Naked SS and Girlfriend in my house!
Oh my god. So yesterday I went to my office to look for work so I can get a full time job and my SS and his girlfriend had left their door open! They were both stark naked, sleeping. This was at noon by the way.
Do I tell them what I saw and to close their frigging door? Ideas? I don't want to see them naked. I am already so put out by them it isn't funny. Anyone else had to deal with this. I suspect she drunkenly got up in the night and forgot to shut the door.
I presume they are adults if
I presume they are adults if he has his girlfriend over, so tell them outright what you want to happen. Just tell them that you would like them to keep their door closed, especially when naked as it makes you uncomfortable. That way there are no misunderstandings and if they are normal people they will be so embarrassed they won't forget again.
Any people living rent free
Any people living rent free in your home can be told to not have visitors in the room. They're welcome to leave. I don't want strangers wondering about my house especially when I'm not at home. That's why cars have back seats.
OMG, SO THIS ^^^^^^^^^
OMG, SO THIS ^^^^^^^^^
I love the facebook idea!
I love the facebook idea!
*lol* Careful of the FB
Damn straight I'd take a pic (the most unflattering one possible), print like a thousand copies, and wallpaper the house though. On the bathroom mirror, the toilet set, inside the fridge, on the TV, freaking *everywhere*. Maybe (hopefully!) they'll finally get so uncomfortable that they leave. }:)
Edited to add: Oh, and I'd also act like I knew NOTHING about it. Walk into the house, find a pic and say, "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!?" Accuse DH of being the one who did it. Sow confusion among your enemies.
I would walk in, stand over
I would walk in, stand over them and tell them to wake up. They would then have to pull the covers up to their necks whilst I told them all the ways this was unacceptable and an abuse of my hospitality. If they tried to answer back I would say "this is not a conversation. You are being informed of the rules here". When I was done I would walk out on the basis that they were to get up immediately and pack their stuff to leave the premises immediately. Whether SS was allowed back in would then be the subject of debate between me and my DH, debate that would not include the SS at any stage except until we had agreed whatever whereupon we would meet him on neutral territory and reiterate the rules and sanctions.
These are all great ideas. I
These are all great ideas. I was so stunned I just shut the door. But I am at least going to tell them to shut the door when they are naked. And that I saw them. It is not that I don't know what to tell them. It is that I wanted feedback from other people who have adult step children. Isn't that what this site is for? Support and advice?
I tried to talk about lack of boundaries in preparation of talking to them.My DH and we had another huge fight where he said "It is always about you." Then went on to say I was jealous.
Tell your DH that your
Tell your DH that your privacy is yes, funnily enough, all about you. And? Next question?
Your DH is making silly comments because he feels embarrassed IMO. Jealous of what? Is he trying to suggest of his son's GF's naked body? That would enrage me, it could be a put down. I would say get him to explain what he means by that word. Just ask him would he feel comfortable to walk past, innocently, see the girlfriend asleep undressed, then find her waking up, her eyes meeting his, then her whining and complaining to his son that your DH is harassing her? Explain to him on his defensive male level about the boundaries involved.
It has escalated since his
It has escalated since his son and girlfriend moved in. So no I would not say it has a;ways been like this though there have certainly been times where I questioned marrying a man with kids.
Kick them out. There is NO
Kick them out. There is NO way I would let even my own son move a woman into my house. Hell no. If you are man enough to live with a woman you can get your own place and take her there.
This is so stupid.