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I get what I deserve

Newimprvmodel's picture

So I have to stick my nose in......and got kicked in my ass. I deserve it. Somebody told me once, " no good deed goes unpunished." Well I am sitting here tonight thinking I am an absolute moron. Jerk. Crazy lady.
The door has opened again. The snakes are slithering in.
Dh sends the most loving, heart breaking email to his daughter. Oh it was sickening......he writes about the day of her birth, his fingers around her little fingers. Come on.........the daughter that had treated you like dog shit for years. No remorse, nothing.
Her response........she can't wait to Skype with him..

I create my own hell don't I.

Maybe I set this up because I am tired of this marriage? I am searching my mind tonight. I , me, put this together. I don't give a rats ass about his daughters. I brought them back together.

Newimprvmodel's picture

I am left with thinking I opened the door to put more distance between me and my husband. I am not happy, deep down that is the truth. I don't respect him, especially when he acts like an utter ass wipe! I keep thinking that my first husband would never ever have tolerated the abuse my current husband takes from even his ex. I want him to stand up for himself, and me! These are just wishes, I truly realize he always will be a wimp when it comes to his ex and adult children. Will I be able to stay married to him? I do know that there are other more personal issues that make me unhappy, the way I deal with these feelings? I tune him out, make him unimportant in my mind. And I have to wonder if I purposefully pushed him into daughters arms to get him out of mine. I am very good at taking care of myself. I think I prefer the space........lots if jumbled thoughts tonight.

Orange County Ca's picture

Why don't you tell him what you're considering and ask him to join you in counseling. If he goes spill the whole can of beans. If he doesn't spill it to the counselor.

S/he can help you decide in a month or two at most what direction you should be going with the marriage and if s/he has not then find one that will.