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faking panic attacks

bibleofdreams's picture

Anyone elses step kid do this? My SD was so anxious once she couldn't talk, so I took her to the dr. they gave her like 4 xanax until she could get in with a psychiatrist. They said it was probably a panic attack.

But then.... she had a "panic attack" whenever she didn't want to do something. Like we were at the airport with her sibling (a toddler), she was asked to watch him so we could get some food for everyone. We were all starving. But nope she wanted to mess around on her phone so she started freaking out, but she told her dad to fuck off (!!) during the "panic attack" and so DH and I both got suspicious and were obviously really mad that she acted that way.

The next time was being asked to clean her room. She fake hyperventilated and I did all the shit you are supposed to when someone panics, but she barked out demands between breaths and I straight up said "this has been going on for like 40 minutes. Panic attacks last 20, tops. You need to go to the hospital if you can't get it together."


I said "most people want to go to the hospital when they are really having a panic attack. they think they are dying and want help. This is something else and its not normal and I am taking you to the ER if you don't get it together in 5 minutes." Her dad and I were both just boiling with rage at this point because it was such a ridiculous theatrical production.
what do you know? SHe was immediately fine.

BUT SHE STILL CALLS THEM PANIC ATTACKS AND STILL SAYS SHE HAS THEM. it drives me insane! Freaking out to try and control other people isn't a panic attack. I've had them and I am just beyond angry that she fakes them even after being caught. Apparently her mom does this all the time so that she doesn't have to deal with adult problems like her car breaking down. Dysfunctional as hell over there.

Redredwine's picture

My BS pulled this sort of thing a year ago. It was a little different. He got himself all anxious and worked up and is a hypochondriac (probably got it from my one grandma) so he thought he was having panic attacks. I looked them up, had him explain his issues, and explained that he'd better keep looking on webmd since he didn't find the right thing yet.

evilicious says I quit steppin's picture

Yep. My SD did this when she lived here with us. Does it now when she doesn't feel like going to work. Hmmm. Wonder if this is why she has been job hopping. Her "stress levels" are just so f*cking high. If it doesn't get nipped now, it will nip your skid in the ass when it hits grown up time.

Gwynnafaye's picture

SD15 had "fainting spells" a few years ago. The thing is, they always happened when she was at a school assembly with lots of attention-giving witnesses. They never happened at any other time. DH and BM rushed her to the doctor who found nothing wrong. A couple of months ago, she was talking about "that time in her life" and said that she fainted because of her low blood pressure and her anxiety. A couple of weeks ago, the "fainting spells" turned into seizures (she hasn't "fainted" in a few years). She now has epilepsy ::insert major eyeroll here::.

If DH has an ache or pain, then SD has an ache or pain in the same area. DH had a back injury many years ago, so SD has back problems. DH is on his feet all day working in an unairconditioned shop, and his ankles swell because of it. SD has swollen ankles.

SS18 says he was bipolar when he was younger. I asked him when he was diagnosed. He said he was never diagnosed, but he knows he was bipolar . . . but says he isn't now. I couldn't convince him otherwise. It's like talking to a delusional brick wall. Skids always have "issues." They like to say how terrible their childhood was, how they have endured so much suffering, how they are children of divorce. Yeah, mine are too, but they don't dwell on all that shit.

I completely understand and emphasize your situation.

MissDirected's picture

Her doctor should've given the Xanax yo YOU, for having to deal with the bullshit!