My BD29 has stopped communicating with me since mid December. She is shunning me and I am heartbroken. I don't know what to do
It is over some issues she brought up to me regarding my level of involvement as a grandparent to her DD3, that she told me about on the phone after a visit. I listened but was very upset and hurt after the call. I guess I made it worse by writing an email back to her about it. She has since cut off all communication with me. She will not respond to my calls or text. I don't even know if she gets them. She must have blocked me or unfriended me on the debil site as someone on here calls it.
The issues she had are that I gave my GD3 too many birthday gifts and some were ones the parents were planning to give. I do not understand why she told me about those items if they were going to get them. The other was that she thinks I tried to interfere when she was trying to settle GD down for bed, I just stepped into the room to see if she needed any help, she snapped at me to go away and I reached out to give my GD a pat on the shoulder and I left the room. Another was about me making plans to do too much when I am visiting and staying with them and not letting her know all my plans ahead of time. I live a couple hours away and will stay over with them one or two nights. I try to see my two sons who live in the area if possible. And may have an appt. during the time.
I always try to help out with something when I visit. I offer to babysit if they want to go out. It is about once a month or two months that I can visit. I was too upset to talk on the phone so I wrote to her to speak my peace. I thought we had a relationship that would not have caused her to cut me off like this.
The silent treatment aka shunning is what her dad did to me and her and my older son for the last two years of my marriage to him. It was horrible. I never thought she would do this.
I think she reads a parenting blog since she had the baby and it has a section about dealing with family relationships. They have this whole cult like attitude about giving grandparents time outs and cutting off people who are toxic, etc. I understand that is necessary in some situations but I don't understand where it applies here.
I have had to disengage from three adult step daughters.
I may not be making much sense. This has been eating at me for a month. I don't know what to do except to give her time to have space or whatever. I showed my DH the letter I wrote her, he did not think it was something to cause this. He thought the visit we had with them went well and this is all out of the blue sky.
When my DD was a teen there was a lot of rebellion and problems. She was in counseling for issues and I stayed firm but tried to be there for her. She actually thanked me for sticking it out and not giving up on her.
Now I am concerned for her. Worried she will not try to mend this problem. Worried I will not get to see my GD. I feel abandoned. I am a person with feelings too. It is hard to trust anyone as it is. I feel this will forever alter whatever relationship we could have, that is if it is ever mended.
Between this and the past two years of the step drama I just want to go away and live in a cave somewhere and never be around anyone.
My friend who is close to my DD's age thinks it may blow over.
I just feel hopeless. I thought we were more than Mother and Daughter now, I thought we were friends.
Maybe someone out there has a pearl of wisdom to share.
Please no brow beating, I feel down enough.
Thank you for listening.
I am so sorry you are going
I am so sorry you are going through this.
I think that you are correct in just letting her have her space. You have to let her come around on her own as painful as that is for you right now.
For whatever reason right now she feels as if she is in control of the situation. Take the control away, you have reached out, and now it is her turn....however long it takes. Let it go.
Prayers and good thoughts to you.
Thank you for your support
Thank you for your support silent nites.
I have resigned myself to wait it out.
Today is her birthday. I sent her an ecard and posted Happy Birthday on her DH's debil page.
I have reached out several times since this began with no reply from her. Not even a Merry Christmas text.
This is the first Christmas and birthday since she was born that we have not connected.
Being that it is 3 am perhaps
Being that it is 3 am perhaps I would not have replied again tonight. I appreciate everyone's replies...even your first one. I was busy responding individually to your reply while you were sending your second one.
As I stated in my original post I prefer not to have hostile responses. Perhaps you are the one with the victim mentality. No one forced you to write on this forum. Maybe you can rethink your own relationships and not presume to know all about mine from my brief post.
I am not a victim in this situation nor do I subscribe to a victim mentality in my life.
Please don't trouble yourself with taking anymore time on my problem.
Peace be with you.
please see my comment to your
please see my comment to your first reply in the thread.
Yes I am a child of divorce myself...I have had people in my family who have addictions and toxic issues. Is your life and family perfect?
Are you a trained therapist? Where do you come off jumping in and judging me like you have. I don't recall saying I did
nothing wrong in the issue I posted about. I think I even said I should not have written back to her that day.
You know nothing about me yet you come on here and beat the hell out of my post.
Well kindly just go away now. Your point is taken.
Get off your high horse and leave me alone. It is my life and my merry -go -round as you say.
I am taking the time to respond individually to all of the people who are posting comments....I am appreciative of their perspective and consider if perhaps that may be the way my daughter sees things. I do not appreciate someone attacking me as you have done.
You are the one kicking me here yet you are wrong. So take your false apology from your other comment and just go away.
Lovnlife I am sorry that your
Lovnlife I am sorry that your family relationships are not well. I can relate very well as I have lost my two sisters to their drug additions and toxic behaviors. I too was the peacekeeper, go along to get along in my family. I was the middle daughter, just as my daughter is a middle child.
Perhaps she took the letter to be all about my feelings, only she can say and she is not talking. Like I said, my husband reviewed it and did not find it to be inflammatory in light of what had gone on. We were visiting for my GD birthday party that was being held at their house. My DH and I came a day early to help with the preparations. My DD's husband had called us on our way down to see when we would arrive because she was freaking out about getting everything done. We arrived, I helped prepare food, my DH kept GD busy playing when she got up from her nap, everything seemed to go smoothly. I spent an hour washing up the kitchen while they both put GD down for bed the night before the party. One of the complaints my DD had was that I was done helping when GD got up from her nap...but I wasn't...she just thought her DH cleaned the kitchen that night.
I do not feel I parent my adult daughter. If I overstep it was certainly unintentional. I tell her all the time what a good mom I think she is with her daughter. I do not give her disapproving looks. If my concern and pat on the shoulder was taken as such I have no control over that.
I have reached out to her, I listened to what she had to say. I am not a person to have everything be about my feelings. But a relationship is about two sides of the story... Both sides matter. It is my life too. Why should I accept my daughter snapping at me like that? Am I only good enough to help clean up and prep for the party, but not good enough to offer my support with the child?
My mom is not perfect...but she is my mom and I respect her and know that she loves me. I would never dream of shunning her like this. If I was upset with her I may say hey mom I need some time and will call you later. She is 74... Later may be too late, so instead of treating her like my sisters do, I choose to appreciate her and keep in touch.
There are no winners in this...nor any heros. There are just people who should be able to talk to each other and work it out.
Goodtimes thank you for your
Goodtimes thank you for your support. I decided to reply to each post on its own.
I feel your statement is so true.
"The more people in your kids lives who love them and have their best interests at heart the better."
I don't know what has happened with the younger generations who want do everything on their own and push away the extended family.
Times have changed so much.
If you have her husbands
If you have her husbands phone number or know a close friend of hers you may consider calling one of them to make ure she is ok or see if she will respond to your hsband. Maybe you can get an unbiased viewpoint ths way. If They tell you that you are the problem - well then youll know I'm not sure what set her off but she obviously feels strongly about it. If she was ODD as a teenager with the rebellion your daughter may still take any effort you offer to guide her daughter as your telling her she doesn't measure up as a mother or that you are telling her what to do. I don't know how well you will be able to walk this tightrope if this is the case should you reconcile. If she is still ODD she will probably cool off with time. If you are unable to only interact by the strict quidelines your daughter wants to impose on you I think that you would probably be better off staying with one of your sons and limiting the amount of time the two of you are together in the future. 48 hours f walking on eggshells in her home wouldn't really be comfortable anyway. In order to maintain a relationship successfully in the future should you reconcile you may need to spend less time together so that you don't inadvertently do something to set her off again. It sounds as though the toxicity is coming from your daughter but it probably won't change unless she wants help. You have my sympathy I know you are hurting.
Thank you Longtime SM. I did
Thank you Longtime SM. I did send a birthday card ....maybe tomorrow I will call one of her girlfriends to ask them to make sure she is ok.
My DD does have OCD traits and is stubborn too. I guess she is holding a lot of resentment in.
I know she has been drinking a lot and her DH does too...he was very drunk by the afternoon at the party. I thought not good for a kids party, but I did not criticize
In the future I would only go to visit when invited and keep it brief. I will drive home again if necessary. It was like walking on eggshells. I just wanted to leave after she snapped at me. Perhaps I would have it if had not been so late and a snowstorm going on.
Thanks for your perspective. It is getting very late. I can't sleep most nights with this going on in my head.
Thank you for your comment
Thank you for your comment tog. I believe time is the only solution for now.
You sound like my MIL!!!
You sound like my MIL!!!
Meddlesome, acting "helpful" while at the same time saying or doing condescending things...
Even in the very little info you gave here, I glean that your daughter has been telling you in ways you won't hear to back off, that you are overstepping boundaries. You might have "listened" to her complaints on the phone, but did you HEAR???
And if her complaint was that you were meddlesome and overstepping, why would you turn around and then write out an email, which BTW likely attempted to justify all the ways in which you were right and she was wrong?
OMG... No daughter "cuts off Mom" suddenly and for absolutely no reason.
Thank you for your
Thank you for your perspective furkidsforme. Everyone has a right to be heard in a relationship. I listen to my daughter and have respected her wishes about planning visits, staying out of her way if she is disciplining her child, etc. I raised my daughter, I know how Independant she is and I am proud of her for that.
Living farther away like I do I doubt you would find anyone who would say I meddle in her life.
I am sorry that is the experience you have with your MIL.
Working out boundaries in relationships takes honest and loving communication. It is a lifetime process that evolves throughout the stages of the relationships.
I cannot write the whole story of my life here with my DD for you to gleam more of an opinion.
I waited a month before writing about this here in despair over the situation.
Is this your sd's 1st baby? I
Is this your sd's 1st baby? I say that because I was a total control freak with the first one. My mom spoiled the living crap out of my son (and still does). Everything is over the top with her as a grandma, she out shines everything I get for them for everything. But you know what- she is grandma and she gets to do it. She makes way more money than me and has the ability and wants to.
If she wanted to get up and rock the baby when he cried, why on earth did I fight the chance for a good night sleep for once! If she wanted to buy 30 presents for his 1st birthday, why did I care? I blew up at my mom at one point for doing the things you described and she blew up right back. She told me that the whole reason you have kids is to be a grandparent! She is not giving up her right to be the grandma she wants to be and told me to shut up. -- Now, that was from my mom, not sm, so it is a little different. The point is, grandma's get to be a little crazy and get to overcompensate. Now with 3 kids, it just rolls of my back and I just sigh and say, "that's grandma for you". SD will get over it, you are just showing love in your way and are excited to be grandma.
Thank you for writing
Thank you for writing overworked mom.
I am excited to have a grandchild who knows me. I do want to be there for her unlike my parents who where too far away across country when my children were little.
My DD ( not SD) has been obsessive compulsive about things. She has been overwhelmed with dealing with the moods of a toddler. I have been there in a supportive role for her. I don't tell her how to raise her child. If she asks for advice I offer some from my experience and she takes it or leaves it.
To clarify the gift issue. I was out shopping and called my DD to ask for a suggestion on what to buy as I know she is particular about what toys are going to be in their small house. She suggested a particular brand of items. It did not seem to matter when we spoke if I got them.. The GD loved the items and was happy playing with them. It was not a boat load of stuff. There were some clothes and puzzles too. The clothes really for the parents benefit as 3 yr olds can care less about clothes for presents.
I agree with your mom that my DD should not try to tell me how to act as a grandmother when I was acting out of love and care and not trying to be malicious or undermine her in any way. In this way she was overstepping my life and when I tried to have a conversation about it all she cuts me off to punish me. If you look up the Wikipedia definition of shunning you see what a harmful thing it is to use against a family member. It is akin to mental torture. I put up with that from her dad. I don't bend so easily anymore.
I will give her time and not force myself on her. I don't want to be where I am not wanted. Do I feel sorry for myself...sure. I am still a person too.
I would give
I would give anything...ANYTHING...for my mother to be interested in me and my children. She has zero interest and lives a separate life away from us. She lives 2 miles from me. She told me (and my sister) that it's too "hard and tiresome, and I don't really like little kids". She said she has PTSD from one of her marriages and now has no patience or interest in anything.
My point is, I hope your daughter is not overreacting to your help. And if you are overstepping (in your daughters perspective) I hope you can work out some boundaries that work for your relationship.
Wish my mom would have been there to help me with my kids....
Thank you Azure. I
Thank you Azure. I understand how you feel. I raised three kids practically on my own as my XDH was involved in his career and hobbies and was a jerk as a father. I moved away from my family to be with him and we were close to his family in distance but the relationship was more superficial. My XMIL doted on the grand kids but we only saw them at holidays and family events as they lived a few hours from us.
I knew what it was like trying to travel with young kids and I made the decision to be the one to travel while my GD was little so she would know me. I would make it a nice time to visit with my DD with time to talk or help her paint a room or go out to lunch or shopping. We got along great.
I hope we can work this out too. I just don't know how to work out something if she will not talk to me.
Perhaps your relationship will improve with your mother over time. When my daughter first had the baby and was going to go back to work she had the thought that I would travel down each week to provide free child care one of the days. I was not working and had I lived nearby I would perhaps have done this. I think she was upset with me that I would not agree to her plan and they made another.
I am older and do not have the stamina to provide all day child care....nor do I think that is a grandparents responsibility but fine if they are willing.
I would love to live closer and do regular activities like going food shopping and meeting for lunch or at the park. Some of the fun stuff in life. I try to do some of that when I visit with her.
From a different
From a different perspective...
It is entirely possible that she told you about the gifts (which she sees you as usurping) just to share her excitemwnt. Not as a "here's something you could get her!" I always found, when we had company (yes, including grandparents) that goodnights were said before I took the kiddo/s to bed, and then did not appreciate further interruptions to the established routine (which your coming in was). She may also have taken that as a signal that you believed you knew better than she did. Her daughter is no longer an infant - she knows what she's doing, and could ask for help if she needed it. Yes, it would have annoyed me, too - especially if your presence and attempt to help then protracted bedtime. That can be really frustrating.
I might be a bit annoyed if my Mom came to visit me/my child for a few days, only to spend the majority of them visiting others, on appointments, etc. Especially if they were a surprise to me. When my parents came to visit us (cross country), I had stuff planned for us to do, that would be fun for grandparent/child, etc. To have that derailed by other plans? I'd be annoyed and feel almost like a hotel (I certainly would if my Mom was going to stay with me and visit my brother at the same time - stay with him!. Your offer to babysit? My parents did that, and it was always appreciated. Maybe (in the future) staying an extra day or so - and letting her know other plans you might have, and how they might fit in with hers would be a good idea.
The letter? BAD idea. Better, IMO, would have been a note, email, call tewlling her that you obviously had crossed signals the last visit, and could the two of you get together for lunch or something one day (yes - worth the extra trip for you) to figure out how you can communicate more effectively in the future? That you didn't intend to upset her, and would like to sort it out together. You can still salvage that by doing so now - just tell her the letter was you upset, but you realize a better way to handle things is to sit down as adults AND mothers. She very likely feels that you do not trust her parenting - that is hurtful to a new/not so new Mom.
The BEST thing my Mom ever did for me? When I was expecting our first (and her first grandchild), she gave me a copy of Dr Spock, with an inscription: "Remember that this is your child - and you know him/her better than anyone else - including me." And she lived/s that. She may not agree, but she never interferes. My way, is my way. Migt say something in private, but never in front of the kids. Mother knows best.
Thank you for your reply
Thank you for your reply jumanji. Your point about the bed time routine is taken. Perhaps I did not see it that way...again I was trying to be helpful at the end of a long day. My DD's own husband had made comments how stressed my DD was about the party and I was not meaning to overstep. In retrospect I think she was stewing already because she had thought I had not helped her enough with the food prep and cleaning the night before. Which she did not know until the phone call that I was the one who cleaned up the entire kitchen to have it ready for the next day. I heard what she said on that and told her I would stay out of the bedtime area in the future.(There have been several times when I have stayed with them that they had me come in to sit with them and listen to the bedtime story or even help read to GD). So how am I to know when I am crossing the line if it keeps changing?) This is her first child and my first is a new territory for both of us.
The letter was an that same light...she could have told me her grievance in person before I left the morning after the party instead of the next day on the phone. I was trying to she has shut it all off.
I did not give my daughter a copy of Dr Spock...she selected her own parenting books. But I was there at her request when the baby was born. I helped her get home from the hospital and get settled and then went home so she could bond with her baby and husband without me around....even though originally it was planned for me to stay several days longer. She appreciates that is what happened at the time.
I am posting my problem on a forum to get different perspectives and try to make some sense of it all.
Thank you again for your comments.
I think you missed my point
I think you missed my point about Spock. It was not her giving me the book - It was the sentiment behind the inscription. One which she followed from day one, until today when her grandchildren are grown. They are MY kids, and she was part of their lives at my largesse.
The BEST thing my Mom ever
The BEST thing my Mom ever did for me? When I was expecting our first (and her first grandchild), she gave me a copy of Dr Spock, with an inscription: "Remember that this is your child - and you know him/her better than anyone else - including me." And she lived/s that. She may not agree, but she never interferes. My way, is my way. Migt say something in private, but never in front of the kids. Mother knows best.
Sorry...I may have not written it right. I understood your point. It is how I feel too about my DD and GD. I don't want to raise her or tell my DD how to do it. I just want to be the grandmother. I have always told my DD how great a mom she is....I had three kids...I know that a mother knows her child the best.
"Migt say something in private, but never in front of the kids."
Part of why I replied to her about the things she said to me was that I was hurt from the way she snapped at front of the GD. Poking my head in the 'open' door of the room to see if DD needed a hand or anything ...while GD was crying (and sick from cold that had just started) was not in my opinion an unreasonable thing to do. Got my head bit off with no warning so I will not do that again.
"Mother knows best." This is a double edged sword. Hypothetical...When does a mother stop being a mother? You are the mother to your child, your mother is the mother to you. A mother knows when her child is in pain or what age does that just stop?
Without open lines of communication how can the relationships evolve?
I would just give it time.
I would just give it time. Being a new mom is hard and sometimes help comes off as criticism. She will come back, daughters always do. If it was something big, than I would say deal with it. For now, wait and let her come back to you. Trust me she will.
My mom and I clashed over the years and I actually moved to be closer to her when my husband died. She had to learn some boundaries and I had to learn what I could and could not expect from her. It works now. My son is 18 and they have a great relationship.
Thank you Jsmom. I hope you
Thank you Jsmom. I hope you are right and that it will resolve with time. I know it is a process.
It is good to hear that your relationship with your mom worked out in time.
This is hearbreaking but this
This is hearbreaking but this is not your problem. It is your daughter's problem. I suggest that you shrug it off and the opportunity of communication open. Send your grand daugther little cards and things and drop your daughter a note occassionally.
From what you describe your daughter has no legitimate bitch regarding how you are behaving. I will say that my bride used to get pissed off at my mom regularly when it comes to gifts for our kid. My mom is famous for asking what we are getting the kid then getting him something we are planning on getting him. I never tell my mom crap when when she asks about gifts for the kid. I finally told my wife that she knows how my mom is on this and if my bride shares the info I do not want to hear the bitching when my mom buys the gift. So now if my wife shares the info with my mom they discuss it and make sure it is clear who is getting what for the kid.
End of prolem ... at least for us.
Good luck.
Why not tell your Mom to cut
Why not tell your Mom to cut it out?
Tried that. What works is
Tried that. What works is coordination and agreement. For the most part we have resolved the issue and now all is peaches and cream with mom. Having her select an item from the kid's wish list resolves the issue. Mom gets to get him something he wants and does not steal our gift ideas. End of problem. This is a teasing thing that mom does. It is not done with any negative intent. My DW and my bride do much of the gift shopping together and they have a great time.
For back information, my mom and my bride and pretty much bffs. When my wife spends time with her family she tends to have a period where she becomes sensitive about non issues with my family. This is the non issue that tends to come up periodically.
For some reason after dealing with the reems of crap that always is in play in my IL's clan my wife has to make herself feel better by fabricating issues in my family. Just one of those things that happens occassionally in our extended family dynamic.
Fortunately it is managable and pretty much a non issue. My parents are awesome and doing great, my brother and his family are doing well and DW and I and the kid are doing well. I think the Rags clan success causes guilt relapse in my DW occassionally because of how F-ed up her entire family is and she has to turn a glass is half empty eye on our side of the family fence.
Thank you Rags. Your wisdom
Thank you Rags. Your wisdom is always so down to earth in the comments I have seen on s-talk.
The gift issue was perplexing to me. My response to her was basically what you said...why did she tell me something
that was on her list. Since the birthday is 10 days before Christmas she said after the party that they always wait to get gifts for her after they see what she is given for the birthday. Of all the millions of things in a store for a 3 yr old I would have bought something else.
And who bitches about gifts anyway? They are gifts...I provided gift receipts...they could be returned or given away.
I don't know why she was so upset about it. Other people brought gifts...some more expensive than what I selected. Did she gripe at all of the other guests too?
She is an adult of course but I am still her mother and I don't expect to be treated this way. I think you are right that it is her issue now...I have done what I can to reach out to her.
Not sure how you get to where
Not sure how you get to where you are from the OP. No doubt there are always two sides to every story but we have only what the OP shared and with what she shared her hurt seems reasonable to me.
I am sorry your own expriences have jaded you so badly.
Thank you Rags again. I am
Thank you Rags again.
I am not on here just seeking sympathy from internet strangers. If that were the case I would have posted this a month ago when it first happened.
I just needed to talk to someone and my DH has no clue as to why this happened, he was there that weekend. And I do not want to trouble my 74 yr old mom about it further...she is seeking less drama and strife not more. She and I are actually going on vacation this year after my graduation from college (30 yrs in the making). Our relationship is not perfect...but we get along. I generally get along with all kinds of people.
My experiences with my SD's has caused alot of strife and worry and in some ways changed who I am...but they are another story and separate from my own kids. All our kids were grown when DH and I met. The way his Daughters treated me and how they are abusive to him is all to commom according to what I have found on this site. It would have been that way with anyone he met or married. So I have disengaged from them for my own well being after severe anxiety attacks about two years ago this spring. I found this site and did post some seeking answers. It was so foreign to me that people would act the way they did. I never would have treated my SM that Dad would have given me the 'what for". It was just a different time I guess.
anyway...thank you for your support. I have followed your posts and you seem to be a level headed person. I actually think of my dad sometimes when I read your posts. He tells me to just let it go and my DD will come back around in time. He is wise...he raised three daughters and had three step children. He is not one to take any crap or emotional games...he just goes about his quiet and steady way.
Wow - harsh, much?
Wow - harsh, much?
thank you again jumanji for
thank you again jumanji for seeing the harshness in Bea's reply.
I appreciate your comments where you offered perspective without judgement and name calling as Bea did right off the bat.
All of the comments have given me alot to think about and gotton me thru another sleepless night and thru the day which is my Daughters birthday today. I sent her an e-card.
I will not try to call her today because I do not want to bother her if she is not ready to talk to me.
Likely she would not answer anyway.
So I will wait till she calls me.
Wow.... So you will never be
Wow.... So you will never be a doting grandma, huh?
Very harsh post, especially over someone just trying to be the good grandmother. She may nit be doing things the way her SD wants but to cut off a grandparent is horrible.
Thank you overworkedmom. I
Thank you overworkedmom. I thought Bea was harsh and her character assasination uncalled for since she has no idea about my life and misread most of what I posted.
Perplexing that there are such negative people in the world.
I am just trying to be a good grandmother and be there for my daughter.
Thank you.
In my original post I kindly
In my original post I kindly requested no 'brow beating'. I think you misread my post. I did ask her what gifts would be ok to give...down to what brand. She did not make clear that it was something she was considering. I was in a store when I called to ask about it.
You have made assumptions about my life and decided to call names and bet your last red cent even. Please don't bother reading my post or commenting if you are going to project your hostility. You know nothing about my XDH and the situation of my marriage with him...and my son did not block you misread that.
People do shun people all the time for no reason other than the emotional abuse it inflicts on the other person. It is called the silent treatment usually and is a passive aggressive tactic.
You offer an apology at the end of your very negative post saying that if you are wrong you are sorry. Like I said in prior comments I cannot write the whole story of my life here. I appreciate the comments of everyone and some of yours would have been better off left as constructive critisim without the added hostility and judging of my whole life based on a few bits of what I posted.
You are off base and if you are truly sorry please refrain from posting further abusive comments such as the one above about your percieved red flags.
Thank you.
beaccountable, This may sound
This may sound harsh, but you sound like a lunatic. Perhaps you can take the friendly advice I am giving you to work out your own mother issues with a therapist or psychiatrist, instead of going bipolar on someone else's post.
I would certainly say I would hate to have any sort of personal relationship with you if you think family members should have to jump through those sort of hoops. I read what she wrote several times and you must be projecting.
See my other comments to Bea.
See my other comments to Bea.
Everyone is not shunning me. It is just my daughter.
'Where was the "I always or I DO not interfere with my daughters right to parent, I always or I have asked about gifts and visiting at her house" and I respect her as a mother and daughter.'
These statements were in my email to my daughter...I always tell her how great a mom she is, I asked about what gifts would be appropriate and I always ask ahead of time when planning a visit.
I have not to my recollection ever posted anything on here about my before this everything was fine. I have posted in the past about issues with SD' this is a step parent forum.
So just working my way thru all the comments. Again you may feel free to move on to being pretty soft in your replies to other issues on this site.
You are not trying to be helpful or even to have a conversation with are just posting opinionated judgemental comments about a stranger you don't even know.
One who kindly asked in the beginning for the abscence of negativity such as this.
People like you are the likely the reason more people just lurk on these boards instead of posting to seek answers for their problems. And yes even compassion....because last I heard...compassion was a good thing.
So Rags calls you out for
So Rags calls you out for your harsh comments and you feel the need to come back and defend that you are not jaded because you have such a wonderful life.
I think he was are jaded and decided to attack me today.
You know nothing about the pattern of my life, you are not a trained therapist. Even if you are not mine.
And no you did not write my post. I did stop hijacking it and go make your own post about your wonderful life.
It must be so great for you to be hanging out on STalk.
In your own words from your tag line....
I'd rather be alone then to spend one second being unhealthy with you.
So go be alone and leave me to myself. Thank you.
No worries Bea. We all have
No worries Bea. We all have only our own experiences and perspectives as well as the the information that the OPs and commenters provide to base our opinions on. My own mom is a gem but some of her behaviors could be interpreted as nosey or manipulative. I know her as she truly is and there is not a manipulative bone in her body. Nosey? No doubt.
But not manipulative.
We don't all have to agree to contribute.
Best regards,
Your story was not lost on
Your story was not lost on me. But as you have clearly formed your opinion from the start of my post and laced your comments with vinegar then as I stated above I do not plan to go back and forth with the very negative And sometimes quite harsh posters.
If you and Bea want to have a snarky conversation on your own how about you move it to the private messages or another post?
Thank you.
I am happy that you
I am happy that you appreciate your parents Bea. I would not have guessed from the harsh (or direct as you called it) manner in which you replied to my post that was the case with your upbringing.
I have not failed to read any of this fact I have re-read everything a couple of times.
If the tone of your posts had been more objective such as this last one(even with a different opinion or perspective as jumanji put it ) and less hostile such as the earlier ones attacking my character and name calling then perhaps your message would have been more effective.
I disagree with your opinion that Rags called you out for your harshness as did a couple of other members. You talk about respecting everyone's view point and right to different opinions yet you showed me no respect in any of your prior posts.
Rags posted...."Not sure how you get to where
Submitted by Rags on Mon, 01/13/2014 - 11:30am.
Not sure how you get to where you are from the OP. No doubt there are always two sides to every story but we have only what the OP shared and with what she shared her hurt seems reasonable to me.I am sorry your own expriences have jaded you so badly.Sincerely,"
I stated to you that your apology for being off base was insincere as you continued to comment with negativity and hostility after said apology.
I have written what I wish to share with this board regarding this matter and it is my right not to copy and paste a personal email to my daughter just because some other hostile person wants to call me names. I have spent a good majority of the time with the negativity you have injected. None of which is productive or helpful to anyone.
I don't care to go into all the reasons I have disengaged with my SD's....suffice it to say I have reasons and my DH accepts that and we have moved on with our life. I have the right as you do to keep the toxic relationships out of my daily life.
I love my (only)daughter with all my heart. I have always been there for her no matter what. Even though her actions have hurt me deeply I am still here for her.
you wrote...."a daughter just does not stop talking to her mom for no reason".
I never said there was no reason...I stated the facts as I know them and am seeking answers. She has a reason I am sure...
Until she is willing to talk to me then I will not know the specific reasons she is not talking to me. Relationships are complex and there is never a cut and dried answer to a problem. I am willing to recognize my responsibility and actions in the relationships I have with my children. When I am wrong I say I am wrong and apologize. When I feel wronged I reserve the right to stand up for myself. I don't make excuses....I seek to resolve issues and carry on...not put them under the rug.
Of course this is very one sided as foreverstacey said...because it is my side of the account of what happened leading up to DD not talking to me. If I knew her side I would not be posting on this forum....I wasn't asking anyone for a there there pat on the shoulder. I was asking for respect and consideration in not attacking me.
So apparently that is too much to ask of some members of this site.
I am done responding to people who want to call names and be hostile. If there are those who want to share different opinions or perspectives then please do so in a constructive respectful manner.
Thank you.
Lostinspace - I've watched my
Lostinspace - I've watched my mom and middle sister do this many times before.
At first, I blamed my sister quite a bit. Her "transgressions", for lack of a better word, against my mom were much easier to see so I always just thought it was my sisters "fault".
In any event, as I grew older, I started to see my mom's part in this relationship and my mom's actions toward my sister.
The conclusion I came to is that they both are in this circle of behavior. Neither of them like it, and both of them wish they had a better relationship. That's the really sad part. They both are hurting so much and both want a better relationship but are having trouble changing their own behaviors. It is so ingrained in them that any provocation - real OR IMAGINED - is taken as a slight and the vicious circle starts again. It's not a matter of who hurts who anymore, or who did what. It's years and years of little things that have become mountains of perceived hurts and abuses - some of which were done on purpose and most of which were just patterns of behavior that they may not even be aware of (at least on one side or the other) . Does that make sense?
This isn't all your daughter shunning you... and I bet you are not this big bad mom either. But rather the truth is somewhere in the middle.
The real clue is to dig deep down into yourself as only you can and really look at how you treat and see that daughter. Especially as opposed to your other children. Do you treat her the same? Do you hover over her mothering more than your sons as fathers? Or are you more apt to give advice to her instead of them? Why is that? I'm guessing it's not that you don't trust her but it's a "mom thing" !
Instead of always looking at what she does to you... Can you turn that magnification on yourself? Like I said, I've seen my mom devastated by my sister. It was only recently that I have come to notice that my mom has also inflicted hurt. And 99.9999% of the time, IT'S NOT ON PURPOSE... it's just the way their relationship developed.
For my own example - Recently - I was visiting my parents and wanted to make dinner for my mom and dad. My mom came in and was saying to me "this is how I do this... let me tell you what I do" and I got angry because "Hey, I know how to cook (sort of!)
And I had to stop myself. She wasn't trying to tell me what to do necessarily. I think she was trying to share something with me. So I let her show me. ... You are pushing buttons on your daughter and you may not mean to, and she might not exactly know why they are buttons for her!
I wish you the best of luck. I think that you really need to see both sides on this - yours and your daughters. And it won't be an easy road to get over. But I think it is still early enough for you to mend. It will take time.
You may even want to try reading "The Dance of Anger" by Harriet Lerner...
Best of luck and prayers for you both...
Stick, thank you for your
Stick, thank you for your comments and story about your Mom and sister. I appreciate the perspective of someone who has seen a situation like this occur in their family and observed the dynamics.
I think your own example about the cooking is a good one. Your mom wanted to share how she cooked with was not a put down on how you cook. This would not have been something to get upset about years ago when families spent time together sharing the cooking and learning tips and receipes from their elders. It was just how it happened. Now it seems anything pushes buttons for everyone.
I thought the relationship I had with my daughter was the closest one. My sons are married and they do not have children youngest son's wife is expecting their first in July. They are busy with their lives and I am happy that they have their wives and the wives families who have become their families too. My oldest son married his best friends sister.
I will get the book you mentioned. Your explaination of the two sides of the coin was well put. Thank you for your time to reply.
Hey I'm sorry I know I am
Hey I'm sorry I know I am late - but I have a 'meddling mother' (love her, never cut her off, always forgive her even when she doesn't apologize because she's my momma) & I can't tell by your post if that is your situation or not - but if you post your email I'm sure all of us could give you insight on what went wrong. Even if you didn't mean it in a negative way, your DD took it that way & there has to be a reason.
Thank you for your thoughts
Thank you for your thoughts on this Queenbeau and anyone I may have missed since I was working yesterday on a project.
I appreciate the insight and perspectives others have taken the time to share.
I do not plan to paste in the email here as I have already stated what transpired and as I said I have had my DH read it and give his insight.
Yesterday I also had a friend who is my Daughters age read it and I fully expected her to say there were parts I could have said differently or not at all. However she finished reading it and said there was 'nothing' wrong with how I expressed myself. I trust my friend to be upfront and direct with me. She has meet my daughter before but does not know her well.
I am sure there is a reason in my DD's mind for her to be acting this way towards me. We have 29 yrs of history together and as I said before her teen years were rebellious and hell.
I did not mean anything I said in a negative way. If she took it to me that way then it is out of my control..
I have reached out to her multiple times.
I can only wait now till she is ready to resume communication.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.