Would you return to sender the mail of a Skid who does not live at your house, who is a convicted fraud crimminal...
some background- MSD is a convicted insurance fraud and idenity theft crimminal (against her own mother no less- among other things
like forgery, check fraud, frauding her employer, etc.) She set up her terrorist camp in my garage/studio with her cat for five weeks in the spring.
I am currently in counseling trying to recover from the PTSD she left me with when I finally got her out of here.
A Horrible time....fast forward to now...still dealing with BullS**t from her lies and DH's enabling, fence riding behavior.
I had a blow out with DH last night over mail that came to the house for MSD aka the Thing,
she is still using our address to go to counseling in our county. She doesn't live here!
So I took the mail to the office in town and told them she does not live here.
I did not know at the time it was for her counseling sessions. But whatever, DH
calls me up to say he got a call (from Her) about how I screwed up her theraphy by telling
them where she lives. So she will have to wait two months (I think to get started in the right
county). Something she should have done in April!
So somehow it is all my fault. Not her's for lying about her residence.
I am still so pissed with DH and his warped reasoning on anything she does.
I slept on the couch last night with the dog who loves me.
I'm sure Thing and OSD sister Thing have ragged on me to him yesterday.
He was on the phone with OSD a while and only said uh uh, most of the time.
He wants me to just give her mail to him.
I told him hell no. I will not support her fraud and lying.
He is acting like all is well today. I am just so tired of her BS rearing it's ugly
head in my life. Maybe one day I will get past it.
I never want anything to do with any of them again.
Can a marriage work when that is the way it has to be?
I am going to counseling on my own now every two weeks. I will continue to go
until my eyebrows grow back (stress has caused me to pick them all out). My counselor
told me the first visit that it sounded like I had healthy boundaries and would be
easy to work with to work on how I am to deal with the dysfunctional people like DH in
my life. The skids are out of it...I never want to see any of the B***ches again.
I hate them all for bursting my happy little bubble that I had spent so long to find
in my life.
heavy sigh....
I would not forward the mail
I would not forward the mail to her. It was her responsiblity to provide her CORRECT mailing address to her therapist.
I have similar issues with my skids and their BM. I was considering buying a return to sender stamp from Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/RETURN-SENDER-Inking-Rubber-Stamp/dp/B003P5MFP0). Unfortunately, I have had to resort to doing this (returning mail to sender) as my skids (like their mother) use my mailing address to avoid paying bills and/or bill collectors. A stamp like the one mentioned above could be discretely stored in your purse. You could intercept the mail, use the stamp to mark it return to sender, and drop it off at the post office at your convenience.
Thank you for all your
Thank you for all your replies. To clarify some things. When she moved out she refused to put in a forwarding address until weeks after she was gone because she did not want anyone to know where she lived ( hiding from the law, etc). She even sent a text to DH that threatened to kill me if I told anyone where she was. Of course he did not share this info with me. I saw it on his phone. Since it was not directly to me I could not take it to the police.
Anyway. Before she put in the forward order I contacted the post office to see if I could do it for her. No. My only option was to RTS. So I did and that finally forced her to put one in.
However time has passed and some mail comes here. I RTS it. When a second piece came for one that I had already sent back with her address written on the back, then I stopped in the county assistance office to return it in person.
Turns out it was for her counseling benefits. That since she does not live in this county she should not be receiving here. She is committing further acts of fraud by lying about her address.
I will not allow it. And her and DH can go twist in the wind if they think I will. DH says now her treatment will be delayed to get the help she needs. I told him bull sht. If she can't tell her counselor something so simple in truth as where she lives then she is not going to be helped. I don't even know if she still lives in this state even. She is a con artist and a pathetic wimp victim who wants to get a free ride.
Old Dart- she was given a timeline when she first moved to change the mail. She ignored it and threatened to kill me. I RTS her mail and she finally put in the forward order.
DH thought it was ok for her mail to come here. He would see that she got it. I told him from the beginning that would not work for me. I get the mail out of the box everyday. I did not want to see her name in my box.
Wowthisishard- you were right on about the reasons someone sends their mail to address that is not theirs.
And the bad thing is she still has her DL id with my address. DH would not make her wait till she was in her own apt to get the id.
So I don't know how it can last. I lose more respect for DH every time anything comes up.
Before this bitch came into our home this past spring everything was great. She is like a cancer that will not go away. If you find some of my old posts you can see the way she forced her way in here without my consent and just planned to stay as long as she wanted. Even on the day to move into an apt we paid two months rents on for her she was not going to move. I had to put her shit out on the driveway and force her to come get it and go sign the lease with DH. She was crying poor pity me, my bF broke up with me, I don't want to live.... It was all a tactic to not move out. BF showed up with her to get her stuff and then spent the rest of the weekend with her after I texted her to stop her emotional blackmail suicide bullshit texts to her dad. What a piece of work. Some break up it must have been. They are still together. Please.
Sign again.
...DH that threatened to kill
...DH that threatened to kill me if I told anyone where she was. Of course he did not share this info with me...
OMG! I only have one thing to say about this - you need to get out of this relationship NOW!
You most certainly should not
You most certainly should not allow her to receive mailat your house or use your address, especially if she involved and fraud and skirting the law. If you haven't do so already, you should run a credit report on both your husband and yourself to make sure that you have not been victimized be her, identity theft goes hand in hand with fraud.
My stepson is 39 years old, married with 3 children. He is a parasite in every sense of the word, has mooched off everyone, lied, cheated, taken advantage of everyone. He's been evicted 16 times in 13 years for failure to pay rent. True story, no exaggeration. He hasn't held a real job in years, nor has his wife. Several months ago he asked my husband to cash a check for him, my husband was busy and couldn't do it. A week or so later I got a call from a neighbor givin me a heads up, he had found someone to cash multiple checks, they had bounced, her bank told her that the checks were written on a closed account, had been stolen and forged. When I told my husband, SS had already told him his version of the story, it was all a gross misunderstanding and had all been cleared up. NOT! Two weeks later he and his wife were arrested for stolen and forged checks, thrown in jail and expecting us to bail them out. We refused and eventually someone bailed them out. Shortly after that SS was arrested again for bad checks, once again not his fault. Long story short, he and his wife have been in jail for 3 months on charges of identity theft, forgery, grand larceny, stolen property, internet fraud, welfare fraud and misc. charges. For the past 10 years they have been putting their utility bills i the names of their children, letting them go to collections then using someone else's name. Cellphone bills in other people's names, thousands of unpaid balances. We had no idea that this was going on untila police office knocked on my door looking for information. Nothing is sacred and no one is immuned. If she isn't livign there but contunes to receive mail at your address, there is a good reason for. Take it from me, we learned the hard way.
Wow. Chilling story. I may
Wow. Chilling story. I may print this one out and leave it in DH's Christmas stocking.
She does not live here. Never will set foot in here again as far as I am concerned. I did hide or lock everything up when she was here. And I put fraud alerts on both our credit. Indeed to renew it as I di the 90 day option. mSD has done a lot of that fraud, bad checks.
The YSD just texted DH today that Crimminal MSD isn't going to meet with him to see him for Christmas until he chooses his kids over his wife after what I did to her ( by returning her mail and her counseling getting transferred). Shrug. Whatever. I am so sick of her passive aggressive emotional blackmail crap. I wish he would tell her to piss off. She can't even tell him herself but has little sis do it.
And YSD informed him in the next text that she would not be going either so he need not buy anything for her or her baby. She is the one who has been badgering him for months since August with give me money or gift cards demands, cause I had to waste my time returning all the stuff you got me last year. And sending all kinds of links and prices and demands for toys for the not even two year old boy after having said she only wanted money or savings bonds for him cause he had enough toys. And is DH going to get this certain toy, if not then BM will get it. It is nauseating. DH ignores the texts. He said to me he will just pick out what he wants. Well yeah. Now he doesn't have to.
I am so sure that they are going to F Up our Christmas that I don't even want to decorate. And I think I need to schedule an extra appt with my counselor to get me thru the next couple weeks. They are like bad pennies, just keep turning up.
I truly hate them all.
The OSD sent their family card today with their two yr old girls picture on it. I checked the envelope. It was addressed to both of us at least. But I still don't want to see them. They belong in the enemy camp. Could be double agents. Who have admitted they never really liked me.
I think I need to get my ducks in a row and decide what I will do to make it all go away.
I am so sad. It just never end s. I want to cut off all texting. The little bitches can come say shit to my face. Not behind it to him.
I was away for a couple night visiting my kids and GD, the only time I laugh anymore.
When I get home later we tried to get intimate. dH doesn't bother to tell me he took a sleeping pill before we started. So it did not go well. I am pissed bc I have asked him to let me know if he is under the influence of them or alcohol. It does affect performance...
It is all just too messed up. I want to pack up and start over. I feed such a sadness inside.
We are doing Christmas with my kids next weekend. His bitches better not start their text bs then to screw up my time. Or put DH in a funk mood.
I don't see any reason why
I don't see any reason why you should aid and abet a criminal. In fact your unwritten duty as a citizen is to help the police as much as you can.
Feel no guilt over this and just put any mail you receive in a place where he can find and deal with it.
Or toss it in the trash at the market and forget about it denying you ever saw it if asked.
The threat to kill me was
The threat to kill me was back in the spring. I did go to the women's shelter and filled out the PFA with them but it was not put before the judge because since the text did not come to me directly and I had no way to obtain the actual record of it from the phone provider unless DH requested it then somehow it was not considered enough to pursue the PFA. I forget all the details from the time.
I am trying to move on
I enrolled in college to complete my degree after being out of it for 30 years. I took an interesting temporary job for the past couple of months. I decided to go see a counselor on my own to work on my issues with everything.
This is my house too and I absolutely will not hold mail for her here. DH understands my position on this and rather than confront his damn daughter and tell her to stop using our address he would rather blame me for her self imposed troubles.
I am a person who does what I say I will do. Not one who says whatever is easy at the moment. I will not change my principles for the lying bitch.
DH was once I thought my soulmate. Now I don't know what he is. I just know I feel betrayed and resentment towards him. Even thou his daughters are banned from our house for what they did I don't know if that will be enough. Things keep coming up with this one especially. I just want some peace and nothing to do with them.
I just found out my mom is in the hospital across the country. I am waiting for her to call me back and let me know how she is and what happened. Likely her heart problems.
I don't have time in my life for people like the skids who treat me like shit and want to cause stress in my life.
OCC. I agree with you. It is my duty as a citizen to help prevent fraud. So I have no guilt. I will continue to RTS the mail.
Thanks to all for the concern. I am not in danger at the moment. So do not worry. I am just in a sad frustrated state as so many of us are on here.
When you are dealing with
When you are dealing with normal people (obviously you are not) it is much better to return something to the sender than to just trash it.
A package for me was mislabeled and sent to one of my neighbors. The neighbor did nothing with it (put it on a shelf) and it took weeks for the tracking to find it. It was prescription glasses so not even something someone else could use. A RTS would have cleared things up so much quicker.
Exactly old one! MSD 's
Exactly old one!
MSD 's case worker/ counselor finally got ahold of me. Phone tag for three days.
She wanted to know the story about where the girl lives because " there were so many inconsistencies in her story".
And somehow the assistance office now has a copy of the lease that was signed in April by MSD.
She had told her counselor that she lived in that town with a sister for a few weeks but had moved back to our house.
I asked this lady if she wanted the long or the short of the facts. She said the short, but she got a bit more than that.
She did not know anything about MSD being a professional with a masters degree. She did not know about the jail time and conviction for fraud. Or any of the other things she had done. What the hell is the girl talking about in therapy? If you can't be truthful about where you live and the basic facts of your life( due to own actions). Then why waste the taxpayers money for therapy. Ridiculous. The girl is a sick twisted pathological lier.
Just stay the hell away from me. I will have the cops called in a flash if she is ever on my property again or approaches me anywhere.
Of course the lady said if she talks to MSD about any of this information she would not say it came from me. I told her about the threat to kill me if I told anyone her addresses before. Anyway. I told the lady you can bet money that MSD will say the info came from me if they talk to her about it. She is supposed to be transferred to another county's assistance office.
Should I talk to DH about what the lady told me or just leave it go? He will likely say I shouldn't have talked to the lady.
I told her I truly hope MSD gets the help she needs.
Personally I just don't believe she really wants help. She just wants to play the system, be a victim and try to get a free ride.
People don't change unless they want to.
From now on, if there are any
From now on, if there are any calls regarding SD, refer them to your DH. Let them tell HIM there are inconsistencies in her story. Leave all her mail in big pile for him to either return to sender or trash. Let HIM deal with all legal issues. Tell him you are staying out of it all together and letting him handle it. Then he will not have any 'ammunition' for any misguided blame. This It is so much easier when the sh*t hits the fan to say, "We were astranged, I know nothing about SD."
Thanks for the hugs
Thanks for the hugs wowthisishard . Hugs back. I have been reading your posts about the ashes. Ridiculous. I know what you have gone thru. The skids talked non stop about their BM, or texted her, or just had to announce she was going upstairs to call 'mom' while DH and I were visiting the OSD for an overnight visit. (this was the visit where we arrived and there was no toilet paper or towels in the bathroom we were to use. And the bed would be the one BM uses when she goes there, I doubt the sheets were even changed, I had brought my own anyway. I refused to go back ever after that visit) Or how about when the three of the SD's would come here to collect their Christmas loot, in the early years, and only were here about an hour before BM was calling them to come back to her house for dinner, after they just had Christmas Eve and the day already with her and her family. Or how about the BM calling DH or texting him all. The damn time about the antics of the grown ass daughters? Loved that one. I finally blocked her number on his phone for him. I was sick of it. Hell I couldn't make whoopie with my DH without knowing the damn witch would be texting him. It was odd the timing. And they were divorced for 6 years before I came along. I finally had to remind him how we both agreed not to have contact with our past relationships. I said how about I start calling my ex husband or BF's. I think he saw the light then. But I am still the one who has to maintain the block on her number. And she still called him at work when the Sd was arrested. So I don't know if she still does. Maybe I will ask him tonight. Anyway I am ranting off subject a bit. See why I have to see a counselor. Sigh...
Shesdrivingme....the insurance company and the attorney general of the state or whatever brought the fraud charges against her. She is lucky they did not convict it as a felony and put her in jail. I wish they had. At least then I would know where she is to send her mail. Lol.
As for suggesting DH get her a PO box. she is an adult. She can get mail where she lives. I am trying to forget she exists so the days of helpful suggestions are done. I do RTS her mail and will continue to do so.
DH does not handle her. So wherever and however her shit touches my life, I will handle it myself.
To be clear....I am the one who blew up on DH for a change. He stayed remarkably calmer than his usual actions. Weird actually. He is not abusive but tends in the past to get loud. The last time and everytime he would do that I would tell him to not shout at me or I was done talking to him. But for the last argument he kept wanting to argue his point of defense of her and blame for me by trying to say " how can I (lostinspace) judge her, didn't I ever to things in my past that were not perfect? ". I shot his ass down. I reminded him several times that we were not talking about me. He likes to play the diversion and fog cards.
Since I went off on him I feel actually better. I feel rather apathetic towards him, but overall good that I stuck up for what I know is right. I will not compromise my standards and principles for his daughter who has none.
My next counseling session is Tues. My last day of class too. Tomorrow is my last day of work for the temporary job.
I have Christmas shopping to do for people who love me. There is decorating to do.
Tonight I will tell DH about the call from the case worker. Then I will tell him that I am done forever with his daughters who hate me but never even tried to know me. I may even tell him that unless this shit stops coming to my door, then eventually I will be done with him. He can make what he wants of it.
I have rights, I have boundaries. I have the right to be right and to do what I know is the right thing to do. The crazy ones can Twist.
I agree - the less you have
I agree - the less you have to do with her and the drama the better. Let DH handle it.
Good to hear from you
Good to hear from you Saffron. Hope all is well for you.
I have put RTS on the mail and not told DH stuff was sent back.
We had a long talk today about this incident. He told me that MSD called him last week to say why was I messing with her by sending the mail back ( which disrupted her counseling in this county- she should be in another one). Actually I don't know how she gets free county assistance anyway with the jobs she has had and her earning capacity. Likely she lies about that too. Anyway she had her say to put the blame on me for her problem and then hung up on him and hasn't contacted him since.
YSD and OSD also called him that day to complain as well. I said to him why did he not tell all of them that it was MSD 's responsibility to report her correct addresses. They were blaming him as well for it being sent back.
Anyway. Enough of that. I think we had a good talk to try and reestablish our bond. I let him know how all this just makes me want to run like In the Runaway Bride. I let him know that if he ever allows them in our home again, (prior to a mending on their part of the relationship) even if I am not here that it would be the ultimate betrayal and I would want to pack my stuff and never look back. So I hope he understands how strongly I feel.
I let him know he is on his own for the holidays with them. I gave him my opinion and the reasons why if it were up to me that I would not buy two of them anything or anything more than a small token gift. After the rudeness of YSD over telling him this fall that she returned all the things last year. Fine if she did, just don't tell after the fact to make him feel bad or to manipulate him to just give her cash. And she never reciprocates. And the MSD, well she has had enough spent on her this year with the two months rent for the apt to get her out of here last spring, the bailing out of jail, the car that she will likely never pay back any of it.
I said I will take care of my children out of the money I earned on my own this fall.
Whimsy- the co dependency looking glass. Nice phrase. I do feel like Alice in 'horror land' this year.
I let him know I will stick to my standards. That I was shocked that he asked me to bend. That he would himself. I let him know he is on shaky trust ground still from when he gave her the code to our house without calling me first when we had discussed not doing so.
That he will have to rebuild his trust with me.
So we just need to work on our marriage. I wish it could have been different with them. But as my counselor says. I did not cause it, I can not cure it, and I can't control it. But my variation on the end of this phrase is yes, I damn sure can control how it affects my life. Even down to whose mail is accepted at my house that I built from nothing with DH.
And yes..MSD. Did the forged and bad check thing too Whimsey. I wouldn't trust anything ever to do with her again. Stick a fork in me....I' m done with her forever.
I commend you for sticking to
I commend you for sticking to your principles.
I am always amazed though at the number of women who are willing to compromise their personal ethics to keep from "making DH mad" or to avoid a "fight with DH".
I commend you for sticking to
I commend you for sticking to your principles.
I am always amazed though at the number of women who are willing to compromise their personal ethics to keep from "making DH mad" or to avoid a "fight with DH".
There is a cost benefit analysis. But to me no man is worth me compromising my integrity. I don't want a DH who is so willing to bend the rules.