Not sure what to do....My 16 year old step daughter is getting ready to go to college. She has an amazing college fund and good grades. (good, not great...) We have sat her down to speak with her about her options, there is no more money coming from our end other than her college fund, due to many different fincancial reasons. She is totally and completely ignoring all of our suggestions, and advice. Moving across the country to attend a school that is 50 grand a year...Not an option. Her mom agrees with us, is in a similiar financial situation, and has let her apply to all these schools, while continuing to let her look at any school she wants.
She has no job, no life experience, and no direction as to what she wants to study. She just wants to go somewhere cold....yup...that is her reason for choosing a school...its good only if it is in a cold climate. can't make this up.
Any advice for dealing with this situation...because it is totally stressful and we are like hamsters on a wheel with explaining debt and choices and funds ect. ect.
How's she going to college at
How's she going to college at 16??
Well, I'd sit her down, and let her know she has $X to deal with.
She can look for scholarships and file the FAFSA to see if she's eligible for help.
Then, she can decide if she wants student loans.
I don't get the problem. You
I don't get the problem. You guys make it clear how much you'll contribute, BM makes it clear how much she'll contribute, and the rest is on her. If she wants to graduate w/80 thou in student loans in this economy, well then she's an idiot. We have 2 in college and they know exactly what they can/cannot expect from us, and they plan accordingly.
At kids changed
At kids changed their mind about college every few months. Just let her know that this is what you can help with and the rest is on her. No reason to stress.
If her grades are "only good" why is she starting college so early?
Sorry, she is 17...acts
Sorry, she is 17...acts mistake. We did the FASFA, and we did the 80 million in debt talk...I just needed to "hear" other people say that it is now on her...and her mother is a nincompoop.
Maybe her birthday is late in
Maybe her birthday is late in the year. DS's birthday is in October so he was 16 when he entered 12th grade.
My SS's BM refused to
My SS's BM refused to complete the Secondary Education Forms for CS and completed his financial aid info like he was he'd get a better rate or something. We told him that we would pay 1/3, and between he and his BM they could make up the other 2/3s. But that was if we didn't pay regular CS and followed the Secondary Education Worksheet guidelines set but the state. Instead, we paid full CS for the year because we couldn't get on the docket.
Flash forward to the 2nd semester when he's failing and we can't even see his records because he's 18 and his BM listed him as having no father. We tried to cut them off but the judges are so on the BM's side...even after she fraudulently filled out hi financial aid and loan forms.
Needless to say we paid full CS until he was 21. For 9 months of that time his room and board was completely paid for through his student loans and after that he got a job making $4 an hour less than his we were screwed, BM pocketed all the money and now he owes $17000 in student loans and had the audacity to ask us to help pay for them.
We over paid the BM over $8000...that would have paid almost half of his tuition/room & board.
Oh wow, what a mess...
Oh wow, what a mess...
We are going through the same
We are going through the same thing with my BioS 17. He has huge aspirations and dreams, all of which include wanting to go cross country for college. Um, we do not have that kind of money. In fact, we have very little and will rely heavily on loans and grants and FAFSA, etc. He is oblivious, thinks it will just happen. Arghh...
We have started visiting
We have started visiting local colleges, and there are some great ones within a couple hours driving distance. I printed out the financials for them and gave to him to ponder, showing exactly what the costs are for tuition, housing, books, etc. As we get closer to the application deadline, we'll see how it narrows down to local vs. cross country. Like I told him, it cant hurt to try, but we cannot guarantee anything right now.
Funny. Now when it comes to
Funny. Now when it comes to SD going to college, far away works for me
I agree, and she will quite
I agree, and she will quite literally, have nothing to do with it. I even showed her what my loans are like...and that was without a college fund and working three to five jobs to put myself through school....and she couldn't believe the cost, and her therapist thinks that it is WONDERFUL that she wants to go away to school because the climate is cold....seriously, it is like hamster on a wheel. She actually threw out the applications for local schools. Her mother filled out the husband gave all the information she needed...she is impossible...stubborn...selfish...and enabled. Nothing I can do about it.
I am doing the college app
I am doing the college app thing now with my son. He is an honor student so there are a lot of options. I only allowed him to apply to one college. At $65 for the app fee that is all he gets from me, since this is the only school he can attend. It has the degree program he wants and is number two for it in the country and number 5 for engineering. He has no back up for early admission. We have told him if he doesn't get in, he can live at home and go to community college and re-apply for 2nd semester. He freaked out. He will get in so it really is not a problem, but I like making him understand that a college education is not a guarantee.
I will not co-sign for any loans for him. He needs to raise $9300 a year after the HOPE (GA Scholarship) to attend this school. That means he needs to apply for every scholarship he is eligible for. I will pay what I can, but he is on his own for the most part. I also demanded he get a part time job now to save at least 1500 for his books next year. He has about 500 saved now. My reasoning is that if I pay for the books or the scholarships do, then he will buy all new every time and not used. He doesn't understand the value of money and saving where you can.
You guys need to say no. You are going to a school you can afford. If she doesn't then she needs to go and sign the loan papers herself. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING. You can do the FAFSA, but that is it. She is on her own with this.
Who paid for all the college applications? Shame on them for not reigning that in at that time...You really should only apply to three schools and only then if they have the degree progam you want.
we don't want to sign
we don't want to sign anything, but we are not sure what reprocussions will come from that? Will we be taken to court? Will we have to take out a second mortgage...she has no consideration for the fact that she has two sisters who have college ahead of them, and that she is lucky to have a 40000 dollar college fund.
Her mother paid for the
Her mother paid for the applications.
At 16 I don't think she is
At 16 I don't think she is allowed to do what she wants, she is a minor. My two SSs are both in college right now. Both on partial athletic scholarships. We told them if they want us to pay for their education they need to attend a state school. If they want to move to Vancouver (for example) and go to a private fancy college out of country/state then that is on them. If they want to graduate debt free, then they need to do what the gravy train tells them to do. So far, no arguments at all. I have good kids and they know where their bread is buttered.
I should also mention that I
I should also mention that I work for a private university that costs 35K+ a year to attend. It's not any better than an affordable state school.
We went through that. SD21
We went through that. SD21 chose to go to a $50k per year school, and DH has to pay 65% of tuition, and HAS NO SAY IN WHERE SHE GOES.
There was a lot of discussion before she went, but she applied to where ever she wanted, and refused to listen to DH. When BM took DH to court for more money, the court said she can where ever she wants, and DH has no say. They also changed the original terms in the CO from 50/50 tuition to 65/35. It was unbelievable.
DH's college fund for her was wiped out by the second year. This past semester she studied abroad, and DH had to pay for that as well...the airfare alone was $2500!!!
I can't wait for her to graduate, but I'm scared he'll have to keep paying CS beyond graduation...
What state are you in? I am
What state are you in? I am so afraid that something like that will happen. We will have to sell our house and move in with family, because the cost is beyond anything we make and could afford.
Does he have to pay that on
Does he have to pay that on top of full CS? I can't even with the stress...I just don't understand. I do know however, that if it comes to that he will be paying for a divorce as well...because we have a 2 year old, and I will not let her older sister be selfish enough to ruin our finances totally.
We have to pay CS until she
We have to pay CS until she is moved out and has a job of her own or up to age 26 I think.
Surely not. You need to find
Surely not. You need to find out exactly what what your state guidelines are and exactly what the CO says. You might be stressing yourself out for nothing.
I would check that. Most of
I would check that. Most of the time it's age 19 or 21 if they go to college. I do not feel like people should have pay CS if they are paying college tuition. Especially if the kid lives on campus. What does the BM need it for?
Can we do that though?
Can we do that though? Because she is a child...can we tell her that? I'm so worried that court will be involved, and in this instance there is CS being paid and no custody issues ect.
She's a minor. She'll go
She's a minor. She'll go where her parents decide she can go until she's of age. As an adult she'll be free to decide whether or not she wants to fork out the extra money to somewhere else.
Unless it's stated in a court order, a judge can't make your DH pay for college. Does the order say anything about it?
NO, it just says that he has
NO, it just says that he has to continue to contribute to her college fund and continue to pay cs
That sounds a little vague.
That sounds a little vague. Surely, it is more specific?
i'm paraphrasing....she has
i'm paraphrasing....she has to apply for scholarships and take out loans that extend over what her college fund offers.
She needs it for her BMW, and
She needs it for her BMW, and her trips to AC.....Just sayin.