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Going to 6 yo SD graduation is looking AMAZING w/makeup too much

supermom89's picture

I don't always wear makeup but is it wrong I want to make SD proud and DH proud looking amazing at her graduation. BM is super bitter still, we just got back in contact with her and she is moving 4 hours away spontaneously. She blocked DH because of drama his mother created with her and is still hurt over a 5 yr old breakup. Is it too much to come to the graduation make up done and as a reminder that SD loves me/looks up to me and DH definitely upgraded ??

MamaFox's picture

You're putting way too much thought into this. Just dress up to look nice for the SD. No need to . Go all glamour shots to try and impress his ex. Really, it seems petty and selfish that you want to out do anyone at a CHILD'S graduation. It's about SD, not you.

supermom89's picture

Thanks ladies, I had a moment. I seriously don't need to wear makeup I just thought I'd see everyone's lovely responses since I haven't posted on here in a while. I appreciate the feedback.

Dizzy's picture

To all of those who think the six year old won't care either way, I can say you may be wrong. My BD6 BEGS me to wear make-up. I'm not ugly by any means, she just likes her mama to look "fancy", whereas I'm too lazy to get all done-up on the daily. She actually requests I wear make-up (full face, including eyelashes), "fancy" jewelry, and a dress for her birthday and other "kid" special occasions. It's a bonus when these occasions coincide with having to see BM--petty, I know.

OP--I say if your SD wants you to do it, then rock on!

SMto2's picture

Well, I am in the minority here, but I'm going to my youngest SS's graduation soon, and I'm planning to look my absolute BEST! Although I'm physically fit, I've been working out extra hard for MONTHS, and I bought a new dress without regard to cost that is the perfect blend of sexy yet elegant. And I wear makeup every day, so of course I'll wear makeup, but I am not planning to look like I'm in a pageant or a drag queen or anything. lol. I admit that I always thought BM was very attractive, and I haven't seen her in person in 2 years, and I want to look good. I find nothing wrong with wanting to look my best.