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SS And DIL Need A Babysitter.

Lady's picture

SS and DIL have some issues going on by what they are telling my DH ,so they will need a sitter soon. They have the nerve to ask DH if I would watch their little girl. My SGD that was taken away from me that I havent seen in 2 years. So I thought well since they want me to watch their child I will see if they have anything to say to me instead of my DH. I sent SS and DIL a text and this is what I said: Hello how are yall doing ? hope everyone is doing good . Just wanted to ask what day are yall needing me to watch SGD ? . I wanting to make sure I didnt have any plans that day. Just let me know Hope yall have a good day. Well I wait and wait for them to text me back . I never got a text or a phone call from them. SS calls his dad telling him to tell me what day he needed a sitter. When DH told me this I said there is no way I will keep their child . They will not use me ever again . If they cannot respond back to me then i will not watch their kid. Simple as that . I know i did the right thing . DH told them what I said so I am back on the grudge list with them . LOL.Stupid move on their part.

sandye21's picture

You did the right thing. if they don;t have enough respect to contact you directly or even answer your post they don't deserve to have you babysit for them. Let them find someone else and pay for it. This is what used to happen with SD and her dogs. DH would simply tell me that SD was bringing over her dogs for 'US' to take care of. And guess who took care of them? I wouldn't do this today. They can pay for boarding.

still learning's picture

You're a saint for even offering after what sounds like years of drama. It is truly their loss.