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disgusted's picture

So, DH and I had a talk this afternoon while step snot and the other kids were at school..I told him EXACTLY how I feel about how step snot acts and is allowed to treat me and others...After about a half an hours worth of a screaming match..He finally admitted that I was right and that he was going to "crack down on her" blah blah blah blah blah...

He takes our son and step snot to Karate tonight...They come home a bit late..Why? Because he stopped at the store to buy the kids ice creams after Karate..Yep, cracking down on her means taking her out for an ice cream after the way she treated me last week and yesterday..

If one of my daughters had stolen from one of their parents, lied repeatedly to both our faces, and then spun around and said to one of their parents "Your stupid and have no idea what your talking about", and then to top it off lied again about what took place with that parent...It would occur to me that perhaps they don't deserve an Ice cream after Karate the very next day!!!!!!!!!!

My blood is boiling so high that I feel like my ears are smoking and my eyes are going to pop out of my sockets..

This guys an idiot...I am slowly but surly beginning to hate him as much as his snotty brat!!!


lil_teapot's picture

Where have all the spines gone? Have all men lost their backbones?
This is just ridiculous. I can completely get why you're mad!
Not only is he teaching the kids that behaving inappropriately is ok, it is rewarded. Not just that, but they are learning that you are inferior and to be treated badly...they're going to carry that through their lives that they will feel 'entitled' to mistreat people they view as 'lesser than' themselves. That's not right.
He needs a trip to a good shrink!!!

stepmasochist's picture

I don't think she even deserved karate. Stepsnot should be thrown into a dungeon for a year or two.

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

and if he doesn't wake up soon you will definatly hate him as much as stepsnot.

Did he tell you why he bought the icecream especially after what you guys just spoke about. What was his excuse?

Endora's picture


See Crayon, 5teens, Sita Tara, SecondWife19-Endora-blogs

DH-BF are thick as bricks when it comes to follow up and follow through to rules adults make-

My ex would have clipped Cinderella himself-but then again....

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

will too. And it will climb, climb climb until you can take no more.

No one said life is far-but it will damned sure be fair in these walls, or those who don't take responsiblity can get out.

My idiot soon to be ex H and I wee discussing his financial mess tonite. I made the comment -"you and I have totally different values. to you, taking a trip to Disneyland (where he took his d's one year-while he ignored his tax debt) is so much more fun than taking care of your obligations."

His response? He giggled. I mean the Fiiking Idiot of All Men giggled. He thinks it's cute, obviously, that that's how he lived. And want to continue to live.

So, point is-regardless of how much effort we put into explaining the correct way, what needs to be done, whether it be with skids or money, the morons will let it go right thru their heads, and continue to brainlessly follow their hearts desire-which, of course, is treating their entitled brats like royalty.

disgusted's picture

Oh, I asked him what his excuse was...He looked at me with a blank stare like his brain just slipped out of his ear and onto the floor. Apparently, she didn't get an ice cream it was "something to drink". (Her favorite drink.) And he backs it up with "So she can't even have something to drink now??" (eyeroll)

Sure she can have something to drink..It's called Culligan and it sits in a five gallon jug on the water despenser AT HOME!!!!!We live two blocks from the Karate Dojo and four blocks from the store. I don't think that Step snot would have died of dehydration between here and the Karate dojo...

My work out water jug was still sitting in the van from my trip to the gym..Still cold..and with Ice Still in it...If she was ever so thirsty she could have drank that on the way home from Karate!!!!!!Grrrrrr..Buying a 12 year old her favorite drink from the store is still treating her whether its ice cream or anything else. Idiot!!!

What it all boiled down to is that he couldn't bring himself to make his "princess" sit in the car and get nothing from the store while he took our son, who deserves it, into the store for an after Karate treat!!

Then in the next breath he wonders why she acts the way she does!!! Geeeee...Could it be because he consistently rewards her for BAD BEHAVIOR???? Dumb ass...

"Stupid people shouldn't breed !"

stepmom2one's picture

At 12 she can stay home for a few minutes while your H and BS get ice cream. He should have dropped her off (she could get a drink!!)and your son could be treated since he deserved it.

Your H is not teaching her anything.

stepmom2one's picture

My H pulls this crap all the time. He will say "we stopped for ice cream" REALLY after she just lied about me TWO days ago?!! His response "well I wanted ice crea, she happened to be with me tonight"