
krfergy's picture

My future 5 year old step daughter has been bullying my 3 year old daughter. I'm not talking about your average sibling rivalry, I'm talking, malicious acts against her. For example, pushing her down the stairs, off a bunk bed, dragging her across the floor by her ankles, throwing sand in her eyes, shoving her into walls, etc. This happened when my future stepdaughter thinks no one is looking and my daughter does not instigate these situations. In fact, she ADORES her future step sister.

This has been an ongoing issue and her dad (my fiance) has never believed the severity of the situation until it happened at daycare and the daycare provider told him.

My fiance has not done very much to help or change the situation. I think the daycare provider telling him was a wake up call.

AllySkoo's picture

Totally agree with punkin. Your child's safety MUST take priority.

As for how to approach the bullying itself, I'd strongly suggest getting some age appropriate books about it. There are actually a bunch that my 5 year old's preschool has, and reads to the kids. Then there's the standard stuff - a reward chart for "kindness" (every time you catch her being kind, she gets a sticker - so many stickers and she gets some sort of treat like an extra TV show or a trip to the zoo or something). Outline consequences for NOT being kind (timeouts, loss of TV, early bed, find something she responds to) and FOLLOW THROUGH. That's on your FDH - and if he's unwilling to follow through and unwilling to parent, I think you need to give SERIOUS thought as to whether you want a multi-year engagement. There are a ton of posts on this forum from women who married a Disney Dad (or lazy one) and are now thinking of divorce because it just gets to be too much. Talk to day care too, see if they have any other suggestions.

Good luck, and protect your child!!!

Drac0's picture

>I think the daycare provider telling him was a wake up call.<

I have to use this tactic on my DW A LOT

If I bring up a concern involving my SS, I am either
A) Exagerating
Dirol Must have misunderstood the situation
C) Stiring up negative feelings because I secretly resent my SS.

BUT....If another family member, teacher or doctor brings up the EXACT SAME ISSUE I did, then suddenly my concerns carry more weight.

So be prepared to play tag team with other people that your fiance listens to.

ctnmom's picture

Agree with everyone else. Your first priority is your baby. My child would be no where NEAR a kid who did this to them. Not even at the same day care. Please don't wait until your child is in the ER and you're being investigated.