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Ho hum for the holidays

boozlendidsmom's picture

And so the holiday break begins. I have 11 days off from work. I'm dreading the fact that SD14 will be with us for six of those days. She will be around for my birthday, so I definitely don't want to be home. That I have to deal with her for Christmas, coupled with the fact that one iof my own 2 daughters can't make it home for the holidays, is causing me to feel pretty down. It's going to be a rough week. I will do my best to remain disengaged. I might need to come on here and rant a time or two.

TwoOfUs's picture

In the same boat. Have two of our three teen skids for the week leading up to Christmas - the 26th (really more like ten days, Friday the 17th through the following Saturday...but we got them Thursday night, too, for STAR WARS premiere).

It's just hard to go from EOWE to having them three weekends out of the month...17 days total for the month rather than the usual 7-8. I'm climbing the walks over here. Combine that with the fact that three of my siblings are in town, over at my mom's, with their kids...and I feel like I can't get much peaceful visiting in thanks to shuttling kids around to various all just has me down.

hereiam's picture

I really feel for all of you who have to put up with step kids for extended periods during the holidays, especially if you are off of work and it should be YOUR time. Ugh!

boozlendidsmom's picture

She is always here half time, which is torture. Since I work for the same school district where she goes to school, we almost always have the same days off. Sigh. I'm hoping she will stay at her grandfather's house for my birthday, but when I asked about it, I didn't get a straight answer from my husband. I know my tolerance for her presence has become pretty limited.

Hey, does anybody else have a problem with step kids blasting their music when they're in the bath/shower? This makes me nuts! I'm forever asking my husband to tell her to turn it down. I think it's really inconsiderate, especially if I'm in the next room trying to sleep. I wish that stupid iPod would disappear!

Skyerocket73's picture

I love this! I feel the same way when the SD is home on vacation when I am. I'm so intolerant of the grumpy BS. Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone. I'm already checking movie times so I can sneak out to a show when everyone is home for the break.
The kids don't need music in the shower, period. They end up wasting time and thus water/ electricity -- get in, get out. There should also be a volume level that is agreed to, no one wants to deal with that everyday. If they can'trespect the repeated requests for a reasonable level, no more music in the bathroom.
Good luck.

boozlendidsmom's picture

So she finally dragged her lazy butt out of bed at noon to come downstairs to eat a cinnamon roll her father baked for her. When she was done, she walked away and left the gate open. I called after her to tell her to lock it, but she ignored me and went back in her room. Before I could get there, my naughty dog ran in and stole a roll. I was so mad! Then I noticed that she also left the microwave open. Sigh. I walked upstairs to take a shower and saw that she hadn't flushed the toilet after she pooped. She almost never does and she usually doesn't use toilet paper. If she were my kid, we wouldn't be having these issues. But this kid does whatever she wants. So sick of it.

boozlendidsmom's picture

Right!!! At that age, I showered twice a day! And I would have died of embarrassment if I'd forgotten to flush the toilet. This is the same kid who once left a bloody tampon in my shower. I almost freaked out on that one. She was leaving used pads and bloody, poop stained underwear all over her room. That's when I went in and cleared her floor. Everything went in the garbage. I told DH that anything she left on her floor when she left for her mother's house each week would be gone. I've stuck to that rule since the summer and I've thrown away a lot of clothing. I will never allow it to get that disgusting in this house again.

Cover1W's picture

I just gave my DP this ultimatum yesterday.
If her room is left in a state like the last two times (the latest yesterday) I'm going in there with trash bags and EVERYTHING not put away will be taken care of MY way.

boozlendidsmom's picture

One of my students baked scones with his mom and gave them to me as a Christmas gift. This morning I realized that while we were out celebrating my birthday last night, SD14 finished them off. I had them tucked away in a cabinet she had no reason to be in. They were marked with a gift tag. I said something to her about eating my gift. No response. It was like a big screw you. Of course, it was 6:00 am and DH made her drag her lazy butt out of bed. He had to be at work at 7:00 and I told him she could not stay here in the house with me. She wanted to sleep in and saunter over to her mom's at her leisure. No way. She had a drama at her mom's this past week where she tried to go out a second floor window after her mother asked her to clear the dining room table. Im not dealing with that kind of crazy. I'm pretty pissed about the scones. It's not so much the scones as it is me just being fed up with her and her BS. But I really was looking forward to having a scone for breakfast.

boozlendidsmom's picture

Happy birthday! I hope you get to enjoy it. My SD is gone until Wednesday and then she will only stay until Friday. Supposedly, she has plans to stay at a friend 's house Thursday night, but her plans often fall through. She mostly stays in her room when she's here, which seems unhealthy but it's also a relief. I just called to make an appointment with a therapist for myself. Even though I'm disengaged and I have extremely limited interaction with her, I still find it difficult to be in the same house with her.