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Outsider in Your Own Home

frustratedstepdad's picture

Does anyone ever feel like an outsider in their own home when the stepkids come over? My DW has four daughters, with the youngest one being 24. All of her family lives in the same state as us, with most of them less than an hour away. We are on the west coast with all of my family being on the East Coast so I only get to see them every few years.

Everytime we have a family gathering, or if one of the skids comes to live with us, I always feel like I'm an outsider and not really part of the family. I have no kids of my own, so I get tired of the attention my wife pays to her adult kids everytime one of them "needs something". I have no kids of my own, so pretty much all of my attention goes to DW, while all of her attention is spread out to her GROWN kids and grandkids, and I get what's left over.

Accordn2L's picture

I do have my own child BD11 and a stepmonster SD8. I owned my home and they moved in with me. Everyday when the skid is going to be at my house which is 50/50, I try to find reasons for my daughter and I not to go home. Make plans for just her and I to do stuff so we can be gone over the weekends. SO knows what I'm doing yet feels no need to make changes. I resent him and I can't stand his child. So yes, when I'm there I sort of "zone out" and just go through the motions. It scares me that your SD's are all grown ups and still causing problems in your life.

tabby yabba do's picture

I feel for you - it's hard when big families gather and you're the "married-in" member (aka "not blood"). Easy to feel disregarded.

Shame on your DW for not making more of an effort to include you. And before anyone flames me for thinking FSD is a grown man who should be capable of fending for himself, I'd like to add that when you come from a small family (or family is physically absent) and you're amongst a large gathering of bio-family members, it is RUDE to not make everyone feel welcome.

For years and years when I was working in law enforcement, I saw the same thing happen at gatherings I attended: cops would share war stories (which were usually interesting), but those stories excluded every civilian spouse and guest at the party. No one could match the stories, had points of reference for the stories had anything really meaningful to add, and sometimes didn't get the inside jokes or "cop jaron" that was used. And I could see non-cops felt excluded. I hated that. I always made an attempt to talk to non-cops about things that were interesting to them.

FSD is in the same boat. DW should make the effort to include him more.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Yeah I guess my family is a little different, I guess maybe it's because I'm from the South. When we see my family every few years (usually for Thanksgiving), they always make a point to ask my wife how she's doing, ask about what's going on in her life, etc. When my sister would go to the mall for the Black Friday shopping, she will always ask my wife if she wants to go.

When I met her family for the first time at a big Sunday dinner gathering, aside from saying hello no one asked me a single thing or tried to include me in any conversation which was weird for me.

Also, throw in the fact that we're an interracial couple and the Pacific NW doesn't have many black people so I feel even further isolated at times.

wth was I thinking's picture

I have gone to gatherings with DH at his friends' homes (his family is all out of state/country) and its always pretty uncomfortable for me because a) they all speak Spanish 99% of the time, I don't. And b) they all knew and some were friends with his ex wife. Not anymore, because of the shit she pulled, but still... Super. Uncomfortable. I will give it to them though, they would usually try and include me in on some conversations, everyone is really nice, but it just leaves you feeling very much like a spectator.

toywas's picture

ALL THE TIME!!!! Everytime DH's adult kids and their families come, I am ignored the entire time they are here. Before I disengaged, DH got all the credit for everything I did - cleaning house, cooking, buying presents, etc. They all talk amongst themselves and forget about me. I know they do it on purpose, and it's my fault that I allow them to get to me.

Again, before I disengaged, I tried talking to DH about how they make me feel everytime they were here but as usual, it went in one ear and out the other. So now I do what I enjoy (thank God for spring/summer!) - I'm working outside, or I read a book, or I go somewhere when they are here. And DH gets to cook and clean (he can't do either!) It took me a long time to realize that I am important too and I come first before bullshit!

Good luck! ST is a great place to vent and be loved!!!

zerostepdrama's picture

They try but I wont let them. I set them straight right from the beginning. I am the queen of this castle. I am really terroritorial with my house and take a lot of pride in taking care of it and doing the "woman" things with the house.

SDs thought they were going to be the "ladies of the house" and that I would feel like I dont belong. NOPE.

Thankfully they rarely come to visit. But when they do, I do feel awkward. But it's because of tension.

frustratedstepdad's picture

I know what you mean about tension. Two of my stepdaughters honestly aren't worth a damn and I know they can't stand me so there is always a lot of silent tension in the house when they come over.

Drac0's picture

I feel this way every time I come home from work.

Despite my insistance that SS stay in his room and use his desk to study, I come home to find SS "studying" on the kitchen table or in front of the TV. I keep telling DW to not let him do this because SS is VERY easily distracted but there is always some excuse "Oh he just has reading", "Oh he needs my help.", "Oh he is just doing his Art project."

Anyways, I come home and DW greets me with a beer and a smile. She then starts asking me about my day, and I start talking...Not even 20 seconds in, SS dive bombs his way into our conversation asking about something we said. DW explains it to him. SS follows up with another question....and next thing you know, DW and SS are having a conversation. It's like I've never returned home!

Meh...Good thing I got a cool game on my phone...

frustratedstepdad's picture

I feel you man. At one point SD28 and her daughter, along with SD24 and her son were living with us, and I HATED going home from work. There were some days I would go to the library and read just to avoid going home.

tabby yabba do's picture


You have way more problems than you DWs family ignoring you at functions.

((Strong vibes)) being sent your way.

frustratedstepdad's picture

I think I haven't made a real effort since I've moved here to really make any true friends, because all of my energy and attention has been given to my wife. I guess after 7 years I'm just tired of our marriage and our lives constantly revolving around HER family.

Since SD24 moved to Colorado 2 weeks ago, we have had one weekend to ourselves. Last weekend 2 grandkids spent the weekend. Now this coming weekend SD28 is about to give birth and the couple who is going to adopt her child is in town. What's unique about this is they adpoted one of SD28's kids about 5 years ago, so they're excited about their son having a "true" sister. So last night we went out to dinner with them. Now this weekend my wife wants to have SD28 and one of her kids spend the night, plus we're going to have a cookout that we're inviting the adoptive family to. (Not my idea of course).

Then the next weekend we are having two other grandkids spend the weekend. (These two we always have once a month). It just gets a little old always having everything revolve around her family. I honestly need to start making my own friends I guess and have my own life, but it would be nice if my wife could take some of the energy she uses for her adult kids and focus it on me for a little bit.

Not to have a "woe is me" moment, but there were times where I honestly wished I would get really sick, or get in an accident at some point just to have her undivided attention for once.

Drac0's picture

Frustrated, do you have any hobbies?

I'm lucky because my brother lives really close to me. Every two weeks we have "geek night" where me, my brother, a friend and my BIL get together and just play a board game or something (I just bought "7 Wonders" and can't wait to try it out).

"Geek night" is the only night where I am free from any kind of family obligations. It's amazing how it helps me rejuvinate my juices and makes life with skid more tolerable.

tabby yabba do's picture

Coming from a woman: I think your wife is avoiding you?? Avoiding intimacy maybe. Or conversation. Both?

She's over-scheduling herself/you to avoid spending time with you alone. She has her cake and is eating it too (you are a paycheck to sustain her lifestyle AND she gets to pretend you don't exist so she can instead focus on what's "important" to her - her kids/family).

Drac0's picture

A good point, although I don't think that is what is going on. In the few months before me and my ex split, she was scheduling all kinds of activities to avoid spending any free alone time with me. I think frustrated's wife is so into her kids that she has completely forgotten that her own marriage needs some kind of maintenance now and then in order to thrive. My DW is "somewhat" like that. For years, I would schedule a romantic weekend getaway for just the two of us. DW loved every minute of it. Then one year she asked "Can we schedule our weekend getaway on a weekend that SS is with us? I would really love for him to see the place!". *BANG* a romantic tradition that we had been following for 5 years just got shot dead right then and there with that statement. I haven't planned a romantic getaway since.

wth was I thinking's picture

Ugh. A friend of mine referred to vacations with kids as 'parenting in an inconvenient location'. I never ever ever want to vacation with the skids.

frustratedstepdad's picture

You guys both make very valid points. Actually DW was going to counseling about a year ago, and her therapist told her she has a very codependnt relationship with her kids, and she needs to learn to step back and let them figure out their own problems. It's working some, but obviously not enough.

DW also grew up differently. She grew up being around family 24/7. Every weekend as a kid, they would go to their aunt/uncle's house and play with all their cousins. EVERY SINGLE weekend. And of course her family is used to grandparents having to help raise the grandkids. It's a cycle of dependency as far as I'm concerned. I grew up differently. My siblings and I are all very independent, and we don't need to be in each other's butt all the time. None of us live close to each other, and that makes it even more special when we do get to see each other.

DW is used to her kids being around ALL the time and I don't think she knows how to handle focusing her energy on a marriage. I'm going to have a long heart-to-heart talk with her tonight, because at some point we should be able to live our lives without constantly catering to her kids' needs. I honestly wonder what is it that she's getting from her kids that she isn't getting from the marriage.

Drac0's picture

That's what I thought. Parents who are co-dependent on their children are using them to fill an emotional void (but I suppose you knew that). In my wife's case, when she separated from her ex, SS was her only source of joy. I can understand that, but SS became a barometer for DW's emotional state. If SS is happy, DW is happy. If SS is sad, then DW is sad. I have kids of my own, and while it pains me to see them upset, I am capable of being "detached" enough to let them cry it out and deal with their pain and frustration on their own. My DW is learning to "detach" herself as well but it is hard for her...Just as I suspect it is for your wife. In a sense, it's kind of like having an addiction.

thinkthrice's picture

Oh I remember it WELL!!! Sort of like an enemy encampment or sleeper cell has invaded your sanctuary and set up headquarters making SM and her bios, if any, POWs. While biodad aids and abetts the enemy like a double agent.

There is a FULL report of anything you say or do that goes back to the enemy front line when they leave.

frustratedstepdad's picture

LOL that is such a great example. Especially when you throw in the fact that I KNOW my DW makes secret agreements with her kids that she doesn't tell me about. I know she still secretly loans them money too.

toywas's picture

My DH used to loan his kids money but it stopped when I reminded him that "it" was "our" money too! Talk about a deer headlights!!!

Whenever DH talks to his kids on the phone, he goes in another room and all you hear is whispers. He doesn't know (or maybe he knows) that the more times he does this, not only does he look guilty but I so lose respect for this little kids game.

When I talk to my kids or anyone on the phone, I don't hide; I just sit and talk and DH really gets an ear full when someone asks "how are you and DH doing?" Yes, right in front of him he hears how much of an asshole him and his kids have been to me!

frustratedstepdad's picture

"Whenever DH talks to his kids on the phone, he goes in another room and all you hear is whispers. He doesn't know (or maybe he knows) that the more times he does this, not only does he look guilty but I so lose respect for this little kids game."

Oooooh doesn't that just drive you crazy?????? DW does the SAME THING. She'll sometimes go up to the bedroom to talk to SD24, or when she was living with us I'd hear them in another part of the house trying to talk very quietly. I hate the little secret games and secret agreements.

thinkthrice's picture

"Whenever DH talks to his kids on the phone, he goes in another room and all you hear is whispers. He doesn't know (or maybe he knows) that the more times he does this, not only does he look guilty but I so lose respect for this little kids game."

I call this "the walkaway"

whatamess's picture

I'm glad when my DH leaves the room to talk to his wretched DD. I don't want to hear any of it.

HappilySelfish679's picture

I own a duplex . Separate living quarters including separate kitchens. When skids are there, they live on the other side and I keep the connecting door closed. Saved my sanity not to mention marriage .

Orange County Ca's picture

Drag her back to counseling. If necessary tell her the marriage is at stake and don't hold any of this back from the counselor.

If she won't go, which I think she will, but if she won't then ask the counselor about leaving as an option and share the results with her.

I.e. when you get home you're saying "Well counselor said if I have to leave I should consider this first...........etc.

If she continues to refuse to go after a few sessions then I think she wants to break the marriage up or doesn't care either way.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Just talked to her, and I offered that I would like just ONE month out of the year where we don't have grandkids over for a weekend, and we don't deal with any of her daughters' issues, and she agreed. I will never be able to have 100% of her attention, but I feel like asking for one month shouldn't be an issue.

In the meantime I have been so focused on her and her family, I've realized I don't really have too many hobbies or do that much socializing so that's going to be a priority for me moving forward.

valmont's picture

It's very normal for you to feel that way. I think these parents have trouble disconnecting from their kids sometimes and firmly believe that the children come first. If that's the case, why are they in serious relationships? It's not fair for you to be neglected. And having children doesn't excuse someone from being a spouse. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do, aside from talking with your wife and try very hard to see her point of view. I think sometimes parents latch onto their kids because they are too afraid of becoming too close with their partner.

My mother and my stepdad live in closest proximity to me (25 minutes away). I haven't visited in over 2 months. Her birthday was yesterday. I called her and said "Happy Birthday" but I did not make plans to see her. I've had my mom around for 33 years. I don't need her like I did when I was a child. It doesn't mean that we love each other less. I think that I'm doing my mom a favor by allowing her to have her time now and enjoy time alone with her husband. I think it's important and healthy to establish these boundaries. It certainly wouldn't do me any good if I were constantly bugging my mother instead of dealing with and having my own life. I think you and your wife should sit down and have a Frank discussion about all of this. I hope it works out good for you.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Thanks for commenting. What's funny is the one stepdaughter that I really get along with is constantly telling my wife that our marriage needs to come first, and that they (the daughters) will be fine and can figure stuff out on their own. Of course this is the stepdaughter I get along with the best because she busts her ass working two jobs and hardly EVER asks for help, and never tries to pawn her son off on us.

I think my wife is afraid of truly letting her girls be on their own, especially SD24. She has always been babied, and even the other SKIDS resent her sometimes because she's the Golden Child, and has DW wrapped around her finger.

Poodle's picture

"I think these parents have trouble disconnecting from their kids sometimes and firmly believe that the children come first. If that's the case, why are they in serious relationships? ". Great point, Valmont. We endlessly beat ourselves up on this site saying "Well I made my bed, now I can lie on it" or "I knew the deal when I started". But the converse is equally true, as you say. I must make this point to DH at some time.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Cat, does your DH not realize that by doing that he perpetuates the division / exclusion? I mean you don't have to be a genius to see that is the WRONG thing to do. I am surprised you go to any gatherings where the Skids are going.

Last year my sister had a bday party for her little one, she turned 4 and SD and family were at our summer home that we no longer use - trying to sell it. Anyway my sister invited SD and family to this party trying to be a bit of an ambassador for the family. Surpisingly SD came with her DH and 3 kids but basically DH, SD, and SSIL were huddled in a corner for most of the party. It really bugged me.

Then they all started to walk off after dinner to go see the sunset. They were off the property and just about to head off when DH came running back and asked me if i wanted to go along on the walk. Yeah right, I really want to go now as an after thought! What a doofus.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

FrustratedSdad, What might work for you is a visitation schedule much like when they were minors. Every other weekend only - and stick with it. Can you get her to agree to that?

One month Skid free would be nice - but 11 months of all about the skids may still be too much. And one month without DW's precious kids might be too much for her also.

Good luck!

Colin Smith's picture

Thank goodness she has accepted going to counselling.
Do you think it is co dependency or just the way family has always been for her.
I recently entered a post 2 years on. I left tis situation because she wouldn't go to counselling. With 4 daughters it will be very difficult for her to remember a time when she had no children to worry about and see it from your perspective but good for her for trying

A positive is that her actions are probably not deliberate. Hope it goes well.

MamaFox's picture

ETA: his kids are nice to me, his family not so much.

I feel the same way around FDH's local family. And then they bitch because he is always around me and not them.

Then I go over there and I'm totally excluded from conversations, like I'm a damn leper. So I sit there and play on my phone, and then a week later they bitch at him because I wouldn't talk to them!!!!

Every year they build a haunted house during Halloween, and last year I went to help, since I know how to swing a hammer and use a staple gun. They didn't talk to me at all, I used to build theAter sets for the local PAC, I have good and useful ideas and skills when it comes to building temporary but feasible structures. Every design and idea I had was shot down.

Fuck them. I have better things to do.

whatamess's picture

I would definitely suggest getting your own interests. I know that's something I've worked hard to do the past six months. Now when DH goes to visit his DD and GS, I don't feel so excluded because I've got something to do myself usually. I realized my whole life was revolving around him. I'm like you and have no children of my own so he is my family. Just because he's my family doesn't mean he's my life. I'm finally figuring that out.