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Let the disengagement begin,

boozlendidsmom's picture

SD is back at our house tonight, after her father went to her mother's house and convinced her to come back. I let him know that I intend to steer clear of her, that the three of us won't be going anywhere or doing anything together, and that he can handle whatever issues come up with her. He seemed to be on board with that.

So I came home from my daughter's house and my fiancé and I were sitting in the livingroom talking. She was in her room. She came downstairs to the livingroom and just stood there in front of us while we were talking. He finally asked her if she needed something. She looked at me and asked me where her incense was. Seriously! I got rid of that stinky crap a while ago, along with a lighter and candles. No way is she burning anything in that room! Clearly, she was looking to pick a fight. I didn't give it to her. I just told her I wasn't going to talk about. She went back upstairs. I'm now finishing my second glass of wine. Thank goodness for wine! I think I will stay out again tomorrow.

boozlendidsmom's picture

I'm sure she's going to give it her best shot. Ever since her mother's husband moved out after a big fight with ss, this girl seems to be trying to get me out in a similar manner. And I believe that her mother would love to see our relationship fail, so she's backing the kid up on her bad behavior. With our wedding coming up in October, she's going to be a real joy between now and then. Fortunately, her father sees this, although he doubts that it's a conscious effort. Ha!

over step's picture

Teach us oh wise one!

Puke tried to burn that carp and I had an allergic reaction to it so is not allowed any more. I've known something has been up cuz I've found lighters in her room and I know that she has smoked mj and is smoking cigarettes.

Yet another reason for puke to hate me. Sweet! Now on to my next mission.

boozlendidsmom's picture

Get this--her dad bought her the incense! He said they got it at a little hippie shop they stopped into one day. I'm sure he got caught up in the moment and couldn't say no. He said he forgot how sensitive I am to scents. I guess he also forgot his no burning rule. Maybe he thought she would think just having the stuff would be cool enough. But I found it with a lighter and also with some candles. I removed all of it. I told him he needs to tell her not to question me about where things went. Also, he should remind her that if he room is picked up and there are no odd smells coming from it, nobody will have a reason to go in there.

Andie91801's picture

I would give her a dirty look from head to toe then told DH you deal with your daughter and walk away. Oh...on your way out talk over your shoulder this is my house and if I see something i don't like or not safe I will throw it out }:)


boozlendidsmom's picture

It's not so much that I dislike the smell. Things like incense, perfumes, and air fresheners often give me bad headaches and cause my throat to burn. I kept telling her dad that I thought she was spraying perfume in there. He would ask her if she was spraying something and she always denied it. Last week, I found some god awful $3.99 perfume in there that was NOT in a spray bottle. That went right to the trash. In the past, I've removed body sprays, air fresheners, and the insence. If she would shower more, wash her clothes, and not leave rotten food in there, she wouldn't need all that stuff!

over step's picture

SO told puke that incense was making me hack so she couldn't burn it. Later that night she was burning it again but SO told her to open a window. Like that's going to help. Thanks for looking out for my well being darling.

boozlendidsmom's picture

How thoughtful of him. Sheesh! I have a good friend who used to be a step mom. She complained of how lonely it was when her sd was at her house. I really never understood until I found myself in this situation.

BTW, I love the nicknames you all have for you step kids. My sd is named after a precious gem. My own daughters started referring to her as Coal. It stuck. Did I mention that my girls can't stand her?

jsalomone's picture

Being a step mother is the most thank less job. If had I had the slightest notion of what life was going to be like w/ those lying stealing bitches, I would have never committed to this relationship.