Severe SD Anxiety!
I am at my wits end! Hopefully there’s some big advice out there for me! I apologize in advance that this is long, but I am really in need of help and want to get all the pertinent details out.
I am in a live in relationship with my SO. We have been together 18mo, and my 14yr old DS and I moved in 6mo ago. My SO has two daughters, SD20 (whom I adore, but she lives on her own) and SD14 (who lives with us and I’m having major issues with). SO has full custody of SD14. BM is a POS who lives in the same town and maybe sees her daughter 3 or 4 times a year. The reason that ended their marriage was truly APPALLING (but that’s a story for another day).
My SO is the man of my dreams. He’s wonderful! Our relationship is wonderful! The only thing we ever fight about is SD14. When we first met, I not only fell in love with SO, I fell in love with her too. She was this funny, adorable, thoughtful girl. It wasn’t until SO and I had been together for a while that I began to realize that SO didn’t make her do anything she didn’t want to do. At 14 she should be being taught to be responsible for her own things, belongings, homework, pet, chores, etc. I was nervous before moving in, but thought it would be ok. I guess I figured there would be more compromise between the two lifestyles. I’m in no way a strict parent, but my DS is responsible for his own things and picks up after himself, etc. SD leaves everything she has, wherever she sees fit in dropping it. And unless I pick it up, it will stay there for all eternity. DS has chores. SD has none.
She is wasteful, which is a big pet peeve of mine, and she has no concept in the value of a dollar.
When DS and I moved in to their house, things began changing. Partly because I expect certain things out of my son and I guess I was silly to expect certain things from her as well. If I reminded her to pick up after herself, she would roll her eyes or give me a nasty attitude. I spent a long time ignoring it. I didn’t say anything to her, or SO. I should also mention that SD is severely ADHD and not medicated. She has obvious emotional issues because of what her mother did to the family. She has no friends at all. Her older sister doesn’t like to spend time with her because she is so hyper. So really the only people she has to “hang out with” is her grandmother and her father. When her sister wont hang out with her, she manipulates SO into doing something with her to make her feel better (And that’s not my interpretation. I heard that from her own grandmother). I have had several conversations with SO about needing more alone time (because SD is quite literally always around. She bursts into our room without knocking and actually walked in on us being intimate once.). A once a month date night… something! He usually tells me that he agrees and we do need more alone time, BUT SD has no one else and he can’t leave her with her grandmother because she isn’t in great health and her grandfather doesn’t want her around. We have also had conversations about her attitude and I have been told that I have an attitude in return (Hell yeah I do! Duh!) and also that SD hates being corrected and “that’s just how she is” and if I need to correct her, I should come to him and have him do it (tried that, but he usually doesn’t do it).
So after months of arguing and fighting and things getting worse and worse, things came to a head yesterday. I began packing to leave after I was told that I was “mean to her”, something I have NEVER in my life been accused of. When I confronted her and asked if she really thought I was mean to her, she proceeded to tell me that “knitpicking” at her about picking up after herself, and having a relationship with her sister (because she doesn’t) were rude and mean. The biggest, scariest thing in all this is that I honestly felt like she was enjoying it. She told me I brought this on myself. And after she told a complete and total lie to SO about our conversation, I asked her to clear it up because my character was being assassinated and her response was “Do u want me to feel sorry for u??” I have to wonder what other “misunderstood words” she has told SO or her Grandmother about me. How many lies has she told? Because Grandmother and I don’t have the same wonderful relationship we used to. SD is incredibly sheltered and naïve and gets completely offended when SO or I curse. However, yesterday when she stood up to me and told me how she felt, she cursed several times. I have also heard stories of when she was a little girl and her sister wouldn’t play with her, she slammed herself up against a wall and began screaming. When the parents came running, she said that her sister had shoved her against a wall. (When a 7yr old child starts behavior like this, I can’t imagine them never doing it again.) She told me yesterday that I would not get “alone time” with her Daddy because she has no one else and that I was “just jealous of and Daddy”.
SO thinks SD can do no wrong. He feels sorry for her because no one wants her around. I understand feeling the need to be on your childs side. But after yesterday I watched her enjoy the confrontation with me and realized, she wants me out! I think I am threatening her “place” as her Daddy’s BFF and making it difficult for her to do everything with only him. SD20 has told me that this is her MO. That she has done this before and has done this to her (SD20) her entire life. SO treats SD20 differently than SD14 because he feels sorry for her and acts as if she can do no wrong.
So, what do I do? I have come to the realization that no matter how great my relationship with SO is, if she wants me out, she’s gonna work her ass off (for a change) until I’m gone. At this point, I’m trying desperately not to hate (or punch her in the face) because I know this is probably all a manifestation of being abandonded by her BM and maybe a little bit of Oedipus complex. But I also feel that her behavior is somewhat sociopathic. I don’t know how to move on or act normal now and if I try talking to SO about her, it will not end well. I really don’t want my relationship to end, but I don’t know what else to do at this point. I have started taking anxiety meds because of all this. HELP!
How do I find barkatthemoon's
How do I find barkatthemoon's story? (I'm obviously new here. LOL) When I searched the name it took me to a general thread page where I couldn't find anything that said anything about barkatthemoon. I'm dying to read what she's going thru!
MissDirected, To find Moon's
To find Moon's posts, all you have to do is go to the Teenage Stepchildren forum (which you are on). Look to the left side and you will see the names of the posters next to the threads that they've started. Click on Moon's name; this will take you to a different screen. It's her profile. At the bottom it will say something like bookmarks and blog entries. Click on her bookmarks. Listed you will find her posts along with other posts from different people. Find the ones she wrote and it will take you where to go to read your story. You will find multiple posts on several pages. If you want to start at the beginning, go to the last page. The most recent bookmarks will be on page 1.
If you want to read She's Driving Me Crazy, go to the Adult Stepchildren forum. She doesn't bookmark her posts but you should find one on the first page. If you would like to read her older stuff, then go to the Google Custom Search which is located at the top left of the screen. Type in "She's driving me crazy" and you will be able to see different things you can click on. Some will be her's and others listed will be threads where she has left comments. Just look at whether or not it was posted by her and it should lead to her story. She's been posting for the 2 years that I've been on StepTalk. She has a really CRAZY adult SD who is in her 50's. You will be shocked at what this woman has been through. You will be shocked at what Moon is dealing with as well. These 2 stepdaughters are nuts with a capital "N".
Both of these women have incredibly compelling stories. They both have good writing styles so you will find that you can follow the story easily.
Good luck to you and your situation. I'm really sorry for what you are going through. You will find a lot of support and experience here.
Thank you Amber! I appreciate
Thank you Amber! I appreciate your help so much! I think I'm gonna be reliant on this board to keep what little sanity I have left for the next few months!
No problem! I'm happy to
No problem! I'm happy to help. I think you will enjoy coming here when you need help or advice.
Take Care
Oh yeah, BTW no we aren't
Oh yeah, BTW no we aren't married. We had been talking about getting married and even looked at rings right before I moved in. Then the talk ceased! Yesterday he told me "Why would I marry someone who has a crappy relationship with my daughter?" To which I wanted to say "Well I guess we're not getting married then because that child wants me gone and will see to it that our relationship is never anything but "crappy". But, I refrained because I was already to tired of fighting and I knew that would set it all off again. I'm about to have a 3rd back surgery and because of nerve damage, the more stress I have, the worse I hurt.
Oh he DEFINITELY has no clue
Oh he DEFINITELY has no clue he's a bad parent! And unfortunately this strategy has been tried and works about as well as telling him his daughter has a problem!
Your SO is a huge part of the
Your SO is a huge part of the problem so if he is not willing to control and parent his daughter, I would move out.
Whether you continue the relationship after that is up to the two of you but remember, this girl is not going to grow up to be self-sufficient and on her own like her sister. You will, more than likely, always be dealing with her and your SO will be taking care of her forever. Where does that leave you?
You will be saddled with her crazy ass FOREVER.
Or go read
Or go read ShesDrivingMeCrazy's posts for a look at your life in 30 years. If Daddy doesn't put a stop to it when they're young, this shit never ends.
It's only been 18 months, I
It's only been 18 months, I would move out if I were you. Let him deal with her crazy little ass and if he likes being alone with only his psycho daughter for company for the rest of his life, then so be it. Don't put yourself or your kid through any of this for a second longer. Sounds like SO and Little Lizzy Borden need some serious help.
Wow... I think you should
Wow... I think you should finish packing and get the hell outa there. If there is any hope here it lies with your SO and his "parenting". If you are there to "help" then he will continue to let her spiral. If you are not there, what happens next with SO and SD could go either way.
There's no way anyone is going to convince your SO that his little princess is an evil bitch....even if he witnesses it himself. Get you and your child Out Of There. If you relationship with SO is going to survive, it won't happen under these circumstances (and I think you know that). It's time to call the shots and see where it lands.
He has chosen SD14 over SD20.
He has chosen SD14 over SD20. There is really no room for you. I would call U Haul.
Single Dad. Teenage
Single Dad.
Teenage Daughter.
Red flags!
Worse situation possible. My husband has 3 daughters ages 16, 19 and 22. And they all could do no wrong.
No real advice sorry(((HUGS)))
Thank you all so much for
Thank you all so much for your responses! I was afraid the general consensus might be leave, but I was hoping there might be another way. That's the worst part about all this... I have waited my whole life to find a man that makes me feel the way he does. It's only the issues with SD that get in the way. He's great with my DS. I guess I was just hoping for something other than what I knew was enevitable.
Unfortunately, leaving isn't as simple as leaving. I am about to have back surgery and am not currently working. Until I have surgery, I can't get a job. Ergo, I can't get a place for DS and I. So for the next few months, I am going to have to work my way thru a mine field and try to survive! Sleeping with one eye open!
If you don't have enough
If you don't have enough money to move out, use what little you do have to buy wireless nanny cameras and hook it up to your computer. DO NOT let SO or SD know they are in the house. You really need to protect your child from both your SO and SD. All it would take is for SD to say your DS touched her to her father. Get those cameras in for your own self protection and proof of what a little monster she is.
Holy crap! I never thought of
Holy crap! I never thought of that! I actually have some nanny cams in storage that I'll be picking up in the morning! Thank you, thank you, thank you! My DS is a good kid with a bright future. I'd hate to have to go to prison protecting that future!
Can your son live with his
Can your son live with his dad until you move? If SD feels like she isn't getting anywhere by going after you, she will start in on your son.
BD lives in another state and
BD lives in another state and has a new perfect family. Every other weekend my DS spends time in his room... in the basement (which also serves as new wife's home office).
Living with his father is
Living with his father is better than risking a vengeful SD going after him. 5hat girl can make your son's life a living hell.
Let's see......the difference
Let's see......the difference now with my SD19 as compared to when she was 13?......Ummm, BM is dead and instead of EOWE it's every college break. I went downstairs this morning and there was dried egg and shredded cheese all over my stovetop and counter. It was 6am and I was out the door. I didn't clean it, but I wanted to. SD19 hasn't grown up at all. She's even a bigger bitch because she's older. You and I are living the dream in similar ways, lol I am stuck because I'm married but I am saving finances so I can get out. You aren't married but need your surgery and then you can get income and leave. I have neck and back pain from fibromyalgia and disc degeneration.
You are not married so you have that going for you. My SD19 is similar to yours in that she just wants "someone to be nice to her." Well, that's how it started on Tuesday and after about the third sassy backtalk remark, I lost my shit on her. I really want to get back to the place where DH and I were before, but even if we make it back there as a couple, SD19 will be around for the rest of my life. And then she'll have little SD19 babies that she would want DH to watch for free. SD13 has announced that she is transgendered and is a boy now. This started at the beginning of the school year.
I suggest that you start thinking about an exit plan. If nothing else, THINK about it more and more to get your mind used to the possibility of leaving. Last March, the idea was very foreign to me, thinking about leaving. But I opened a savings account and put some money in it. Now I move all of my paychecks to it. I think every day about leaving, and I search for a place to rent every day. I may have to call an attorney on Monday if DH doesn't get his head out of his ass. There is really nothing left for me here.
Read my posts that started last July 2014. Nothing has changed. So, I have my exit plan in the works. Move East and we can be roommates, lol.
~ Moon
I'm already East! Let's do
I'm already East! Let's do it! And I LOVE big dogs! I have a doberman who is the biggest baby ever.
I'm from Atlanta. Moved to TN to care for my parents who both had cancer. During that time, I met my SO and well... I guess the rest is history. 
That's exactly what I've
That's exactly what I've decided to do. And it's not going to be too difficult since SO's attitude toward me has completely changed since the Thursday afternoon confrontation with SD. I'm sure she told him of more horrible, awful things I did to her. Yesterday evening I asked SO if he was going to ride with me to take DS to meet his Dad for his EOWE visit. We each drive an hour and meet at the state line. SO has ALWAYS gone along for the ride. Yesterday he didn't feel like it. However... right before we left, he and SD left too. He took her fishing... for FIVE hours? On my way home from dropping off DS, I saw them heading in the direction of home, but when they saw me, they turned. He didn't come home for another 2hrs. WTH? Then this morning he went to work. I texted and asked why he was working today. He proceeded to tell me he works every other saturday. I'm sorry, but when I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that I am right, I'm a bit argumentative. So, we proceed to argue over text for an hour about the fact that he keeps saying he works on Saturdays, when I KNOW he does not!!! Then when the evil princess decided to rise & shine at 11:30, she went over to the shop (His business is on our property). It's like he's purposely staying away from the house (or maybe keeping SD away so she doesn;t have to deal with the wicked step monster!). Yet, in the hours of 11pm - 7am, he acts totally normal toward me. Hell he even tried to get some at 6am and I pretended like I was dead asleep! SERIOUSLY? After a week like this, they still think with their dicks!
BTW - I talked to BF yesterday evening about DS staying with him for the Summer. But it's going to kill me to send my child away!

It will be hard on you but it
It will be hard on you but it will be ten thousand times worse on you to see her accuse him of something. You're doing the right thing.
OP, you moved into his home.
OP, you moved into his home. Wit the way he's acting now, what will you do if he tells you to move out?
I guess not have surgery.
I guess not have surgery. Live in constant pain. And go back to work. But I don't think that will happen (unless shit goes seriously sideways with SD). I'm just disengaging as much as possible and trying to get thru it. No waves coming from this side of the ocean! (But Dear Lord, please give me the strength to hold my tongue!)
This is why I have never
This is why I have never co-habitated with a man since BF and I split up 9yrs ago! I never wanted to be that woman who moves her kid around with every new relationship. I feel horrible that I've put my son in this situation!