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What do I have the right to know?

SonyaJ's picture

Most of the time my husband makes plans with the mother of his child without sharing those details with me. All I want is to know what is going on. Not to make decisions on his behalf involving their child but know what may be going on in our household or his life involving his daughter and my step daughter. My question is that too much to ask for? I have asked so many times to just be kept in the loop and he cannot do that or won't.

We have been married a little less than a year and have all lived together a year and a half. My son is 8 years old and my step daughter is 7 years old.

TASHA1983's picture

Absolutely NOT TOO MUCH TO ASK! That is something he SHOULD be doing. PERIOD! You are his WIFE...there is no need to list anymore reasons why!!!

SonyaJ's picture

I have. Most of the time he says he forgets. But I don't think that is the case most of the time. I have been asking about Father's Day for weeks and what the plan is. And he really doesn't want to discuss it with me. Two days ago I specifically asked him what was going on. He said he didn't know. Then no less than an hour later he tells his daughter that he may be getting her next Friday.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

We have been married a little less than a year and have all lived together a year and a half. My son is 8 years old and my step daughter is 7 years old.

^^^ Please tell me you don't live with BM?

SonyaJ's picture

No, don't live with her. But she lives close. And she will text him as early as 7am and as late as 11pm.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

Well my dear, boundaries is your problem. Oh, and a DH that has forgotten who is his wife.

SonyaJ's picture

Thank you all. It has been so frustrating. I feel like I am a bother when I ask what the heck is going on. I have reached my limit.

SonyaJ's picture

I already have a counseling session set for tomorrow. I need help on how to fix me, fix us or find the strength to move on.

Mommagpz-dk's picture

ya no kidding! i could understand u being left out if the relationship was still early or if you had only been marred a couple months but ur his wife and you and your kids are his family. you should be parenting together and making schedules together etc. i have a great relationship with my second daughters dad but i still run everything by my soon to b husband to at least let him know whats going on and if he forgets to let me know something i just ask and he tells me and we arent even married yet. thats the way it should be. if youre going to be a family he needs to start treating you with the respect you deserve as a wife and step parent.