**I dislike them immensely**
I thought, dreamt, of having a “normal” family finally. A family where I would have skids and they would also be my friend. Where I can take them shopping, etc, and they would be good and help around the house.
I was delusional as hell about all of it.
I first met them the summer before last when their dad took them to an outdoor rock concert. At the time, they were 16 (SD) and 14(SS)at the time. They are now 18 and 16. I didn’t see the extreme behaviors of these kids, and its due to bad parenting, just keeping it real.
But then, their mother committed suicide.
Oh don’t feel sorry for the skag, the burned their house down with her in it, and I swear, when he saw her car and decided to come to my house and spend the night with his two teens, I think she would had taken them all out with her – she has threatened to burn the house down and kill them on numerous occasions prior. Anyway after the bitch died, the kids were at my house – and man, they got on my nerves from DAY ONE. For instance, they’re idiots. Even their dad referred them as such, and I clearly see why. One good thing out of that is I don’t have to deal with the crazy ex, and two, I’m mad that that bitch killed herself because she cant take these rotten assholes on the weekend.
Only one lives with us, the son. He is stinky (I have to keep his door shut because the stink of his body encompasses the whole house) he’s sneaky, doesn’t listen to house rules or follows them most of the time. He is a high functioning aspersers kid that clearly knows what he is doing. Buying and sneaking marijuana and smoking it in the house, had some “friends” over that were clearly using him, and then ended up robbing me by taking all of my credit cards. Besides being stupid, school has started back in August and he has already missed over 10 days, and its just December. Eats every 10 minutes and there was a time he thought I was cooking just for him because he didn’t have sense enough or cared, that maybe there are other people in the house I cooked for also.
the daughter, well she is a manipulative whore, like her mother. She convinced her mother, pre-burnt, to have her homeless, no job, no high school graduate BF to live with them or else – they AGREED to it. She was 17, him 19. I have had to get into the kids ass because their father sure wont, and it seems when I did, it was okay, its just that he resents me and gets mad because I don’t like his kids. Well, I don’t, and for good reason.
Husband knows I cannot stand the daughter, so he put her and her BF in an apartment, paid their rent, utilities, and even bought her a brand new car, cash! Anyway, this whore liked making unnecessary racial comments, in turn I had to “check her” and put her back in her place – she would say things such as “someone told me to smell a black person’s hair” and she picked my daughter up and smelled her hair or she would see my hairdryer, a stand up mobile one you would see in a hair salon, and she would comment that “is this a black person’s hair dryer”. Twice she was watching a movie and was saying “Nigga this, nigga that” I let it slide the first time, because her mother just died. The second time, well, I let her know you do not speak in my house like that with my 7 year old – and that ended that.
From my observation, kids would be up all hours of the night, swearing more than I do, eating all the damn food, being loud, including school nights, throw trash and shit on the floor as if they live on the streets, would go through a 12 can pack of pop within 4 hours, I swear, etc. Their presence and voices alone make me cringe. I hide out when the daughter comes around like to pick up her brother for something. I call him the stinky, nasty human garbage disposal.
I hate these kids; they don’t follow rules, do anything but eat, sleep and shit and just are unappreciative of all of what their father does. But, I am mad at him also for him and that dead burnt ex for raising these kids without boundaries and now I have to be a part of these animals.
I truly, tried liking these kids, but they are nasty, lazy, disrespectful and annoying and I will never bond with them. I strongly dislike these kids. I don’t even want to call them stepkids. They mean nothing to me.
More than likely what you are
More than likely what you are smell are the chemicals and/or products (hair grease, moisturizers, conditioners...) we put in our hair.
No idea
No idea :?
Wow, assholes are amongst us.
Wow, assholes are amongst us.
You MUST be one of those
You MUST be one of those crazy biological bitch mothers that we talk about on here. I get it now.
'WE' has only been a member
'WE' has only been a member for 1 hour. LOL
This is funny
This is funny
Someone's an angry elf
Someone's an angry elf
This right here>> ^^ are not
This right here>>
are not meant to be eyebrows. smh.
My hair stinks.... I havent
My hair stinks.... I havent showered yet... If I dont wash it every day it smells.
Zero I pictured you as a
Zero I pictured you as a white person...? No?
It's funny how I have pictures of different bloggers in my head and when I actually see them it's not even close.
(No subject)
I am mad at him also for him
I am mad at him also for him and that dead burnt ex for raising these kids without boundaries.
LMAO }:)
These trolls should write for Mad Magazine, because that line is friggin hilarious!!!!
Obviously y'all think this is
Obviously y'all think this is a troll, but people don't *usually* jump on it so fast. Did I miss something? Did this person post something else?
You mean that black people's
You mean that black people's hair smells funny?? I love to laugh at stupid people
Hmm. Yeah, the drama is
Hmm. Yeah, the drama is wild. But oddly, this doesn't read like a fake story to me. Fake ones usually have the "oh pity me, I have it so bad, no one in the history of anywhere has gone through this" vibe to them. This one reads more angry. The lady sounds pissed the fuck off, and if her story is true then I totally see that.
I did crack up at the references to the crispy BM though. I know, I'm going to hell.
I laughed too that was my
I laughed too that was my favorite part LOL }:)
Thank you for trying to
Thank you for trying to understand how I feel. I am PISSED THE FUCK OFF!
What the heck did I miss? I
What the heck did I miss? I skimmed the first post and read a few of the comments. Are there other blogs by the OP?
pre-burnt.... i laughed when
}:) pre-burnt.... i laughed when i read this.
Paul Mitchell also has a
Paul Mitchell also has a great Tea Tree shampoo, treatment rinse and conditioner. It is a little pricey - but I love the way it makes my hair feel.
Try clarifying shampoo. If
Try clarifying shampoo. If you get the good stuff it's expensive as hell (like $15-$20 a bottle), but worth it. I got some weird grease-type stuff in my hair (don't ask) and NOTHING worked to get it out except clarifying shampoo. Good lord does that stuff clean everything!
I have super oily hair and I
I have super oily hair and I use vinegar and a tea I make with rosemary.
so in an 8 oz bottle use 1/4 cup vinegar
and boil some rosemary in water and steep it for 30 mins.
add the tea and water to fill the 8 oz bottle
Try Neutrogena, in the square
Try Neutrogena, in the square bottle. It gets rid of buildup and leaves your hair squeaky clean. I use it because my hair is baby fine and thin, I use texturizing cream everyday which can tend to build up. This is fun!!
Do you want to see the
Do you want to see the bitches obituary? She killed herself on Thanksgiving day 2013. She threatened to kill them all for years. Everyone knew she was crazy. I hate her for what she did and left these fucked up kids, and its crazy to commit suicide by fire, but she did.
Because she was CRAZY!
ExhaustedSM, when I found
ExhaustedSM, when I found this site, I just started typing just for the relief to vent. I have no outlet. I was typing so fast I'm sure that I mistyped some words which made the fire scene sound suspect, but I assure you, the death certificate is ruled suicide by arson - they found accelerents(sp?) all through the house, which after weeks of testing, she doused the house with gasoline. The neighbors reported she was back and forth at the house for hours before the fire, but here is the story from the night of the fire.
They were going through a long divorce in which she would not settle, so she had moved into an apartment with the kids because she couldn't afford the house payments. A week later, the week of the fire, she told my husband she didnt want the kids anymore and she was dumping them at their house, the one that they were putting on the market. She dropped the kids and the daughters BF there two days prior. The eve of the fire, my husband had taken the kids out to see a movie and told me that he was going to go back to the house and not coming back to my house to spend the night like planned. This was about 9pm. 30 minutes later he called telling me that he saw the ex's car at the house and didn't know why she was there and he was not going in, because she had bum-rushed him and suckered punched him and the daughter two weeks prior, had called his relatives blaming them for him actually going through the divorce proceedings, etc. So he told me that he was coming back to my house to spend the night because he was scared, those were his exact words. Throughout the night, she was texting him, but he didn't respond. The last text was to the daughter at 130 am asking where they were. She told them at my house.
around 4 am, the neighbor called my husband and told him that his house was on fire. The kids were still asleep so I told him to just go and see what was happening. I knew then what she had done and I knew she was dead. He came back at the house around 11 Thanksgiving morning with the news that they had found a body, and they presumed it was her. After a few weeks and DNA testing it was her.
In the investigation they suspected that the fire was so intense and burned fast that it was intentionally set - and they proved that she had poured gasoline.
The FIRST thing out of the daughters mouth after finding out her mother was dead was "Does life insurance pay out on suicide". The son said "Well, I started losing feelings for mom anyway".
This goes to show you how much of a bitch she was, and to kill yourself in that manner, it goes to show she was not only psychotic, but she REALLY hated herself that much, because that is the worst way to die. I mean, fire, your first instinct is to get the fuck out - flight response. She was out of her fucking mind. And I have anger towards her for fucking up her kids more than they are, my husband blames himself and fucked him up, did the shit on a holiday so holiday for them are just fucked up, she fucked up a lot of damn people because of her selfishness, this is why I hate her, and obviously, the kids and my husband did too. He was abused and too scared to tell anyone - too ashamed I suppose. She was a horrible evil bitch - she was a kindergarten teacher, and the other teachers at the school had a nickname for her - CAC "Crazy Ass Cunt"
I do not apologize for my rant, because I am damned mad, and if you went thru this hell with this stupid bitch for 4 yrs like I did and then the dumb burnt bitch pulled this shit and got out scott free and left you with fucked up kids, you would be pretty damned pissed off too! She was going to take them all out, I swore she was, and I am so glad he did not go into that house and came back to my house.
The BBQ'd BM. Lol!
The BBQ'd BM. :jawdrop: Lol!
That was hilarious in such a
That was hilarious in such a sick way...
This story really sounds off
This story really sounds off the chain, but its the truth. I decided to start detaching myself, its the only solution because my marriage is falling apart because of all this bullshit drama. I just do not know how to cope with drama and chaos. I just needed to vent because I have no outside support. Im suffering from situational depression and seeing a therapist, but I dont know anymore. This is not how anyone should feel around the holidays, and damned the ones calling me a troll - im just calling out for help - to vent - for someone to listen.
About a week ago:The son cussed his dad out (FU DAD) then told me FU when i intervened yelling DO NOT TALK TO YOUR DADDY THAT WAY!! Just because he did not want to do chores. Again, the kid does nothing but eat, sleep, shit eat, shit, eat, play on xbox and shit and sleep. He has no friends, I see why, he is a smart mouthed asshole. Anyway, him and I had a huge blowout and he balled his fist up - I was ready to bust his ass wide open, but he mustve saw in my eyes I was NOT playing backed off, ran outside and yelled that I was a crazy bitch...I responded, like ya mamma was. I couldn't help it. All this pent up anger, resentment, anxiety, all these emotions they are killing me to where I bust out crying anytime, anywhere. I did say some really shitty things and he did too, but he never apologized to his dad, not to me - but also said he was just playing when he said "Fuck you"
No he wasn't.
Now the retarded son of a bitch acts as if things are ok between us. The hell it is. I'm done with this crazy kid. You cuss me out and disrespect me by attempting to hit me in my own house, well fuck you too - I am done. I don't even say hi..its like he is fucking with me on purpose, but I just have to disassociate to cope.
I have so much anger and animosity not only towards these rat bastard ass m.f.'s, but their father too, who doesnt ram his foot dead in their pale flabby asses - assholes!
I dont know what to do.
The son is seeing a counselor
The son is seeing a counselor once every 2 weeks/ After our fallout, he told his counselor that he felt like a prisoner living here and his dad said he was scared of me. Well, I had enough of the bullshit and I went off. I couldn't take his disrespect anymore. Husband had set up an appt w/ a marriage counselor, and I am seeing one also once a week.
I am at my wits end. I could tell you the stories of the hell I have endured for the past year. I thought I was strong for this - im literally breaking and crying like a bitch all the time, without notice.
This is all just crazy and toxic, and I am just not used to this type of chaos. I truly didn't know it would turn out this bad, or else I wouldn't had married him.
Thanks for listening and for the advice. For the longest I really thought it was me, maybe it is partly, but these kids are horrible, and they were like this before their mother did herself in. I truly didn't know they were this FUCKED UP! Damnit, and the husband too!