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Monday Rants Rants Rants Rants

StepLady's picture

DH is now not responding to ANYTHING BM2 sends him via email. Unless it is a direct question that needs an answer or involved some legititmate reason why she needs to contact him, it gets a big fat zero response. It is great for him, and us, but BM2 is having a tantrum until it all sinks in. Nothing new for that one! So she sent many emails over the weekend when kids were here that got ignored. "your wife's daughter was taking a bath in your master bath last time kids were there, my kids are not permitted in there, is that fair? do not let your wife do this again!" NO child is permitted in my bathroom, true, my daughter has an injury and a soak in the whirlpool helped. Not her business so no response, no explanation! Boom! But give it up already! No one cares what you approve of!

SD was super whiny for junk food all weekend, DH kept offering her healthy stuff she would turn down, oh well! Eat healthy food or wait for your meals. No other choices. She then really spitefully turned to DH smiling and said "My cousin got a job at a burger place. My mommy will pick her up everynight from work so we can eat there every single night and my mommy will not have to cook at all or shop!" She was thrilled. DH told her "that is gross! you will surely get sick from eating only garbage!" SD was still smiling and being arrogant. This is probably true as BM2 is always doing things for her family and taking on way too many things that cause her to get overwhelmed and go nuts. Also she finally got a new junker but it is still crap so why is cocky enough to drive it to the other side of town to get free burgers? She is greedy like that!

SS told us "my mom is the mama pig and I am the baby pig!" He was laughing about this and referring to being messy/sloppy all the time around the house. Gross! I asked him if he liked that he said "YES!" WTF? He is also not a baby! I asked him if SD is a "baby pig" too. Nope she is the princess! Ewwww! SD is always a mess and stinks. Sad!

Bm2 had trouble with her junker last week. Big shocker! She texted DH to rescue her and kids. He told her he would only if he was going to take kids to our home for dinner and an extra night with us. BM2 flipped but did agree. I was not home so I gave zero fucks about this mess. DH shows up and looks at her car, out of gas! Not broken! Stupid! What adult runs out of gas? She then made excuses not to let DH take kids home with him but he ignored her ass and did it anyways. They ate dinner, took showers and went to bed, and DH took them to school.

SD was caught telling my DD "I fucking hate you and your dog!" DH was right around the corner! Ooooopsy! SD was given soap and rag and cleaned out the boys bathroom. No word yet on what BM2 will think about that shit! But kis are at school so I am sure when they get home and have big mamas ear she will send another email about how mean DH is. And it will be ignored!

misSTEP's picture

Good for him! BM should have ZERO say over YOUR/DH's household and how it is run (barring any, of course, REAL threats to them).