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Vent about DH temper tantrum!

StepLady's picture

DH was not into work until just now, took the morning off to sleep in and recover from the holidays. My ex texted me at 8:30 and asked a legitimate question about insurance regarding dd, and my DH texted him back from my phone "fuck off dont you know we are sleeping in you moron!" I am so embarrassed and pissed off! I do not text with BM or speak on my DHs behalf to anyone. This is bullshit! Then he never told me he just went to work! So I get on my email and there is an email from my ex asking if it was dh a kid or myself who sent that text and how very rude of whomever did that etc. I am mortified! Called DH and he told me "so what I was trying to sleep in!" What a dickhead! I am not going to blow it off and ignore this! He would have a fit if I did that to his ex. My ex stays away mostly, lives far from us, and pays his cs on time always. Why the need to be rude? If BM had woken me up with a text I would have read it rolled my eyes and went back to sleep. DH is being an old crab ass over nothing! I wont be home when he gets in from work today! And if I am, I will be in bed and tell him to fuck off since I am trying to sleep! What an asshole!

hereiam's picture

That was very rude and immature of your DH, not to mention that he had NO business texting YOUR ex from YOUR phone.

I would be beyond pissed at the asshole and he would never be allowed to so much as touch my phone again.

StepLady's picture

DH can be such an old crab ass sometimes! He really needs to grow up today! Wont he be whining and shitty when he wants some sex tonight? Stupid asshole is going to hear "fuck off I am sleeping in!" Until he realizes he was out of line and says a sincere sorry to me and my ex, who did nothing wrong at all! The last time he opened a text it was from my sister and he yelled out "what the fuck is this shit?" Thought it was a bitch fest over him and it was really about my father! He needs to keep his hands off my stuff and he needs to realize not everything is about him and his old crabby ass! My sister was pissed at him for reading that and for bitching about it too! My mother was mad at my sister for talking about our father at all, and it all got back to her it was a royal mess for sure! People have better things on their mind besides his sleep needs! Be a damn adult asshole DH! And he wont be touching my phone or any of my stuff again! He does not drink very much or very often and I don't think he had a drop all weekend. He is usually a very pleasant man. But I guess since he decided to sleep in the world should have known to fuck off right? Asshole!

StepLady's picture

Thanks, only because I have all day to bitch about it before he gets home and it all hits the fan! Then its really going to get ugly! Do you know how ashamed of that old fart when I emailed my ex back and said "Oh, Im sorry and yes that was my husband, that acted like an asshole on the phone!" My ex, said it was ok, which it is not! And then told me sorry for putting me in the middle and he wants nothing to do with DH of course. He asked me if DH talks to me and our dd that way! How fucking embarrassing! I said no he does not talk to me and dd like that! I would not be with him if he did and I said he is usually quite pleasant and mellow and sorry that it happened at all! This is so uncomfortable now! What an asshole! He is going to get another good telling off when he gets home! He is lucky that my ex is far away and minds his own business and is sane! I put up with two bms and two sets of kids! I put up with driving around, I put up with court and the cs he pays out and I never say shit about it because I am not a hot headed asshole! I know there is venom for my ex from DH, for several reasons, but that is DH prob! Not mine! Not my ex and not DD he had no right to make everyone else so uncomfortable with his stupid ass tantrum! I am not going to get over it and let it go! I will stand up for myself, I am an adult and I should be treated like one! I do not need a daddy to answer my phone and respond for me! I am a grown up too! I dont like that I was disrespected like a little child and so was another adult who did nothing wrong!

Evil stepmonster's picture

I understand how you feel. Husbands can be as embarressing as their offspring. Thankfully I set down the boundaries early on when my DH always felt the need to insult the ex to his face. (Ex doesn't understand english very well and didn't realize he was being insulted) The kids really didn't respect DH when he did that.

StepLady's picture

I am actually going to a hotel for the night with my dog, DH can watch his own damn kids, my dd has school tomorrow }:) so she is staying with a close friend of mine over night tonight, and will go to school with her kids in the morning. My dd has no need to know what happened. If DH wants to tell his kids where I am and why that is his own stupid decision to make. I am not playing around I do not do well with controlling bastards! I do not need a father, I would rather have a dh! He really messed up! Packing now, and taking extra stuff too, maybe now he will think twice about showing me so much disrespect and treating me like a kid and being an asshole to people around him who did nothing wrong!

kathc's picture

That was a total classless, jerk move by your DH.

I could see him turning your phone off if he's trying to sleep. What kind of dickhead goes to the trouble of sending that text?

StepLady's picture

wtf worse than ever not sure if things can or will be fixed....typed it all out and its all gone! grrrrrr! will try again I suppose!

intrinsicmemory's picture

I have no ex to deal with and I have nothing to hide, but my phone is fingerprint protected... Might be worth looking into. Functional couples respect each other's privacy.

SugarSpice's picture

in defense of the husband, maybe it was the last straw.

this seems like the culmination of something that has been eating away at him. if one is sleeping in, and then has to be awakened by a text from the ex, i would be upset too.

texting back sounds hasty, but maybe it was the last straw for him to have his life with you interrupted by matters of the skids at an inconvenient time.

could the text have waited?

SecondGeneration's picture

Ofcourse the text could have waited, thats why people use texts. So other people can read and respond at their leisure but its more direct than email.
There has been ONE occassion I replied to BM from my partners phone, she texted to say she was at their meet point, he was walking there and left the phone with me. I replied to say hes nearly there.

Yes some may say 8.30 is early but actually if you have a child of school age its not, 8.30 is normally the time kids are at school so parent who is with them will already be up. Not her EXs fault that her current hubby wanted to sleep in and decided to have a mantrum. Heck, if he was that desperate for a lie in then put mobiles on silent.

Yes it sounds like it was a last straw sort of thing, but its not the point.

If he is acting like a child, then treat him like one. Make him write an apology message to your ex and keep an eye on his attitude because frankly hes the only one sounding like a moron