Anyone ever sink to (embarrassing) levels with their SKIDS?
Who wants to admit that they've been what some might call "childish" (of course those "some" would be people who've never had to endure the wrath of an evil skid of course) in dealing with their skids? Please tell me I'm not the only one who has stooped to a level of immaturity that would make our own mothers shake their heads at us!
I'll start... SD14 always spends 45min in the bathroom every morning (doing what, IDK because she always come out with a pony tail and no makeup on!), causing DS14 to wait on normal morning bathroom stuff and inevitably making us chronically late. She always does her makeup in the car. Can I also interject here that SD14 is particularly evil in the mornings. I mean downright nasty. SO has seriously dumped cold water on her to get her up before. So, I'm driving SD14 and DS14 to school one morning and she smarted off to me one too many times. I look in the rearview and see that she's putting on bright pink lipstick. Well what do you know, low and behold I could've sworn a squirrel jumped out in front of the car because I had to slam on my breaks to avoid it. Hot pink lipstick all over the face.
Yes, yes I know I should be ashamed of myself, but can we all just take a moment to pat me on the back for not punching her in the face yet?
Done that! Ever turn off the
Done that! Ever turn off the water in the middle of a 30+ minute (really hour+ shower)? The screams are fantastic.
Ooh ooh yes! I've done that
Ooh ooh yes! I've done that one before too. Or just turned on the water in another bathroom so it runs out quicker during the princesses hour long shower (aka audition for the voice at the top of her lungs!)
Leave shit laying around my
Leave shit laying around my house one too many times and I throw your stuff OUT. I'm not the maid.
That's funny. You really do
That's funny. You really do have a creative, (and maybe a little warped?), mind. }:)
Thunderfoot is WAY TOO lazy
Thunderfoot is WAY TOO lazy to look for anything. You do remember the hamster incident right?
OMG Sally, that is
OMG Sally, that is BRILLIANT!!! Now I'm off to find a good hiding place for one of each pair of shoes evil spawn owns! Your mind may be a little warped, but I Love it!!!
You know that special hiding
You know that special hiding place where adults keep their, uh... adult things, "OMG! SO, why is SD's shoe in my nightstand drawer??? What is wrong with that child??? Why no, actually I no longer feel like satisfying your manly needs tonight. I'm too traumatized ." (Heh heh heh...Now it has multiple benefits!)
Well now that school is
Well now that school is out...there are no shoes lying around because she never goes anywhere to actually have to wear them. And we are moving into a new house this week so her Xbox is all packed up...can't destroy it, YET! LOL }:)
She is the one that packed
She is the one that packed it. I am sure that it was just thrown into a box and not wrapped properly. She will be responsible for moving and unpacking her crap. Hope she doesn't trip with it in her hands. }:)
Amen to that!
Amen to that!
Ok scapegoat is officially my
Ok scapegoat is officially my new hero!
Please allow me to preface
Please allow me to preface this with: before I took this step, I, without fail, Every. Single. Week. had to get SS16 to go back and finish cleaning the bathroom after he swore it was done. Visibly obviously not cleaned. Once I disengaged, I'd just ask DH to follow up. But even that didn't work. Soooooo... For my own simple pleasure and sanity....
I have, on more than one occasion, scrubbed various areas in the dirty bathroom with SS16's toothbrush after he "swore" he cleaned the bathroom. He didn't. But he did get to eat it the next time he brushed his teeth.
I've totally done this before
I've totally done this before (Needless to say I replce my DS's and own toothbrush much more often now a days just in case Evil Spawn has had the same idea. LOL).
When SD was about 13, she had
When SD was about 13, she had a dry erase board at our house and sometimes our niece would play with it. She knew which markers to use with and and didn't ruin it or anything but SD was starting to get selfish, so said that she was taking the board home so that our niece could not play with it (her words).
So, I picked up another board at a garage sale for a buck for our niece. One weekend, SD was drawing on it. I told DH to take it away from her and tell her why. He thought I was being mean and petty and maybe I was, but I didn't think it was right for her to play with our niece's board when she purposely took hers home to keep our niece from using it.
I also called SD a liar once (loudly) when DH was on the phone with her (she WAS lying, about me). At the time, DH was recording all of his calls with her and you can hear me clearly in the background. Not my proudest moment!
SD heard me and asked DH, "Are you gonna let her talk to me like that?" Haha, seriously? He told her that I was not the one lying, so, yeah.
When did my SD start living
When did my SD start living at your house Sally? Lol
I told my SS I didn't like
I told my SS I didn't like him like a child when he once went mental and told me he hated me. It was childish and I was not being an adult
I'd like to say I'm a better,
I'd like to say I'm a better, more mature person than that, but apparently I'm not. Sometimes, it's more effective.
These little effers have been
These little effers have been throwing away the silverware, too! My BD15 and I lived alone together for 8 years and never had a piece of silverware go missing. We move in together with DH and his kids and poof! We have had to buy two brand new sets in 3 years!
They never went so far as to throw away a dish, but I could see SS pulling that as his next move, lazy bastard!
why did he have your shoes???
why did he have your shoes??? Was he hiding them from you or something? Kids are so weird!
I once hid SD's volleyball
I once hid SD's volleyball uniform because she refused to put it away and I knew she'd get in trouble with her coach for (yet again) not knowing where it was because this was an ongoing issue! I was so bummed when she slithered way up under the very back corner of her bed and found it 5 minutes before we had to leave. Evil plan foiled!
I have hidden Xbox cords in
I have hidden Xbox cords in the past
I've never done anything to
I've never done anything to the skids. But I DID stoop to an embarrassing level with BM....
Oooh.... Do tell! I love
Oooh.... Do tell! I love getting one over on the BM! (Like posting on FB & tagging both SD's all the glorious things they did for me on mother's day, because I knew she'd see it & they'd done nothing for her because she's a POS! Then when BM called SD14 and berated her & told her "SHE is not your mom!" I just sat back & said "oh my, I'm so sorry. It never occurred to me that BM would see that." Lmao)
I just ended up face to face
I just ended up face to face with BM on a day when the camel's back was already broken. I hadn't seen her for a while and didn't realize that she had gained so much weight when she was pregnant and after having her latest crotch dropping. So, after some words, as I was walking off, I called her a fat fucking cow. She said, "What?!?!?" so I screamed, "Are you DEAF TOO?? I said you are a FAT FUCKING COW."
Then she went and got the weight loss surgery. haha
Buwahahahahaha!!! "Crotch
Buwahahahahaha!!! "Crotch dropping"... That's awesome!
Someone on another blog
Someone on another blog called the kids "crotch fruit". I also like calling skids "the golden egg". Lots of funny stuff here.
I like "Twat Waffle" myself.
I like "Twat Waffle" myself. Cracks me up every time!
I've truly gotten sick of
I've truly gotten sick of taking their crap upstairs and dumping it on the floor in their room. Never in a million years would I put it away for them, but I used to throw it on their floor. Now I throw it in the trash because it's a shorter walk. I've given the warning to skids and DH. DH has backed me, but yet they still leave their shit all over the place and then will be gone for a week (we have every other week custody arrangement). I'm not waiting for them to return for the mess to get cleaned up. It will go in the trash. Except the video game controllers, one of my dogs like to take care of the cords and that teaches them to roll them up and put them away when they are done. I love my dogs!
I often flip them off through my door, as well.
One time I told SS7, the spazzy one, that his new eating place would be on the floor and my dog would take his place because she has better table manners than him. He cried. I enjoyed it.
SD6 would sneak out of bed and come lay by our door to eavesdrop and sometimes just to make up bullshit questions to ask my DH, so maddening when you're trying to watch tv or sleep. DH told her she was not allowed to do that anymore, but she still would so I got up to get water and opened the door a little harder than usual to prove it. I didn't know her head would take the brunt of it, i assumed her body would be in that position. OOPS! Pretty nice-sized goose-egg on forehead. Best part was DH gave her ice and sent her back to bed with a pretty severe scolding for not listening. No hugs and cuddles for the princess. I was proud of DH.
I laughed out loud about the
I laughed out loud about the flipping off part. I do that ALL the time! }:)
I do this too. Always makes
I do this too. Always makes me feel better }:)
Ok is it just because
Ok is it just because everything SD14 does makes me wanna punch her in the face, or would anyone else be annoyed by the fact that she ALWAYS waits until she gets in my car to clip her freaking fingernails (little nail clippings flying everywhere)? I guess I should be thankful its not her toes (And believe me, I am! That girls feet smell 10x worse than DS's after soccer practice!)
NOOOOO! Tell her NO! That's
NOOOOO! Tell her NO! That's gross! As often as I see my skids' fingers up their nose or down the front and back of their pants, they will never be allowed to contaminate any area I sit in or near with their bodily excretions by clipping or even biting their nails. Ugh. That can be done in their room since I don't go in there. EVER
This is awesome!!!
This is awesome!!!
I don't know if this would be
I don't know if this would be my as came home one weekend and told his dad he liked being at the moms house because they go have fun with him. We was the ones raising him and he went and spent a night here there with his mom. So of course he would be getting to do fun when he went with his mom because she wasn't paying for living expenses because she was in and out of motels with the boyfriend she left my husband for.
So I told him if wasn't grateful for what he has here with his dad. I want all the new school clothes and supplies I bought and he can wear his clothes and use supplies from last year. So we took his clothes back and got our money back.
Needless to say he has never said that his dad again.
One-time my ss hit me and pinned him up against the wall and told him better never disrespectful me again. He hasn't said a rude thing or tried to hit me since
SD19 is a slob, and lives off
SD19 is a slob, and lives off of pasta or scrambled eggs. I hide the shredded cheese way up high in the back of the fridge now just to mess with her when she wants to make eggs. I can't tell you how many times she has left the bag of shredded cheese laying on its side, unopened in the fridge bin.
Yeah so I hide food from her. She's so lazy she won't go looking around for it. Maybe I could hide the ice cream bars in a Weight Watchers box from one of my meals. She'd never look lol! I'm going to go do that right now.....
~ Moon
I've hidden food so I got a
I've hidden food so I got a chance to eat it. SD will binge eat some things if they aren't kept out of her reach...
I've pretended not to find something SD has lost. she loses something every couple of minutes I swear.
I've put anti-stink powder in her shoes in front of her before and it still amazingly had no effect on her desire to wear socks.
Ugh.... I know! I figured my
Ugh.... I know! I figured my DS14 would be the stinky feet culprit! But nooooo! SD14's feet are always rank! HOW IS IT POSSIBLE GET FOOT ODOR IN FLIP FLOPS???
its like some weird super
its like some weird super bacteria builds up on their feet if they neglect it too long. :sick: buying sandals was biomom's solution to SD not wearing socks (A+ parenting!!!!11)
My SD14 doesn't even have to
My SD14 doesn't even have to neglect it for long. She actually showers on a regular basis, but her feet are still THE NASTIEST smelling feet I've ever smelled! (And she wears socks!!!) I've had to tell her to leave the room before because I could smell them all the way across it! Super Bacteria is right! :sick:
Have her soak her feet in
Have her soak her feet in water with a few drops of tea tree oil for a few consecutive nights, and then a couple of times a week - it sounds like she has some kind of fungal or bacterial issue and this should help clear it
And her footwear should be replaced regularly.
SD19 binge eats, too. DH
SD19 binge eats, too. DH said he's not buying cookies or anything since she's been home. YSD13 and I know we have to hide the goods from her or it will be gone overnight.
I hid the ice cream bars in a Weight Watcher's box in my freezer last night!! LOL They are 3-packs of the Magnum bars, and DH bought 2 boxes. Two were gone already. I took one flavor from each box and stashed them. It's probably SD13 who has eaten them because if SD19 found them, they would be gone!
~ Moon
Mine binge eats too. She
Mine binge eats too. She binge eats Fiber One bars (because she's also quite literally full of shit!). When confronted about why a Mega Pack of 24 is gone in 2 days her lazy ass will reply, "Because it takes way too long (2 minutes) to make anything in the microwave."
OK, I've gotta figure out how to hide a pint of gelato in the brussell sprouts bag now! (I actually already have 3 Hershey Bars hidden underneath my mattress!)
Thunderfoot is a binge eater
Thunderfoot is a binge eater too. She will mow through some Pringles. Which is fine because I don't eat them but when they are gone, they are gone. No more until we are good and damn ready to go to the store.
She lives off of spaghetti. And she is too fucking lazy to look in the fridge to see if there is already a jar of sauce open. There are currently 3 almost full jars open in our fridge. It pisses me off to no end!
Mini fridge in my walk in
Mini fridge in my walk in closet...locked bedroom door.
If not, there will be no food left.
She's not kidding either,
She's not kidding either, STers!!!
My DH takes SS on a junk food
My DH takes SS on a junk food shopping spree every time he comes over. Most of the crap sits and rots, because he wants everything he sees and it's all crap we don't eat.
I may or may not have just poured the biggest bowl ever of the cereal SS picked out to enjoy while reading all these replies. The dog was very grateful.
I also may or may not have
I also may or may not have erased pretty much everything SS has ever DVR'd since the day he very intentionally erased something that I specifically told him not to erase.
One day SS shut off the wifi while I was paying bills. He and his friend had just walked past me and saw me on the computer, and even his friend thought it was intentional. So the wifi was removed from his room (where it was kept at the time, he's a gamer). And sometimes I get the feeling while I'm at work that the wifi should be reset remotely.
I believe the kid may have learned that I may not punish him in the traditional way (that would be his father's job), but it will come back to him tenfold.
I'm loving reading all of
I'm loving reading all of these! They make me feel more and more within my rights to do vengeful stuff to the evil little selfie taking monster! Keep em coming ladies! }:) }:) }:)
I've hidden controllers for
I've hidden controllers for Xbox, sky landers, infinity figures...for months. No one asked, I didn't mention it. When SS complains about perfectly fine water in the shower is too cold, I sometimes blast him with ice water when he is on my last nerve.
Eta SS is 6. So I help him shower sometimes, didn't realize this was teenage forum, sorry, I'm not a creep!
That's ok Herestonothing! No
That's ok Herestonothing! No judgments here! Teens, toddlers, kids, adults... Skids are skids. They can all be little monsters when they wanna be!
Last fall, after SD13 said
Last fall, after SD13 said she identified as a boy, I found all of her Littlest Pet Shop characters in the basement. They were all set up neatly and displayed on a window sill. I took them all, put them in a bag and hid them behind a box in the basement. I checked a few months ago and they are still there. She still plays with her Barbie Jeep, the small kind that is the size for the Barbie to fit into.
Also, SD19 used all of the pads that SD13 had under the sink in the month that she's been home from college. Last night SD13 needed pads and we have a ton (like 96-count) of Tena bladder control pads for SDog. They are too narrow and he pees out of them. So, SD13 has 19 bladder control pads to use for her cycle. Piss on it, I say.
I also go into the DVR shows and reset the recordings. SD13 will have ALL chosen, so everything under the sun gets recorded. I reset it to 5 episodes and delete everything. Then when there are 5 episodes, I'll delete 3 or 4. She has about a dozen shows in there and it's little kid stuff, Pokemon every which way you can imagine.
oh god i have a "non-binary"
oh god i have a "non-binary" SD and it drives me crazy. I went on tumblr and like a good 1/3 of girls on there identify as boys or non-binary or whatever, so I guess that is why SD is like that. Its a trend. If I could just get her off the internet and in to real life I think she would be okay.
Yours gains weight constantly
Yours gains weight constantly too? My SD14 has put on 40lbs in the past year (mainly because she binge eats nothing but crap and is the laziest person on the planet). She weighed 186lbs last week at the doctor. SO was mortified that his 14yr old weighs almost 200lbs.
Wow... She obviously
Wow... She obviously desperately needs gym class before she has a heart attack! My SD14 failed gym class because she never could remember to bring her clothes to dress out. Not sure if that one was actually her horrible ADHD making her forget, or if she forgot on purpose so she could remain sedentary and lazy.
Her mother should be done for
Her mother should be done for child abuse. Jeez.
My daughter doesn't have her
My daughter doesn't have her own bedroom yet, we have to build an extension or move. Anyway, her makeshift "room" is currently a corner in the living room with some dividers. SS12 gets up at 6am during the school year, goes upstairs and turns his damn video games on like right beside her???? So the worst thing I have ever done is remove the cord for the TV so he couldn't use it
I did ask him nicely more than a few times first not to do that.
Maybe I should also hang some pics of her beside the SS's other ones on the wall }:)
I didn't have to take step-shit photos out of the dining area, they did that themselves when I added my daughter's photo on the little table, now my daughter is the queen of the photo table
I admit that I have hid
I admit that I have hid sd15's thing when she hasn't put them away so she will have to really look for them. I have gone as far as throwing some things away if it happens more than twice. I don't even think she realizes she is missing anything. I just got tired of looking at her mess and dh doesn't do anything about it so I take care of it myself.
I have said we don't have the money for something she supposedly needs but is not a necessity just so she has to wait. Now I've made dh figure out where the money is coming from without affecting our bills getting paid so it's all on him.
I bought SD13 a very nice
I bought SD13 a very nice comforter set along with matching valance, clock, mirrors and throw pillows for her room for Christmas. She literally begged for this color scheme. I went away for a vacation with my family only to find out she and my MIL conspired to completely redo her room... in a completely different color. They haven't bought a new comforter set yet, but I am already making plans to sell the whole thing on Craigslist and pocket the money.
I am also a bit ticked that of all of the colors they had to choose from, she went with the exact same color I painted my baby's room in. Coincidence? I totally think not.
I learned that lesson quickly
I learned that lesson quickly but not quick enough. Getting sd15 what she wants and a couple of months later to find out that she doesn't liked it anymore or didn't like it from the start. Now it's whatever my taste is, her's is the complete opposite. My taste is of course gross.
Another lesson learned is with skids there is no coincidence. Everything said or done is calculated.
Yes! SO stressed so hard last
Yes! SO stressed so hard last Christmas over what to get SD(now 15) and finally landed on several hundred dollars worth of nautical decor for her bedroom. Recently we were out shopping and she stated that she wanted to "redecorate" her room in a different theme. I said, "Um, you still haven't even hung most of the stuff your Dad gave you last Christmas! Do you know how much all that stuff cost?" Her answer... "I need someone to hang nails for meeeeeeee!"
Freakin Seriously???
Well played.
Well played. }:)