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Lets all have a laugh shall we?? OK!

StepLady's picture

Post here the most embarrassing/comical moment you have witnessed BM or the ex in! I will go first, my ex was doing an exchange with me once and when I arrived he did not know I was there, and was urinating on the side of the road like a bum! I laughed my ass off and he was bright red, I still tease him about that to this day!! He is a nice guy but our divorce was painful at the time so it was fun to see him looking so stupid!

And BM2 once asked if she could get a ride home, her junker was broke down in front of our home in the gated community! She does not have Triple A of course why would she? Her car is the junkiest loudest shitties car you can picture, probably older than I am. DH laughed I laughed and I said I would take her home, she flipped and refused so there she sat in the car waiting for her toad of a husband to pick her up while the kids played with my dd on the front lawn. It was an hour of watching her seeth and squirm and sweat in her hoopty! It was glorious!

Another time, BM2 was looking really sick at exchange and was trying to engage my husband but also in a hurry to get home and take a shit, she finally told him "just text me! I am clearly about to shit myself and I have to go right now!" She held her stomach and ran to her car! All 400 lbs of her! It was great!! Blum 3

StepLady's picture

Oh one time DH and got into a huge fight on the phone, she was wailing about problems of her own making as usual and wanting dh to bail her out of trouble she caused herself, and dh screamed into the phone "your life is a shit sandwich and every hour is another bite!" Well she hung up on him. But she must have told her mom what he said, because about two months later and her crazy mom were fighting on facebook and her mom wrote that on her timeline! "You already know your life is a shit sandwich and every hour is another bite!" We laughed our asses off! I do not creep her too much but when I do her mother is always calling her out for being foolish or lazy or drama queen.

fuckitall's picture

Yay love this thread.
The BM in my situation is one of those crazy baby mama's who scream about their business in public and generally make huge scenes.
One time my FDH was at a grocery store near the pizza place where she works, she came running outside and started screaming at him "You're never going to see your daughter again! Tell your f*cking b*tch girlfriend not to speak about me or my daughter again or I will kick her f*cking ass" (she was mad because one of the many boyfriends had just been sent to prison for sexually abusing SD5, I thought it was disgusting that it happened and that BM was writing poems on her facebook wall about her own suffering and losing a "friend" aka a child molester and I told her as much). Anyways the funny part is that DH said loudly back to her "If you or any of your loser, single mom friends touch her I will have you reported. Go back to your greasy, minimum wage job." Then he turned around and walked away from her.

Also funny about BM, the time she saw us walking on the street, rolled down the windows of her car and had SD yelling "They have a new chihuahua puppy!" so we look and of course, cross the street to say hi to her. BM sat in the front seat, GLARING at me and staring at my engagement ring (she never got a ring or a proposal from him so HA). Then she started to get out of the car "I'll get her out of the car seat.." when FDH stops her "No, that's okay. We are on our way home but we just wanted to say hi to SD when we saw her." "Oh. ok.." she says. Then we laughed all the way home about how annoying she is.

hangingbyathread6's picture

ExH came to pick up the kids and we were a couple minutes late getting home due to traffic and we pulled up just as he was finishing taking a piss in my alley. He quick tucked his junk back in, too quickly apparently, because he had quite the wet spot in the front of his sweat pants! Ha ha ha ha. Good laugh at that one!

BM pulled up to pick up kids and had been bitching at DH about me prior to arriving. She was in a full on tantrum and ready to get out of her car and start a row with me because I happened to be outside. I heard her say my name and had turned just in time to see her trying to open her door and it wouldn't open, pushing up against it. She was picking up skids and some paperwork and just a bitching. Slamming her shoulder against the door and couldn't get it open. DH had to walk up to the car, have her roll the window down more to pass her the stuff while I just sat there laughing that she couldn't get out of her piece of shit car. She apparently didn't like that much because she then started texting DH saying "you have three, THREE vehicles parked in your yard! A brand new truck and two other new vehicles and yet YOU LET ME DRIVE AROUND IN A FALLING A PART VEHICLE,". Why yes, yes he does. Because your vehicle and you are not his responsibility. Lmao

GoodBye's picture

Mine is similar to this one lol. BM had been building up this "gigantic court case" forever...kept serving DH papers for ridiculousness for about 6 months nitpicking everything you can think of (ie. SD came home with a bruise on her leg) you get the idea I'm sure. Bottom line, she wanted either full custody or more CS. When they finally went to court she got her ass handed to her. Custody stayed the same and CS got cut in half. The judge told her she was wasting everyone's time. She walked out of the court room redder than a tomato.

Rags's picture

When Sperm Grandma heard that my bride was dating someone at college (me) she filed a custody motion in the Sperm Idiot's name without telling him. When the papers were delivered to my bride she opened them and immediately noticed that the handwriting and signature were not the Sperm Idiots.

When my DW first went to court she and her attorney barred the Sperm Idiot's ass on that point in front of the judge, Sperm Grandhag turned purple and their attorney resigned on the spot. The judge gave them both a very embarrassing lecture.

It was classic.

SAHsigh's picture

As an oversight during their divorce, DH was still the primary email for BM's cable-internet provider. He had never received an email before until he received cease and desist notices from the company.

First of all, he received these the day before they went to court for the second time involving custody. (We still have 50/50.) Secondly, BM's second wedding was due to take place about a week later.

The cease and desist notices? They were in regard to illegally downloaded porn from her soon to be husband. That's how we found out that he's into some really kinky and off the wall grown-up style fun!

Whenever we pick up SKs and BM's husband is at the door, my mind wanders to the titles in those cease and desist emails.

Perhaps needless to say, DH has been removed from their account for any correspondence.