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Sitting here stewing...wanting the work day to be over, and yet not wanting it to at the same time! Still so pissed off!!

hangingbyathread6's picture

So I'm sitting here at work. It's been tough enough to concentrate on my job with this whole bullshit SS14 caused going on, and then this morning and that effing phone! And then the text from DH responding to why SS14 has the phone. "He doesn't. That I know of." GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!

So I'm sitting here stewing...pissed off as all get out. Wondering what kind of lovely evening I have in store. Wondering how I will possibly keep my cool if (and most likely when) DH makes excuses for his meddling mother who will always make an excuse for SS14 no matter what he does. He's her pet. The relationship is actually kind of sick. She calls him....NUMEROUS times a day. Immediately after school. Again around dinner time. Again, early evening...and then often right about 9:00 when she knows this is bedtime in our house and the phones get put away at bedtime....PERIOD. She confides everything to SS14. Believe me when I say my SS14 didn't just learn his manipulating and lying behavior from his POS BM. Grandma had a hell of a role in it too. Which is why I really didn't want him going there and would have rather had DH and Skids stay at our home while me and my biokids went to my parents'. But...of course that's not how this all worked out. I can hear DH now...well she didn't KNOW he couldn't have his phone, what do you want me to do? She's letting SS14 stay there while we work this all out. Yeah and don't for a MINUTE think she isn't loving it. She's had a HUGE problem with me ever since skids stopped having to spend the night there when DH went to work when we moved in together. She's in her effing GLORY! And to me that's not an excuse...she didn't know...she shouldn't have given it to him. She should have told him you need to talk to your dad and SM about it.

UGH!!! I just know this is going to be a battle this evening...I'm so tired of the battles...and the ignorance of DH when it comes to these people in his life. The constant excuses...the constant turning a blind eye. SO TIRED OF IT!!! And this will get turned back on me and it will be "you hate my mother and wont ever forgive her for what she did so you look for anything to be mad at her about!!" No, I don't hate her...I just don't trust her as far as I can throw her. I choose to stay away from her as much as possible. 'm starting to think I should have postponed the wedding like I thought about. I'm starting to think this may have been a mistake. That no matter how much I love DH and how happy we are when his kids and mother are not in the picture, I think nothing will ever change and I will have to live with the excuses for the rest of my life.

hangingbyathread6's picture

Yes, I do pay for the phone. And I have turned it off. DH was NOT happy about this. I told him that cell phones are a privilege which SS14 does not deserve and I will NOT pay for him to have one.

Why do I care? Well we have primary custody of both sets of kids. So for the last four years I have been one of the primary caregivers in this child's life. I care because I have the same expectations of him that I have of my biokids. I have always treated both of my SS's as my own. I am with them every day...the BM eow when it's convenient. She decided to walk back into their lives around the same time DH and I started to have a serious relationship. She decided that she couldn't do it on her own, that no man wanted someone to sponge off them and be lazy and she wanted DH back, only to find to her surprise he had met someone I stole her husband ( they had been divorced 6 years at this point) and am stealing her kids. I have repeatedly told my SS's that I love them and that I am just me...not their mom...she has a place in their lives that no one can replace and I'm not trying to do so. But when they live in my house primarily they have rules and I have expectations of how children will behave (respect, honor, character). BM lives off whoever she can get to foot the bill and the tax payers and does nothing to try to better her situation. She was offered a full time job...wouldn't take it...because the supervisor was a friend of mine...reallY?? Full time, with benefits?? I don't care what you do as it has no effect on me nor is any of my business. she has taken DH to court twice since I've been in the picture for she can be paid child support. Actually came out and said that at court. "If I got child support I would be able to support my kids" She was denied because of her instability...the same reason she never had custody from the time she walked out on SSs and DH. So I have been the woman in their lives for four years. I have cared for them, supported them both financially and emotionally, done homework, dried tears, spent nights in the ER for injuries related to sports, driven all over the midwest for sports...only for BM and MIL to start with bullshit accusation about me and my DH and now we have a messed up kid and daddy continues to make excuses. He's 14...he knows the difference between right and wrong...we and our home is his primary the "his mom messes with his head" doesn't fly with me.

If DH would allow him to stay gone and either go to BM's or stay with MIL for the long term, this wouldn't bother me...but it's a daily issue with DH being upset that SS14 isn't at our home and is shunned. Yeah, because of his behavior and his ridiculous lies about his stepsister, just to try to get his gf to do things for/with him.

And that is WHY I care this much...I am working on disengaging myself. But DH makes it difficult with the constant barrage of accusations and cold shoulder treatment and excuses. He blew up when he realized I had suspended SS14's phone and in so many words came out and said I was making it up that SS14 was using his phone...because apparently our cell provider just throws texts...calls...and data around to ANYBODY's phone.

AllySkoo's picture

Her SS (falsely) claimed that her DD12 sexually molesting him, and admitted later that he made it up. That's why SS is in therapy and also why he's living at MIL's. (SS has also gotten physical with her DS7.) So I can TOTALLY understand why she cares what he does, it's directly affecting her kids.

luchay's picture

And don't forget the bit where it was by TEXT on his phone that he made these false allegations...

Willow2010's picture

I think she already turned it off. And I agree with 2 and 3.

Let this go. The SS is not under your roof. Enjoy it and don't try to control what is happening at your mother in laws house with your DH's kid. I think your MIL is doing you a HUGH favor by taking skid right now. Maybe he will just stay there.

If you feel the need to control it then make SS come back to you and DH's house. that is the only way to semi control it.

But you really can't control it totally because it is not your kid.

step off already's picture

I have DD13 and SS14. Both of which seem to have trouble following the rules regarding iPads.

Most recently, ss hi jacked his for god knows how long (they are supposed to turn them in at 9) and he put a lock on it. I swiped it from his room and tossed it in ours. Dh and I left for a while, Came back and dh laid into him about taking the device out if the house without permission, not turning it in and putting a lock on it. He (foolishly) quickly spoke up that he didn't have he lock on it anymore.

Yep, he went into our room without permission and took the device back.

My new rule? You break my rules, you get it taken away and I reset the device.

I now have two lovely new devices.