Mother/Child Event At School This Morning...
Interesting that I just posted about how I'm not going to be driving my SD to school during her mother's parenting time as a can read about that here:
As I stated in that post, SD is with us this week. Well, DH worked last night (he's snoring next to me right now), so I'm taking the girls to school this morning. No biggie, normally. Well, this morning, we have an event in the multi-purpose room for moms and their kids. I've said before, I do no favors for BM, but I'm not gonna make my DH haul his sleepy ass outta bed to take SD, so I devised a plan to get SD there with no contact with BM. Of course, this is something I'm doing only for DH and SD. I will be showing up a few minutes after BM said she'd be there (she's usually late anyway), and I will drop SD off I'm front of the school to meet BM at the MPR, then my BD6 and I will park and go in separately. (If the girls ask why, I'm gonna tell them so that SD can get to BM sooner--which really, she is, since BM will be there already.) DH reminded BM again to not approach, communicate with or attempt to communicate with me or my BD. I realize this may seem excessive, but BM has been told sooooo many times, and continued to violate that boundary. Today will be the big test, as a situation like this in the past has been too much for BM to resist saying something to me, even if just trying to be "friendly". I don't anticipate any issues, really. Plus (BIG plus), I know many moms at the school, as I volunteer and am fairly active at the school, whereas BM (according to info that was volunteered to me by SD10's BFF's mom) has burned many bridges.
I probably won't have much to post as an update...thanks for reading....I just needed to put my thoughts down...
Good for you. In our house,
Good for you. In our house, we give each other the "Jenna Marbles face" when someone says/does/acts something dumb. It always gets a reaction from people (usually quite funny).
If BM approaches you, don't say a word (that's part of the effect, be silent) and just give her the Jenna Marbles Face, see how she responds. hahaha
Hilarious! I figure that if
I figure that if she approaches, I'll just stare. Stare and utter not a sound.
She'd have to be completely clueless to approach after everything...then again, she's proven herself clueless time and time again. To the point that I don't know if she actually has bad intentions or if she's really just stupid.
I'm not being critical after
I'm not being critical after all you're the one on the spot but I wonder if you're better off when you reject friendly offers of communication? Sounds like she may be ready to bury the hatchet.
I'm not taking chances with
I'm not taking chances with someone who has made false allegations to the police against both me and my DH twice. DH can deal with her. She's my SD's mother and there is no reason for her to have a relationship with me or my daughter, given the circumstances that she created.
If she were a normal person, who had behaved in a normal way, I would wholeheartedly agree. She burned that bridge, and I have no intention of helping to rebuild.
Everything was fine.
Everything was fine. Breathing a sigh of relief. I feel like this was a true test of the boundary and it was successful!
Best part if the morning--One of my friends was waiting for me and my BD with her son, and when her son saw my car pull up, he went apeshit "Dizzy's here!! Dizzy's here!!" and so on, with BM sitting right there! Lol
it's the little things
it's the little things
Glad it went well
Hey glad things went well,
Hey glad things went well, you are a mastermind!!
Question, does your school do Dad functions as well? Two weeks ago we had to pick ss12 up late because there was a mom/kid luncheon at his school so we were asked to come about an hour late till they were done, and we've never heard about one for the father and child?? I thought it was just interesting that my fiance has never been invited or told about one of there is one, and I would assume there is if there is one for moms and their kids. I mean I could just call the school and ask but my fiance can do that if he really wanted to. Just curious.
Yes, there is a dad event at
Yes, there is a dad event at the beginning of the school year. Flyers are hung around the school, bulletins in the newsletter, and a blip on the electronic sign to advertise both. They're really hard to miss. Our school is NOT typical for a public school, because we have a VERY strong PFC and tons of parental's almost overkill...we live in an upscale neighborhood where there are a lot of SAHMs, nannies and live-in grandparents, so there are always people ready and willing to [over]coordinate events. It's nice and annoying at the same time.