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Have you ever apologized for things you didnt do?

Lady's picture

I use to apologize to my adult sk's in the past . They use to say I told all kind of lies on them and say I did this and that towards them. I wasted my time asking them what I had done to them but they always didnt want to talk about it. I would say Im sorry I offended you but their aggression got pumped up when I said to them i was sorry. So many things they have hurt me over and they still say I am to blame . Im glad I have finally let them go . Life is much better without them . I still miss my Step grand child very much . SS and DIL told me I could no longer see her anymore when I lost my temper because of them mistreating my DD. Have any of yall disengaged good women been though this load of crap this your SK"S ?

Rags's picture

My wife and I have never disengaged with our kid (my SS). But he for the most part has disengaged from us. We hear from him extremely infrequently and any interface is entirely on his terms.

Nothing bad about it but it can be frustrating for DW and I as parents since we have always been close as a family. We still are close just far less frequently engaged.

sandye21's picture

Sorry to hear about the step grand baby. Years ago I was saying 'Sorry' for everything because I was so insecure. Even when SD was having her meltdown, yelling at me and unjustifiably accusing me of making her walk on eggshells, I apologized for not being more understanding about her parents' divorce. But hey! I had nothing to do with it. They divorced long before I met DH. It was not my responsibility to kiss her a$$ with understanding when she was constantly spewing hate at me. She never apologized to me for any of the abuse she put me through.

NoraAstepmom's picture

Hell no but hell no. I would never say I'm sorry to anyone who has treated me like shit. Use to not anymore. Stay with Steptalk you will learn

Poodle's picture

Just remember your sgkid is being brought up by ugly so she will come out ugly too. You won't be missing her when she's causing trouble for others, as she is likely to do with that trash for parents.

FrackturedBradyBunch's picture

Never ever in a million years!

It's bad enough living with it day in day out, you wish I would apologise for something not of my doing, not even to keep the peace! I will make everyones life a living hell for as long as they make mine the same!