a lot worse now that dh and I know but don't use the new name and pronouns. This is a really horrible way to try and control everyone in the family imo. It is also preventing treatment of her serious mental health problems, because all her internet friends tell each other that surgery and hormones fix everything when you are trans. I can't be the only one here dealing with this. I have not found any real evidence that this would help teens.
I know other people who transition their kids and that is their business. I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just looking for other people who noticed the trend and think their kids are using the label for personal gain.
"If the kid says they are
"If the kid says they are trans, embrace it. They don't need the internet to be trans. If they are "faking" it won't last long."
^^^^ Great advise.
Be kind and supportive of your SD.
Sexuality is fluid,
Sexuality is fluid, especially for teens who are trying to balance hormones and gender and social expectations. I'm bisexual but there were times in high school that I thought I was straight and times I thought I was gay. It wasn't for attention, no one knew but myself.
There isn't suddenly "a lot of 'Trans'". There's just less fear because not everyone is as closed minded and uneducated as yourself.
Being gay or trans is not a "cry for help". The only help people need is you to mind your own business when it comes to the sexuality and gender identity of others. And in a world with people like yourself and the OP, coming out is very brave.
This isn't about being PC, its about what is real and what is just some made up, conservative, religion fueled garbage.
Can you site the source for
Can you site the source for the therapist that you talk about in your first paragraph? What treatment guidelines only allow the therapist to "support the identity?" Most therapist are free to treat people however they want to.
I do think it is a trend for teens to be much more open about their sexuality. They tend to understand that sexuality is on a continuum and understand there can be some fluidity. It would follow that they would be more accepting and understanding of those who are trans as well.
You and DH might want to do some research on the subject on reputable web sites or even in books. I don't think reddit and tumblr are the best sources to find info to help understand your SD.
Sexuality is a continuum.
Sexuality is a continuum. That's a good way to put it. And understanding one's sexuality goes beyond the teen years for many people. There are many therapists who are trained to discuss sexual issues. I suggest you find one for YOURSELF so that you have knowledge and support before you try to figure out what to do with SD. Don't judge, just love.
I just saw your user name
I just saw your user name BibleOfMyDreams.........that poor kid is screwed.
I think you also have to cut
I think you also have to cut a hole in the to limit skin contact. After all, sex is only for procreation.
The bitch comes out in me
The bitch comes out in me when I see blatant discrimination. And yes - I do see people who are religious as usually the MOST un-tolerant people towards others peoples life style and choices. I make no apologies. My opinion from my 45 years on this planet and seeing it all around me.
Thank you for your opinion.
Thank you for your opinion. And yes - it did only take me seeing the words bible and her words to put the two together. It was painted, as you say, at her - not at everyone on this site to be very clear.
It may be un-tolerant of me, but it is where I stand on this. I see this so many times and it gets under my skin. It just does.
Nothing wrong with refusing
Nothing wrong with refusing to tolerate intolerance. Carry on!
Sing it sister!
Sing it sister!
I've had/have many LGBTQ
I've had/have many LGBTQ friends - including an openly gay, married Anglican Priest (one of my favourite people in the world) who was also a child & youth worker at his church. I've reached out to him for some advice.
The best thing is to sit sd down and talk - BUT DO LEGITIMATE RESEARCH FIRST. Find your local LGBTQ Alliance and make an appointment to talk to someone so that you're in the know from actual experts. If you don't have an LGBQT Alliance in your area, google LGBTQ Alliance where you'll find legitimate sources and contacts that you can reach out to. Ask your questions, ask if they can refer you to a support group closer to your area. You can't help sd if you don't have a solid base of information.
Sit down with sd and ask her what transgender means to her. Your first clue is if she can't define it or define it in terms of her own sexuality. If she scoffs and gives you attitude, then you may be correct that she's "trending". If she's nervous but gives you genuine and thoughtful replies, then it's very likely she's an LGBTQ person. Either way, you should arrange for her to speak with a qualified counselor within the LGBQT community. If she is "trending" then A) she won't want to go and you may see her move on or
the counselor will likely pick on indicators in her responses/behaviour and will be able to guide you both through this "phase". If she is LGBTQ, this will be the best thing you will ever do for her and your relationship with her. You'll be acknowledging that you accept her for who she is and that you'll get her the help she needs to make it through the roughest time of her life.
No matter how one personally feels on the subject, teens are so very breakable, especially ones struggling with issues of sexuality. The fear of being disowned/abandoned by family and disavowed by friends are nothing compared to the fear of physical violence/hazing that drives many of these kids to suicide.
My own anecdote - My Ex's brother is gay. When I met him I knew instantly but my Ex swore me to secrecy because his parents didn't know. When he came out 18/19, his mother (a strict french catholic) acted as though her world had ended and all but disowned him. She would cry and cry and cry. She'd give him books on how his being gay was ruining her life, like this was ALL ABOUT HER. He'd done something terrible TO HER and she couldn't see what she was doing to him.
She even swore him to secrecy with his grandparents, saying "it would kill them". Well, turns out when he did come out to his grandparents not long after, his grandma surprisingly and very kindly told him "Honey, we know. We've known since you were a little boy." And that was that. It didn't kill anyone. The rest of the family accepted and supported him, because he was who he always had been. He was a funny, intelligent, well-mannered, kind and loving young man. That didn't change because he loved men, in fact he was only able to finally be the best of himself because he could be himself without any more guilt or fear.
Now, that's not to say that you're situation is the same or different.
She is who she is. Take it slow and talk with her, not at her.
This is sincerely good
This is sincerely good advice. My oldest (~24) is trans*. My youngest and I have known for years, and #1's coming out made a lot of things make sense. My brother has known for a while. My parents and ex only recently found out.
Are there kids who think that trans* is the cool new thing to be? Probably. But, really, given the difficulties and dangers LGBTQ people face - who would really choose to make themselves a target? I fear for my oldest daily, not because of suicide, but because of ignorant and bigoted people.
Kids that young have no clue
Kids that young have no clue who or what they are. They can live as their birth gender until they launch and then they can become who they wish. IMHO of course.
I see no correlation between the OP's Stalk name and her need to comment and deal with her own feelings of her Skid's issue du juor. Very few of these kids are anything more than seeking attention or deflection for their behavioral bullshit. Most will grow up to be run of the mill men or women as the gender they are born and will be mortified of their teen bullshit in hind site.
The ones who are legitimate in their dismorphia can navigate their gender dismorphia or reassignment when they are adults and should be fully capable of rational thought. Until then they can do what every kid does. Suck it up and grow up navigating all of the teen angst and crap that every other person in history has had to navigate. These kids are nothing special because they fail to perform in a special manner. When they step up and excel, then they can be special and that includes being a special transgender person if they are in fact transgender. But that should occur when they are adults. Playing the fucked up issue du juor does not make them special. It makes them pathetic IMHO. Special will be when they act in a special manner rather than making excuses for their bullshit.
It's not like being gay at
It's not like being gay at all. She goes on rants about "truscum", which means people who think you need discomfort with your sex to be trans. It would be equivalent to thinking that you don't need same sex attraction to be gay.
What is left to trans if you are okay with your body? Only stereotypes, as if liking pink makes a person a girl. That's why sd is "trans".
That is why most trans kids are trans now.
You guys can check out transgendereeality . Com if you want to see what it is like now. I know that the t in lbgtq etc is there but its not like sexual orientation and in fact seems to be sterilizing a lot of children that otherwise would have grown in to happy gays and lesbians. A lot of homophobic parents are more willing to have a trans chip than a gay one.
"seems to be sterilizing a
"seems to be sterilizing a lot of children" :jawdrop:
Where in the world is this Nazi propaganda coming from?!
We are also experiencing this
We are also experiencing this at our house. Yes, there is much more acceptance of transgender people (though still not nearly enough), but I also agree that it seems to be a thing SOME teens are using to get attention. SD has claimed this off and on. She sees a therapist regularly who is a gender specialist. The therapist does not think SD is really transgender. She has mental health issues and it's been recommended that she go into intensive outpatient therapy at the psych hospital. Her mother denies that she has any issues and doesn't think she needs therapy. SD is refusing to go for a full psych eval, and mom backs her up on that. I am doing my best to remain disengaged, not because of her claim to be transgender, but because of all the other issues of living with a difficult teenage step child. Her dad (who I will be married to in two weeks) is the one who takes her to all her therapy appointments, speaks with her therapist regularly about how things are going at home, and wants her to go for the evaluation.
Why are you so concerned how
Why are you so concerned how your SD identifies? It's really none of your business. What is your business is that she does her chores, goes to school and is respectful to her parents and other people. Your SD will work out her identity in her own time. If she wants to get a gender reassignment surgery when she's old enough and can pay for it herself then that is her business.
You're following accounts on Tumblr and Reddit about Transgender folks...Why? A little curious are you? Quit following Caitlyn Jenner on Tumblr, read your bible and stop worrying how your SD sexually identifies.
Judge not, that ye be not judged.For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
A perspective.
My fiancé got a call from the
My fiancé got a call from the school social worker today. Apparently, there was a training to help schools set up policies for working with, and respecting the needs of, transgender kids. So SD's high school is actively working on this issue. The social worker collected the names of students who identify as another gender or who have asked to be called by a different name or who want to use a different pronoun. She's contacting the families of those kids, to make them aware of the school's efforts. She said that frankly, the list of kids is so long she doesn't know how she's going to get to all of them. The number of kids who are identifying as transgender has exploded in the last year. I'm sure a certain percentage of those kids are actually transgender. But, speaking as the step parent of one of those kids. I am pretty damn sure that she's a poser.