DW's dis-enabling work continues and then some.........
I hurried home from work yesterday so DW and I could go meet the real estate agent to look at a house (nope not the one lol). DW tells me that SD20 has someone there that she was told isn’t supposed to be there, I say nothing, this was something that DW established not me. On our way to meet the agent DW says that I would have been proud her because she really lit into SD20 over allowing this person over, she didn’t make her leave but her reasoning was that SD20 said she had the friend there to help her pack and to move somethings out to this friends home we believe. DW agrees to drive them out there later that evening just to get some of SD20’s stuff out of our house and the move getting started, in her words.
I ask, how is SD20 going to live in such n such a place and still work at blank without her own transportation, DW says she believes that SD20 is no longer working but just hasn’t said anything, all very non chalantly and adding that SD20 will have to learn on her own.
The day before DW got a call from SD26, she had been staying with a guy in his parents home, the parents were being supportive but strict about her staying there. Accordding to SD26 guy starting getting verbally abusive to her so she left and his mother was a psycho ( the last part is key).
After dinner with the in laws MIL states that SD26 got a place with said guy earlier that day, DW hadn’t heard anything about this, so sorted out SD26 and or guy got caught with drugs in guys parent’s house and they were kicked out, she refers to people being psycho when they catch her doing something but still denies it ever happened, DW has been a psycho on numerous occasions.
When we get home SD20 and friend emerge from SD20’s hole and she states they are going to start walking ( not carrying anything packed ) for such n such, DW says , “I told you I would give you a ride, I just have to get the kids in bed.” SD 20 states that she will find a ride and walks out with friend.
DW is confused and disappointed that stuff didn’t leave, she wonders why they waited to leave until after we got home, I tell her it was directed at her intentionally to make her feel bad or sorry for SD20, which she states she doesn’t.
I go to the kitchen to get things ready for the morning, SD20 apparently made herself some eggs and left the whole mess on the stove for the kitchen fairy to clean up. I go to get my breakfast stuff together for work (premade in a baggy in the fridge) and it’s gone, I also notice that I only have protein shake left and there should have been two, SD20 and friend certainly made themselves at home. DW is pissed she says but I just respond that there’s nothing we can do, we have said things in the past at it hasn’t mattered, she’ll be gone soon enough, inside I’m seething, the food was a personal attack on me, SD20 knows what foods I take to work and those protein shakes are expensive, little b!tch !
When getting ready for bed I tell DW that I don’t always have a response when we first talk about something, I usually in all situations think of something I should have said or would like to have said later on. I tell her when she told me earlier that I would have been proud of her is wrong, I am proud of her I told her, I know that pushing her kids to grow up is very difficult for her but it’s the right thing for them and for us. She thanked me for that and talked a bit more about the days events with the Skids behaviors, still on the same page and getting better at communicating about it as well. I mentioned I try not to say to much negative about the SDs because I know it hurts her to hear it but she said that I need to vent as well. It has been almost like she has been reading posts here, and if so…. Then very well, she hasn’t come at me about anything I have written here so it must be acceptable, if she’s not reading here then she’s getting some advice from elsewhere and I’m thankful for that.
I know that she will very possibly backslide with the enabling at some point, but right now she is staying strong, even though she is being torn up inside, she even stated so, that it feels like she is losing both her kids now, but she knows he has to do to get some peace in the home.
So please pray, send good vibes or whatever you do, to my DW that she can stay strong and find peace with this part of her life, I am proud of her.
- Major Blunder's blog
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I get so irritated when I
I get so irritated when I have something saved and it just disapears! My DH has a few times a month where he has to work a 24 hr shift. I make sure that I make meals that are good reheated and that he likes so that we have leftovers for him while he is on shift. DH isn't allowed to leave the room he has to stay in- so he can't just run out for a bite. Anyway, SS18 is famous for getting into those and "forgetting" what I said about those being for dad and he didn't think the note was "from this time" -- Grrrrr....
I am so happy to hear that DW is standing strong!! This is hard on her but she is doing it!! YAY!!
We do also sometimes
We do also sometimes specifically mark food with our names but these were not but it' not like it was something new, I have always had the same breakfast to take and the protein shakes well come on !!!!!!
She's been doing this alot lately, earlier in the week I found a beer bottle cap under the couch (barely), DW bought me a six pack about 2 months ago and there were two left in the fridge ( I'm a raging alcoholic lol), look in the fridge and low and behold only one beer. Ask SD20 about and she has no idea !!! Yep must have been the toddler boozing it up again.
Darn toddlers... always
Darn toddlers... always taking the good beer too!
A Yuengling for gosh darn it
A Yuengling for gosh darn it all sakes !!!!!!!!!!! Little bugger, at least he has good taste lol
A 20 year old who can't use
A 20 year old who can't use Uber or Lyft...yeah she's screwed.
I hate the whole taking food to be a passive aggressive jerk. Spawn used to take my salads that I had for lunch and have them for a "snack"...she would always bat her eyelashes and feign ignorace that they were there for my lunch, even if they were marked.
As for DW sounds like she is turning a corner, I still think she could do with some help (maybe reading a book) on enabling addicts, could help her feel less guilt.
The book is a good idea, it's
The book is a good idea, it's just giving it to her without causing a backlash. I don't think she sees herself as an enabler so a book about being an enabler might be off putting, have to put some thought into this one of how to make that work.
Thanks for the idea !!
I can't decide if your DW
I can't decide if your DW truly feels fully what she's saying, but at least it feels she's standing up and making an attempt to create order. I'm glad you got her back too, that'll make it easier for you both!
As for the protein shakes... No one touches my protein... Ever... I too would be seething...
Sad thing is they aren't even
Sad thing is they aren't even good protein shakes, they are walmart brand lol I have the reverse problem than alot of others here, I have dropped over pant sizes in under a year and never tried to do it, so I am trying to put weight back on and this was one of the ways I was doing it, so basically the little brat was stealing my health!