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It's NOT over!

zenjetset's picture

Smile Well, good news my fiancé (yes he still is my fiancé) and I worked things out! After a very serious heart to heart conversation about "our" relationship vs that of the skids and x. I'm the happiest I have been in a long time. He really listened to me and has made the changes I asked. He and I realize we have made some mistakes by allowing the skids and x issues to consume our love and everyday interactions. So, now that we both realize that we are making "our relationship & love" a priorty above all else. We are both on the same page, same team and working towards mutual goal.

It has also helped me to read books regarding stepmotherhood and the issues that arise. I gotta say, it has made me feel like everything I've been feeling and living is normal. It has helped me understand my fiance and step daughters are dealing with. I've read two books in two days and along the way my fiancé and I discuss things. Now we are discussing solutions, goals, our future with each other, etc rather than spending our days and nights discussing issues that the "x & bm" creates.

I love him so much and so proud of him. After several months of avoiding his x he called her and told her off. Including telling her she owed me an apology for yelling at me while I was taking care of their kids for a week. It was very heartwarming to have him be so passionate about us! I really do not doubt that this is the man I am meant to be with.


zenjetset's picture

I am optimistic, but definitely am not convinced it's all settled cause you are right "guilt" parenting and bm manipulation is abound. I don't expect it to be over completely but we as a couple have a better understanding of our priorities. We are communicating about us and not just about bm or skids. We haven't done that since March! Not to mention bm has recently made many many selfish comments, actions and decisions that have really pissed him off. She has basically cut off her nose to spite her face!
He realizes my efforts in working with bm and skids and he knows how she can be and he is opposed to allowing her to yell and scream at me and belittle me in front of kids, so he said he won't stand for it. He asked her to apologies and she hasn't so he has pretty much decider that all her comments of we need to work together , etc are bull and he just is over it.