BM taking DH to court over flu shot
I am new to this site so please bear with me. I am SM to a 6 year old. BM wants SD to get a flu shot. DH does not. She filed a motion to have it court ordered until SD is 18. No court date yet. We are in MI. has any one gone thru this before? It this something the court can order? BM is also a newly licensed RN and throwing her "medical expertise" around. She has also lied to us about her SS supposed court ordered flu shot and how the judge rules and what his stance is. After speaking to her SS BM I was informed this is not true. Any advise or experience would be much appreciated.
Why is DH so against a flu
Why is DH so against a flu shot?
Good for your DH. Sadly, the
Good for your DH. Sadly, the BM will probably win just because most people in the government think it works...sigh.
DH is against the flu shot
DH is against the flu shot for many reasons. She has never requested one before, now that she is a nurse it is a must. I would be here all night listing his reasons.
Good lord why is she going to
Good lord why is she going to court over it?
If I felt that strongly about it I'd just haul his ass to the drugstore and get the flu shot and be done with it.
Let's just hope that the
Let's just hope that the court will make a decision fairly and just on both sides.
Hmm. Kinda surprised BM
Hmm. Kinda surprised BM didn't just go get the flu shot. It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission, and all...
I don't understand why DH is so against the flu shot. He'll likely lose this battle. Not only because the mother (who is presumably custodial) and doctors generally agree that it's a good idea.
This just makes DH look like he's being difficult.
They have joint physical and
They have joint physical and legal, she resides in both homes. BM got a fancy degree, that DH had to pay for and now she sits at home not working. Thanks for your input! It is appreciated.
I never got my kids flu
I never got my kids flu shots, nor myself, either. Why? I know too many people who've gotten sick from the shot itself, and then STILL gotten the flu. The kids and I all had it once (a few years ago). Period. The odds are, to me, worth avoiding a vaccine that is at best 60% effective.
Diff'rent strokes.
My ex took it to the
My ex took it to the mediator. Who sided with me, pretty much because the kids were with me the majority of time during flu season, so it would be up to me to handle it. Whether from the shot or coming down with the actual flu. In a 50/50 situation, I can see how it would be more complicated.
I will say that I went ballistic when he decided to get #2 the Gardasil series of shots at 13. It was still very new, I had read some disturbing reports, and she was not sexually active (yes, I know this). So there was no need at that point in time. I wasn't informed (before or after), and found out quite by accident. He AND the doctor up there got an earful from me. When she told me that she was considering becoming active, we talked about the vax, and I suggested she speak with her doctor about it before making a decision. She got it this summer before going to college. I think it was the right time, and it was a well-informed decision she made for herself.
Note - I am NOT anti-vax at all. But I don't think they are always necessary (as in the above two examples).
Many head and neck cancers
Many head and neck cancers are the result of HPV infections contracted at a young age. Why not protect him with a safe and effective vaccine?
The flu shot isn't 100%
The flu shot isn't 100% effective and if it was a vac she needed for school or was 100% there would be no issue. I have never had a flu shot, or the flu. Neither has my BS who is 17. DH hasn't either. I know that isn't a reason not to get your child the flu shot but I feel it is not needed. Of course I am SM so it doesn't matter what I think and I am very well aware of that. If BM doesn't get her way she uses the courts. She never wanted her to have one for the past 5 years why now? BM has always known DH stance as it has been in writing, emails, since day one. Now after 6 years she makes it an issue. Thanks again for your thoughts. I never had to deal with such a difficult person before. I am glad to see I am not alone.
Ever since BM enrolled in her
Ever since BM enrolled in her "respiratory therapy" training program with the Navy, she is now a "subject matter expert" on the SDs' asthma conditions.
Keep in mind, not only has she not completed the program yet, she's currently ranked 6th out of 8 students grade-wise.
This certification program (although still incomplete) gave her the impression that she no longer needs to consult with DH about the girls' treatment plans. She took the girls to the doctor and had SD6 started on 2 completely new meds and upped the dosage on her existing one. This includes allergy meds, despite never having ever tested positive for allergies. DH found out a week after the new meds had been started; despite having joint legal and physical custody and an agreement that CLEARLY states that all non-emergency medical decisions are joint.
I also have read the 60%
I also have read the 60% effectiveness figure and no doubt the shot makes some people sick. I've been taking them for decades and never catch the flu so I'm a firm believer for myself. My son never takes them and rarely gets sick but has a loner type job driving a semi cross country.
It's people in buildings that catch the flu, most of them anyway.
But court is really stupid. Yes I mean stupid. Just take the kid and have it done Mama.
The last time I had the flu
The last time I had the flu was the one time I got a flu shot. That was 7 years ago.
I, like others, am puzzled about why she's taking it court. She can take her daughter to Walgreens & get it done. No court order. No physicians notes. Nothing, & she gets her a haircut.
The last time I almost died
The last time I almost died from the flu was the year I skipped the shot. Both my husband and myself get the shot due to our jobs. I don't see the big deal as to why the child should not have it.
The rumors about it making you sick with the flu have been proven false. You can check the CDC web site for more information.
Again, thank you. SM of 2
Again, thank you. SM of 2 girls, it sounds like we are dealing with the same person. She has YEARS of medical experience. I am not knocking her degree, she earned it, but 2 years of college and no job doesnt equate to years of experience. There is so much more, but that is for another time. I know there are pros and cons to the flu shot and everyone has different opinions. I appreciate all your input.
This year's flu shot is 70%
This year's flu shot is 70% effective. This year's flu strains are very severe for babies and the elderly, the groups who die from influenza in the greatest numbers. Also immunocompromised people, like cancer patients on chemo. If you don't get it for yourself, get it to protect your elderly neighbors and relatives, the newborn down the street, and others whose immune systems can't protect themselves. It's not all about you.
i've heard that the flu shot
i've heard that the flu shot is for the very old, the very young and the sick because of a build-up of mercury. that was awhile ago, but wonder if it does not still apply?
I have been getting flu shots
I have been getting flu shots for years (I work in a huge office with hundreds of people). My DH didn't used to get them but he did get one this year. I have no clue whether or not SD got one but I highly doubt it because I haven't heard her screaming and crying lately like she does every time she gets a shot (she's 5). Honestly, if it were my kid, I wouldn't be asking anyone's permission, not even the father. If I want my kid to have a flu shot, I'm taking him/her to get the flu shot. I know there are arguments for and against it and that is the problem your DH and the BM are having, but I am surprised she hasn't just went and done it by now.
My husbands ex just does
My husbands ex just does whatever and we find out from the kids the. My husband calls the dr to see what was done because bio won't tell him. Sounds like a tit for tat argument. She wants to argue and he fed into it by saying no....
My husbands ex just does
My husbands ex just does whatever and we find out from the kids the. My husband calls the dr to see what was done because bio won't tell him. Sounds like a tit for tat argument. She wants to argue and he fed into it by saying no....