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Crazy ex wife strikes again!!! Shes ruining me and my kids,,

Dadof2bandany's picture

Thursday cant come fast enough till i go to court with this pyscho.... My daughter who is 7 was playing in the backyard saturday night and tripped and fell and slammed her knee.. She told me right away ... I looked at it and it looked fine..about 6 hours later she complained she coukd not bend it, when i looked at it, it was very swollen.... I took her to er to get it checked out.. Dr said there was fluid under knee from banging it so hard,,, gave her crutches and said to stay off of it for a week... To ice it a few times a day... And come next saturday if it doesnt look better get a follow up done.... When we got out i called my ex right away and she turned it into a huge tragedy... Saying i was a neglectful father and this happened from a lack of supervision and its time to re think the amount of visitattion i have bc this is the 2nd times in 4 years my daughter got hurt....3 years ago my daughter hurt her foot by falling off the bike and again took her to er to get it looked at as a precaution and it was fine... Im being harassed bc my daughter got hurt and i took her to er to make sure she was okay... This is why i cant tell her things bc she throws everything in my face and twists them around to make me look unfit... Like Over the summer my son was in backyard playing with my neighbors kids and he wanted ice cream truck.... I told him no and his friend had money and they snuck out front(which he know hes not allowed out there alone) and got ice cream truck anyway when i found out i called tmy ex so kids see we are on same page despite our problems( she is on same page when its convenient for her)and she and i both yelled at him and he got punished... Now she changed the version to i was sleeping on the couch and let the kids play out front alone and i never supervise them and blah blah blah.... And he ran in front of car to get the ice icecream truck and almost got hit.....So now shes saying shes requesting supervised visits and will be telling courts i neglect my children... This woman is out for blood bc she knows kids love me and her life did not work as she thought it would and its my fault... Theres so many fathers out there that have not given a dime of child support to their exa nd could not give a shit about their kids... I love and support mine and shes ruining my life bc she wants to be in the spotlight 24/7 and nobody else can take credit for anythimg good regarding the kids except her.... Like example... She tells me to leave my kids studying for her both kids are faiiling and she blames me... I studied with my son all week for his spelling test and he got a 92 he went home and told his mother she told him good job and when he said me and daddy studied real hard she flipped out and said you did not study with daddy stop lying she said yes i did... And she punished himan d said u better not say you studied with daddy bc that is a lie.... I just want my kids to be happy and healthy and it kills me they habe a mother like they do,,, now im excpeting cps to come to my door any day.

SMof2Girls's picture

Stop engaging in her craziness. Relay only required, necessary facts to her. Hold her to the current order, no matter what it says, in regards to visitation.

Keep doing what you're doing .. eventually the courts will see her crazy for what it is. If she's trying to PAS your kids, you should look into therapy. DH and I are currently doing this as well.

Hang in there!

SMof2Girls's picture


I borrowed it from the library initially and ended up buying my own copy before I even finished it.

christinen's picture

Wow. Kids get hurt. It's not the end of the world. 2 times in 4 years is hardly extreme. I would just not give her any information anymore if that is what she is going to do with it. Don't feed into the craziness!