the ex manipulating
Does anyone else have to deal with an ex who constantly tries to manipulate the other to get her own way, or for the egotistical purposes and or revenge ... I have been thru hell because of this, and unfortunately she still has a lot of power over him. I find it so difficult when it feels like she has so much control. He wants trust, yet he always has heart to hearts with HER(!!!)
Yes, yes, and yes, to all
Yes, yes, and yes, to all three questions. I would suggest that your DH puts some boundaries in place and stops having heart to hearts with his Ex. That is just asking for trouble.
Heart to hearts? Oh no no
Heart to hearts? Oh no no no, not on my watch. I agree ^^^
NO more heart to hearts
NO more heart to hearts period.
Everything they have to talk should be about Skids and you should be privy to if you want.
Normally, I think the Exs should be able to have a discussion about skids without SP around. But some of these BM's and Ex are crazy and is constantly trying to gain ground with the DH/SO so it makes it impossible to have a normal life.
StillLiving, I think you are going to have to insist that the heart to heart conversations are stopped or you might as well pack your bags.
If he's married to you, it's
If he's married to you, it's highly inappropriate to be having heart to hearts with any other woman. Period.
LOL is this a trick
LOL is this a trick question?:
"Does anyone else have to deal with an ex who constantly tries to manipulate the other to get her own way, or for the egotistical purposes and or revenge ..."
Uhh, who here HASN'T?
Exactly. Google "emotional
Exactly. Google "emotional affair". I bet that will really be eye-opening to you.
Agreed, that definitely needs
Agreed, that definitely needs to be looked at with scrutiny!
Mine is a master at it. She
Mine is a master at it. She is a narcissist in the truest form. Fortunate for me my DH has observed and listened to me and he does not engage her behavior. He ignores her and that has really ticked her off but she knows that trying with him doesn't get her anywhere anymore so she just pulls it on her famiy and unfortunately her kids. She is also an alcholic and the drunk texting has gotten pathetic at best, but he also just ignores them. Most of the time she just drops it, but only after about 20 texts or so. We save them all in case we need them for court. Your DH really needs to put his foot down and not give in to her demands.