Why is everyone but me suprised that BM is being a psycho b*tch about our vacation again this year?
Every year we have the right to block out two weeks of uninterrupted time each summer. We can take it as 1 chunk or 2 separate weeks. Every year we go to the beach with my family the week beginning with Fathers Day weekend. Every year, she finds a new way to freak out and upset the kids big time.
We leave Saturday and it's her weekend. She can technically see them from 6:00pm Friday until midnight, as we have blocked out Saturday to the following Saturday. She was notified in writing May 6th and 16th via her attorney. We have to notify her in writing 30 days in advance. She is now claiming that she was never notified and they have to be with her. The kids have mentioned this vacation many times over the past few weeks.
Knowing that she would pull some crap, DH texted her yesterday saying "Just wanted to remind you that our vacation starts this weekend". She immediately claimed she was not notified in writing. Then she starts calling/texting the kids and crying on the phone about how she just wants to see them and giving them a major guilt trip. SS14 tells her, mom this is important to me and if you screw it up I'll never forgive you. Then she tells them she has to work Friday night (lie) and won't see them at all. OK fine, no skin off my back. SD15 has to work Fri night anyway (2nd night at her first job). My personal favorite line was "this isn't about your dad, this is about you and your sister" Seriously? I think this is all about BM not the kids. If it were about them, she would listen to them and not put them through this emotional turmoil. We think the issue is settled.
Today, she calls them both saying that she wasn't notified in writing and they were coming with her no matter what. She magically no longer has to work and was planning to take them to the beach this weekend herself already. Another lie. She says she will see them tomorrow at 6.
So, the dilema. What do we do from here? The technically legally correct answer is they go from 6-12. The problem is, if she won't return them at 12, the cops won't do anything about it. Neither one of them want to go with her tomorrow because of how she's acting. According to our attorney, no judge would reprimand us for them choosing not to go since they are 14 and 15. Our legal responsbility is for them to be available to her at 6 and if they choose not to go, they don't go. But SS14 doesn't want to tell his mom that himself. He also has a horrible case of poison oak and is pretty miserable and just isn't up to dealing with her crap. I also don't want the crazy b*tch in our driveway causing a scene at 6. She has before and she will again. The cops also wouldn't force them to go with her at 6 either. But I'd rather not have the cops involved at all. I'm tired of her screwing up our vacation EVERY year.
So, what to do?
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Totally agree. You must
Totally agree. You must notify certified mail, the woman is so self centered....
Next year she will try something else, I'm sure. But you might as well eliminate what you can.
I would let the kids go, if they are going to. If she doesnt return them then she will deal with kids being upset that they missed a vacation because of her.
I would be inclined to be out
I would be inclined to be out at 6pm having a pizza, preferably at least 5 miles away, and don't go home till 9pm at the earliest. Hopefully she will have got fed up and gone home by then.
I vote for go out Friday
I vote for go out Friday night-since once is working anyway...and not deliver at 6pm...and go enjoy your vacation!!!
I'm not surprised, even
I'm not surprised, even though I don't know any of you personally. Not sure what state you are in but in WA, the courts do nothing but say don't do that again when BM doesn't follow the court ordered plan. We used to have police at our home when BM showed up banging on the door at 7AM and they don't do anything for any age kids except remove the psycho from the property. We wanted our home to be a place of peace for the kids and us. So we had the court order a neutral p/u and d/o location with language stating it is contempt should the drop/off parent not have good cause if running late more than 15 min's. She still has been in contempt but $4,000 isn't worth going to court each time so we try to prepare or avoid such situations and if it happens we write it up in email and save it. We now do all communication via email for evidence and this has been a great help. We had proof of an agreed child support change that BM tried to later deny and went to child support services to get out of paying but lost. I suggest you protect yourself however you must legally. If the kids do not want to go to mom's then nothing anyone can do about it. I'd tell her in a nice way via email/mail/attorney to not come to your home and go out to dinner or to friends to avoid any explosions. I'd also suggest changing your meeting place to a neutral public location for drop off and pick up so you and the kids feel home as a sanctuary not a war zone for when BM doesn’t get what she wants.
So, I think we managed to
So, I think we managed to dodge the bullet this time. SS14 sent her a text today that said he didn't want to come and she flip flopped personalities again and said it was OK. He has walking pneumonia and a horrific case of poison oak (went to the doc this am). She said "I hope you feel better soon and have a good vacation" and that was it. She really is crazy. I can say this because we have documented proof that she is LOL.
To those who said to send it certified, our problem is that she won't accept it/sign for it. Anyone know of a way to get certified delivery without her having to sign? I think maybe UPS/FedEx can do this but I don't think USPS can. She did know about it, she just claims she didn't get properly notified (which she did through her lawyer - her lawyer confirmed). If it wasn't this she'd find some other way. She comes up with something every time.
On the positive side, our lawyer called us about 4 today so DH could sign the motion to modify child support which she'll get served with next week while we're gone (and our lawyer will be on vacation too) and we found out today that her lawyer just withdrew. It was just a matter of time since she screamed at her lawyer on the courthouse steps that he was stupid and "was no f*ing lawyer". It's her 6th lawyer in 5 years. She's going to be super pissed since her child support of $151/month will go up to $400-$500 since she finally has a job.