Pissed !!!
I have been seeing my boy friend for over a year and we now have been living together for just over 2 months. He has 3 children 14, 12 and 6. They drive me insane!! I hate when they come visit every other weekend they are slobs and he never picks up after them because he's a slob to.
I have two children of my own that I have all the time they are 8 and 10. They are by no means perfect but they are mine. My problem I have is that every time his kids get mad at their mom they call him and he goes and gets them. I don't think that's right at all and gives them the wrong idea about the living arrangements... I will not have a revolving door with those kids. I sometimes find myself not wanting to be around when they come, they whine about everything and are slobs like I said before.
My boyfriend told me when we moved out that he would pay for half of the bills we have with the house and he has not held up his end of the deal so that causes stress for me also. I find myself hiding my kids food when they come over so I don't have to rebuy everything when his kids leave I cant feed him, me, my kids, and his kids. last time his kids were at my house ( that's kind of the way I feel because I pay for everything) I told him he needed to go to the store and get food to feed them he asked me what I wanted and I told him to worry about feeding his and I'll feed min, he didn't like that very well. I really need some advice about this situation, I really care for this man but I will never marry him bc of his kids.
I really care for this man
I really care for this man but I will never marry him bc of his kids.
I would have never moved in with him. Sometimes it's just best to NOT live together. Not only for you but for the children, also.
Since marrying him isn't an
Since marrying him isn't an option, why continue to live together? Get your own place, continue to date but only interarwith his kids when/if you want to. That way you won't have to live with a bunch of slobs and your boyfriend will no longer be able to use you financially.
Hope that nothing terrible
Hope that nothing terrible EVER happens to BM or those, every other weekend kids, will be living in your home.
Married or not…you are all
Married or not…you are all living together and that is the same. How do I know? Been "unmarried" now for 9 years! Live separate while you still can. As the years pass, you just get stuck deeper in the mud.
I thank everyone for the
I thank everyone for the comments. My plan for my life was to never marry again after my divorce in 2008 because I'm not going to have anymore children and I don't want to half what I have worked so hard for in my job for 14 years, I know its silly but in my head its the best thing for me.
I thought living together would be a better solution..
My kids and have been living with my mom and dad for about 3 years because my mom as fighting for her life with breast cancer, So I moved home to help her care for my 89 year old grandmother and my mom when she would let me. It was really hard for my BF and I to spend time together bc I was at Moms and didn't want to be disrespectful to her home being out late with my kids home with her. He had a roommate and Staying at his house was no option because I have my kids 99% of the time.
I think what's hard for me with his kids is that they talk about their mother like crap.. We never get to do anything, we don't get to have friends over that much, she yells at us and takes our phones away. I hate to sit there and listen to that crap because I'm sure she's doing the best that she can, Its like they talk bad about her to be on common ground with their dad because he cant stand her...Maybe they think they need to talk bad to make him feel better. I cant stand that he rescues them time after time instead of working it out with their mom. My kids don't have to option to leave if they are mad at me, going to their dads is not an option to me. They just stick it out with me at home. Thanks again everybody...Im totally lost and have never been in a relationship with anyone who has had kids.
When we love someone we
When we love someone we invest in them and their interests and I have no doubt you have tried with his kids. We don't want to give up our love for this person and we don't want to feel like our time invested was for nothing but I can tell you that this situation will not get better. I have been in your shoes, with the exception that husband had full custody of his brats. My advise is move on, move on and don't look back.
He shouldn't have moved
He shouldn't have moved in....You need to stand on your own. This will get worse and you will be miserable.