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Summer Vacation HELP

Biomomof2's picture

Sorry this is me posting as a BM. Gasp!!!
So I email my notification 30 days in advance of my 1 week vacation with the kids. The ex comes back with, well your vacation is not suppose to interfere with my visitation. I than explained to him if that was the case I wouldn't need to notify him. When he took his week last year, he took my days since he only has them 3 weekends a month. Than he wanted to switch weekends. I replied I'm not asking for that, im notifying you of my vacation time. So his response back was well than when they are not at drop off, I'm calling the cops. I told him fine, I have your response to the notification and my parenting plan. So than the threat of well, since you won't work with me so everyone is happy I'm taking you back to court. I told him ok. Take this back to court, you have now provided me with proof of threats to call the courts and court action if I don't do what you want rather than follow the court order.
Now, it is well I have no choice but to take you back to court because you are not looking out for the best interest of the children.
Is it just me or does this guy have a serious screw loose?? He is going to back to court and say your honor she won't switch weekends with me and instead is taking her court ordered week vacation and I threatened her and she still wanted to follow the court order?????
Seriously, now he wants me to switch his days around because his schedule changed. So he can't get the kids on the weekends for a month.
He emailed and asked me today (24 hour notice) to drop the kids off at 8pm Saturday instead of 3pm on Friday because he works tomorrow and Saturday. And yes, he has know for awhile. I responded with I'm on pain meds for a surgery scheduled on the 11th, let me see if I can get someone to drive me if not it will have to be 930am on Sunday. He has emailed four more times as responses to that email asking if I will take them at 8pm on Saturday.

He wants to take me to court to prove I will not work with him. Does anyone else see the threats behind his emails????
What to do, seriously. I think if he has a problem take me back to court to try to prove this and show the judge how big of a douche you are.

Biomomof2's picture

Sometimes it is so hard to even try to be decent to him. The only time he is happy is if he comes out on top. If he sees anyone else "winning" he gets all butthurt.

Biomomof2's picture

I haven't posted much on this board because honestly the SD situation is too specific. There can not be another story out there like this.
But I have read all your posts, and I'm really blown away by your DH. I was married to my kids BD for 10 years and had a SD than. She has given me a lot of the SD problems on here. But at 19, she is actually a really good person and I see very clearly with her it wasn't BM that stood in the way it was my ex. I am the only contact ExSD has with her little brother and sister. Sad to say but I texted her on her high graduation and congratulated her. She never heard from her dad.
Yes, I'm admitting I got involved with another SD situation!!!! Lol but and this is a HUGE deal. SO is worth it. And EXSD has shown me alot. Now if for whatever reason SO and I don't work out, I'm done with the step dynamics!!!

You DH really blows my mind. He is so far up his sons a** he doesn't see daylight!!!!!

Biomomof2's picture

It is really nice to have an outsider see this. I have a restraining order where we are only suppose to talk about the kids, he doesn't have my address, he isn't allowed with 10 yards of me because he has always been very controlling, verbally and emotional abusive. He calls my SO the worthless piece of shit to the kids and calls his daughter a brat. Tells the kids my SO will never be their family or in anyway a dad. He reminds the kids he is the only dad they have. Now, my kids call SO by his first name, but they live with the man. He is the dad in our home. At the very least, he is family

SMof2Girls's picture

LOL this is so typical of something our BM would do. "Either you work with me and give me what I want or I'll tell the judge on you". What are we .. 5?

Let him take it back to court. On his dime. These control freaks really don't know when to draw the line.

Best of luck!

Biomomof2's picture

Right?? I'm going to go tell the judge that you are not working with me and want to follow the court order!!! And than my threats didn't work!! Your honor, I tried to threaten her with court and she still wanted to follow the court order!!!!