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Hoping someone is on for quick answer

Smokey_Bear's picture

Currently 50/50 custody. The BM is planning to move out of province. (perhaps this is a local thing and no one will know anyway). I heard someone say that the party moving away is responsible for the expenses of the child returning to see family they've left behind--as if was the moving party's decision to create that expense.

Anyone know? :?

sbm014's picture

It varies and is sometime in CO's.

When I was going up when my mom moved she had to pay all expenses.

For DH if we live out of the court transportation is on him - same with BM.

See if there is a clause in the CO.

Smokey_Bear's picture

If BM wins custody, and SS10 goes out of province with her, I would think the cost would be on them because she's not asking for child support, and her hubby alone brings in 91k/year. my SO and I barely bring in 50k together.

Who knows. Turns out next case conference is in a month and a half, and the trail will be in January, for three days.... so....Joy.

Thanks for that info!!

Rags's picture

In our case my DW moved out of state with SS to attend university when SS was 1yo. There was no visitation clause to the CO in place at the time. When the Sperm Idiot heard through the grape vine that DW was dating someone he filed for custody. A year long battle later the CO was ammended reconfirming DW's status as CP, establishing a visitation schedule for Dickhead (5wks summer, 1wk winter, 1wk spring) and designating that each party was responsible to transport the kid to their location. They paid to fly him to Sperm Land for visitation and we paid to fly him home after visitation. If DW had moved out of state with a CO in place we would likely have been liable for all transportation costs.

Our CO was issued in Oregon.

In the US it is possible to stop a CP from moving the child away from the other parent. In 50/50 situations either parent in many cases can fairly easily obstruct an effort by the other parent to move with the child.

Orange County Ca's picture

I would first find out if the move can be prevented. It's just not right that a custodial parent and make it effectively impossible for a non-custodial parent to see their kid(s). If it can happen its further not right that the non-custodial parent should pay a dime more to provide transportation.

Should the non-custodial parent move the same rules would apply.

But who knows what may go on in the freezing north eh? Your attorney should be able to help.

Smokey_Bear's picture

BM hubby's job is requesting he return to his province of origin, so to speak, or else he loses his job. He's an IT tech, and could get a job anywhere, I'm sure...but he makes 91k/year with his position, so I can understand not wanting to give that up. With that kind of money I'd move anywhere to keep it, but these aren't HIS kids. BM is choosing that everyone should go out there so the family doesn't get split up. *rolls eyes* Either way, poor SS10 loses either mom/dad AND a brother/sister. So stupid.

So glad my sister gets along with her ex. They agreed that neither would move away until my niece was an Adult. Thankfully.