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Just keep digging yourself deeper!

discfocused's picture

So I have not been on in awhile but I need to vent. Back in Feb. My husband went and got an Exparte of child protection against BM for his son and daughter, after she was put in the psyc ward for the 4th time and she has been blaming the kids for her panic attacks. During the time we had them we learned ss is failing school because bm, is not keeping track of anything. The child protection was just dropped 2 weeks ago and she was just served for modification of child custody (he is going for full custody). Well she has this habit of meeting a guy and they move in within a week or two. Well this new guy... Just got out of prison for drug possession. The guys ex sends messages to my husband saying he needs to watch his kids.. long story short the guy just got off a 1 week drug binge, is living with the BM, has Hepetitis C and she went to the BM's to pick him up and he was there getting high (kids were with us). She told him all this because she doesnt allow him to see the kids except on her terms which is why she was going to get him but left him there when she saw him at her house getting high. :jawdrop:

nothinforya's picture

Sounds like a good reason to get full custody and not allow visitation. Would the boyfriend's ex testify for you as to what she saw? You could have her summoned to appear if you think it would help. Has BM seen the children since the order of protection expired? Did she take them to premises where this man was living? Maybe you need a protective order concerning him.

discfocused's picture

He called his lawyer today updating him on everything he just found out. I have a 13 page court log of all her shit. We have had them the past 3 weeks and she only came to pick ss11 up on his bday for a few hours and guess who was driving her car... Yep! Drug addict.. and there was a twisted tea (alcoholic drink) in the cup holder (it wasnt open though). That was the first they ever even saw the guy. The guys ex doesnt want her name used because she is afriad what her ex would do so the lawyer is looking into that as well. And yes, BM has seen them. At first it was no contact (for a month), then she got them back Wednesdays-Fridays and now since she finally got a lawyer it was dropped. But the kids just went back to her last night and the guy is living there.

SMof2Girls's picture

If the kids are there and you know he's there possibly doing drugs, call the police and/or CPS. Let them go investigate.

discfocused's picture

We have to be careful how its done. Thats why he called the lawyer first. At this point we think he is there with the kids because we had a friend drive by and the kids are at the house but BM is not and there are no cars. So either the druggie is watching them or they are alone because when my husband drove by earlier he saw his son outside in the front yard. If we call now and there is nothing there it may tip off BM that we know whats going on. We want to make sure we have as much as possible going into court so he gets full custody. The ex of druggie says she talks to him daily and if she hears of him being high of having anything around the kids, she will let us know.. Then we will call. She says she does not think he has anything today because he has no money.

SMof2Girls's picture

I can't imagine that you wouldn't get full custody if everything you say is true. If you or DH are legitimately concerned for the safety/welfare of the children, you should be calling the police .. regardless of what that means for your potential court case.

I know that if it were my skids and I thought for a second they were home alone with a drug user, I'd have the police knocking on the door.

discfocused's picture

I wish it was that simple... But if we did that the likely thing to happen would be they would knock on the door and BM would say yes that is my boyfriend but he does not live here. And if they search the house and find nothing.. guess who looks bad as making a false report? We have to be careful how we handle it. Court cases dont happen overnight. It took 2 months to get her served and they are still working on a court date knowing the kids are in an unstable environment. My husband cant just go over there with allegations of what the ex has said, We have to be sure.. she could just be a pissed off ex. The only thing we can confirm as of now is his record which is public (drug use, assualt, etc..) and heresay from the ex. He is not banned from being around all children according to the law. So unless we catch him with paraphernalia with the kids, we have to wait for court or we are just going to be making allegations which looks bad in court custody battles. Trust me, I would love to do what you say. But we have already been dealing with these situations (this is the 3rd time she has had someone fresh outta jail move in with her) and its not that easy.

discfocused's picture

and it was just confirmed the kids are at BM's house with drughead watching them... How I wish we knew if he had drugs on him right now...GRRRRR!

SMof2Girls's picture

Drive to a pay phone and make an anonymous call that you witnessed two kids home alone with a known drug user and you're concerned for their safety.

discfocused's picture

just because you have done drugs in the past does not mean you can not be around kids...

SMof2Girls's picture

Didn't you say the ex just told you that he's been doing drugs and so she wouldn't let them around her own kids?

You don't KNOW that he's not high right now and you are legitimately concerned, right?

discfocused's picture

He was not doing drugs around the kids.. yet.. no we dont know that. But we are consulting with the lawyer on the best thing to do. If he thought it was necessary based on what has happened, he would tell us to.

discfocused's picture

at work

SMof2Girls's picture

So have DH drive over and pick the skids up. If she's at work, no reason they can't spend time with him until she gets off.

discfocused's picture

Yeah, thats called kidnapping.. Its her time and it'd be used against him in court.