Miniwife crawls in bed with FDH this morning
She's 15!!!! I'm fucking raging mad. How gross is that?!
First of all she just walks in, I'm putting face cream on- DH had a late start she walks in and crawls in bed and snuggles up to him.....What The FUCK??????? That is OUR bed, I got pissed. Do you know how to fucking knock??? I walked out shut the door and said I'll leave you two alone and left for work. I'm at a loss. FDH is like "what do you want me to say to her? Don't crawl in my bed??"
I'm at a loss for words. A whole wonderful month without her and now she is crossing everyone of my boundaries. There's gonna be a shit storm after work. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
My mother in law sent my
My mother in law sent my husband Shakespeare’s Love Quotes and my husband sees nothing wrong. If I bring up the issue, I am the one who has a dirty mind.
My husband is a good man, but he has been raised by dysfunctional mother, and it is natural for him to defend his mother. He honestly see nothing wrong.
You cannot reason with those who are blinded by their biased personal experiences, you can only control your action and the way you react to this situation.
Nowadays, I just bring up the issue ONCE, "DH, I feel.... is wrong, what do you think?" If he sees nothing wrong, I move on. I don't want to figure out why we are in certain situations, I just make sure I am not in that situation, that is all I can do.
If sd sleeps on the same bed with DH when she turns 15 (Let's pray this is not the case), I'd leave the two alone and find myself a healthy enviornment to raise my family. This is all I can do.
I see what you are saying, I
I see what you are saying, I feel that my personal space was invaded-intentionally. That is why I am upset. FDH doesn't sleep with her, I bet she wants him too though
I DID! Ha, I brought all
I DID! Ha, I brought all these things up and he turned it on me like I was digusting for even going there!
Yup, I said YOU are the ONLY
Yup, I said YOU are the ONLY one who thinks it's OK
WOW!!! WTF (freak) is going
WOW!!! WTF (freak) is going on there? I dont understand. when I hear someone lets their grown kids crawl in bed with them like that, why. DH should address this issue. I would be furious to. Did you even ask him why he is so comfortable with what is going on? Sure he likes the attention but when it affects the WIFE and he says nothing there is a problem. I often tell my DH to put himself in my shoes and see how he would feel. Maybe you should try that. Then ask him if he lacks attention. DH knows that irritates you and that this type of behavior from the kids arent normal. I guess he is not worried since he is the one getting the unhalthy attention. He needs to put his foot down instead of throwing his covers back. Try and have a good day anyway. I know it is hard bc I sit her with bags under my eyes from WANTING to cry from a rant my SD put on me the other night and DH just sat there but we are going to counceling and maybe that may help him to. I dont know. It is worth a try. I am still WOW'n. Wish you luck and pray before you go in the house.
I'm not making excuses AT
I'm not making excuses AT ALL, he wasn't holding her but she was super close. I shouldn't have walked away, I shoulda blew the fuck up right then. She hasn't been around in so long I'm not used to being around her much and IT's even worse I have NO tolerance for her.
FDH is blowing my phone up now, I want to leave town. I hate her. And she's with us all weekend..........I'm so Fucking Angry!!!!!!!!
You hate her? "HE" is the
You hate her? "HE" is the one that let a 15 year old in his bed!!!
Yes I do but it goes WAY
Yes I do but it goes WAY beyond this, and I'm angry with HIM for letting her in our bed, she did it bc she thinks it's ok. They've never done this before in front of me so idk.....I guess they like to cuddle :sick:
^^^^THIS^^^^that is exactly
^^^^THIS^^^^that is exactly what she is SD is the same way. Any chance she gets to mark her territory she does it!
Yes she has every single
Yes she has every single rights hating HER. She (at 15 years old) should have known better, if she doesn't she is a moron.
Wife has the right to blame both of them. This man is sick, no wonder his daughter is sick too.
^^^^^^^^^^THIS! OMG would I
^^^^^^^^^^THIS! OMG would I have gone off on the both of them!
SD14 used to pull crap like this too but never went as far as getting into bed. I told her from day one that our bedroom was off limits to her (and my daughter too - have to be fair) and any children, period. We keep our bedroom door closed and she's only to enter if it's an emergency and she needs to fucking knock first.
The first time she came barging in our room, I had a fit and they both knew not to cross that line with me, ever. DH didn't even bat an eye when I told her to get the fuck out. He knew this was not a rule I'd ever even think of bending on.
I'd do something about this or it's just gonna get worse. If he doesn't see anything wrong with it, MAKE something wrong with it!
I feel for you girl! I'm livid just thinking about this!
^^^^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^ E
:sick: :sick: :sick: ^^^^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Exactly. This has been my rule since day ONE. No SDs allowed in my room OR my bed.
Not appropriate and not tolerable.
OP- I feel for you. This has to stop today. It makes me :sick: :sick: :sick:
Poor OP. Sometimes we come
Poor OP. Sometimes we come to a slow boil, and by the time we realize how pissed we are, it seems a little delayed. I understand why you didn't go off right away. Prolly took you a while to realize how disgusted abd angry this really made you! *HUGS*
This is more than just a
This is more than just a little disgusting. I'm surprised that DH isn't skeeved by this already. She's not 6 - she's 15! - A young adult and more than just a little inappropriate - this is bordering incestuous and your DH needs to stop it NOW. I agree with Echo that it needs to be pointed out to him how nasty this all is because I have to say, this is almost sounding like SD has a little bit of an Electra complex going on and it sounds like DH isn't discouraging that.
In my situation, my DH didn't allow his daughters on our bed at all by the time they turned 9 or 10 and was very careful to always be appropriate with them. That being said, after YSD19 left our house last year and DH finished packing up the rest of her belongings for her, he noticed that SD had gone through our room, into our drawers and stolen pics of DH from when he was around her age and had put them in the drawer of her nightstand next to her bed - right on the top of the pile of everything in there. DH was beyond grossed out with the idea that his daughter was possibly looking at her father as something other than a dad. The fact that your DH has a flippant attitude about his 15 year old just hopping into bed with him scares me. :jawdrop:
The not knocking...I'd have a
The not knocking...I'd have a fit over...cuddling with Dad not so much.
I used to love to nap in my parents bed because it smelled like my dad. It's a safety thing and I think its natural.
I wouldn't think a thing of it if our SS22, SS24 or SD15 crawled in bed with us. My husband is very affectionate with his kids. I've seen him hold his daughter who's 15 like a baby when she's had an asthma attack. He also still kisses his 22 year old on the forehead.
My husband might be under the covers with any of the kids watching a movie in bed and having popcorn...I'm not jealous of that, however my SD used to try to get him to sleep with her until he was probably 8. I put a stop to that.
I agree. If it's been awhile
I agree. If it's been awhile since they've seen each other, let them be affectionate every now and then. If it was all the time, then. I would worry. She definitely should have knocked.
I'm not ok with anyone in my
:jawdrop: I'm not ok with anyone in my bed besides me and SO. Even my daughter on top of the covers watching a movie is ok but even thats rare. Thats our private area
I just meant I could
I just meant I could understand it if she hadn't been around for awhile, and it was early, coming in and laying down on top of the covers to say good morning and chit chat before school/work wouldn't seem that weird to me. Definitely sketchy under the covers, and if someone was not completely clothed.
My fSD15 and fDH watch t.v together in our bed (on top of covers/fully clothed/not touching) and it doesn't really bother me. Mostly it's because they like a similar show that no one else likes . If she were to lean her head on his shoulder, that wouldn't bother me either. Then again, it doesn't happen very often.
She should definitely comply with whatever OP is comfortable with, and OP should not hesitate to set boundaries. If their behavior gives you the creeps, then there is probably good reason, and you should trust your instincts.
Hugging is normal, and yes, I
Hugging is normal, and yes, I think laying in bed (above covers) chit chatting and/or watching T.V. is fine. Canoodling/snuggling under the covers, not normal. Not knocking is not okay.
My dad and I used to watch football on the T.V in my parents room lying on the bed (not touching, above the covers, fully clothed) because my mom didn't want us taking over the living room. It happened throughout my teen years. Was that sexual? No, absolutely not, but it was father/daughter bonding time that I remember fondly. There was absolutely no funny business. And to insinuate that there had to have been would be insane.
I am not possessive of my room/bed, and the skids can come in. Of course they must always knock, but if they want to come in and watch T.V to get away from each other, then that is fine by me. We have clear and concise boundaries.
All I am saying is that it doesn't necessarily HAVE to be creepy or sexual (whether she is "sexually mature" or not). Everyone is reading this guy the riot act like he is some kind of pervert, and it may not be the case. If it creeps the OP out, then clearly she should trust her intuition, and there is probably reason for her to feel that way. If that is a boundary that OP wants to set, then by all means she should set it, and strictly enforce it.
Rude! Presumptuous and
Rude! Presumptuous and over-simplified.
I'll take having an unpopular
I'll take having an unpopular opinion over jumping on the bandwagon and crucifying a guy before we know the whole story.
Was simply saying that it doesn't necessarily HAVE to be a sexual thing. If OP feels as though it is, then I am sure she has reason to. Probably she has reason to think so above and beyond this single incident that she posted. I would assume that there have been other instances that caused her to question the DH/SD relationship.
IMO, if this were the first time something like this has happened, I wouldn't immediately jump to the incest/pedophile/electra complex conclusion. Those are VERY serious accusations to be throwing around that can be seriously damaging EVEN IF they are found to hold no water. If any of these turn out to be the case, BY ALL MEANS PURSUE CPS/POLICE. I did not say don't investigate. Trust your "woman's intuition."
Sometimes things work well in
Sometimes things work well in core families-my own kids were co sleeping here and there when they were little, but they don't work in step families.If this guy wants a relationship with anyone else since the mother of that teenager, he needs to accept that he can't have those cuddle times anymore.Otherwise he should stay single and he can keep his old habits up.Like Lauren states , there are occasions where kids and parents do those things and it doesn't mean anything sexual or anything, but inspite of this I find it inappropriate in that age group and highly disrespectful towards the new wife!!
Really? Thought the point was
Really? Thought the point was to offer different opinions, experiences and points of view.
Probably the same reason you felt the need to jump in and criticize mine.
Hell no, I know, I should've
Hell no, I know, I should've freaked out- UGH
We just got off the phone and
We just got off the phone and of course we are fighting-
He said he doesn't know what to say and I feel how I feel. He said he is affectionate with her and always has been and he didn't think anything of it, she just wanted to jump in bed to say goodmorning.................
OMFG, Thats the problem! You don't see anything wrong!!!!! I share the bed with you and if I had a 15 yo son who barged in and jumped in bed with me you would be CREEPED OUT- he said boys are way different then girls and just bc my dad probley never hugged me when I was a girl I think it's creepy and it's not. WOW :jawdrop:
WE had sex all over that bed last night and she is laying in it-I'm SOrry if it's TMI but its the truth. I said she is a young WOMAN not a girl anymore, she has breasts, her period and is probley somewhat sexually active with her 17 year old boyfriend and she's jumping in bed with you to snuggle?????
He said I'm out of line for bringing that up and he doesn't think about any of that shit HELLOOOOO!!!! And he hasn't seen her in so long and that she missed him.
I said well then maybe I should leave so you can start sleeping together, He got mad and said I'm trying to make him look creepy, I said IT IS and YOU DON'T GET IT!!!!!!
"WE had sex all over that bed
"WE had sex all over that bed last night and she is laying in it-I'm SOrry if it's TMI but its the truth."
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I would tell SD15 EXACTLY THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
And watch her face go beat red. I don't think she'll be doing the bed snuggle anymore.
eeeewh.Geez!!Get her out!!
eeeewh.Geez!!Get her out!!
All of my Skids are younger.
All of my Skids are younger. For the first few months, FDH and I lived in a 1 Bedroom Apt and we would all sit on the bed and watch a movie. We treated it more like a couch. Now, we have 3 bedrooms and our door is shut and locked and they are not allowed in. FDH cuddles with the girls on the couch in the living room or playroom, but our room is strictly off limits! It is NOT acceptable for her to be in bed with them, and I'm sure the Department of Health and Human Services and CPS would feel the same way. Give him THAT angle! BM could call CPS on him for this and he could be labeled a molester!
Her mom knows exactly how
Her mom knows exactly how they are, apparently she used to sleep with them in their sexless marriage from what I understand........
Quick hug and peck on the
Quick hug and peck on the cheek good morning is my idea of normal...laying in bed with someone is a different story...lack of boundaries for sure. I would have been mortified to be laying around with my father on his bed at that age and I was a big daddy's girl.
She didn't even say
She didn't even say goodmorning!!! Just crawled in bed
This is my opinion but if she
This is my opinion but if she came in to say good morning plopped down on top of the covers/bed then I wouldn't be so creeped out by it. But if she was under the covers at 15 with her dad. That creeps me out. Did he have pj's on? Did she have appropriate pj's on?
Girls and Boys should be taught that there is appropriate clothing to wear in front of other people even your parents and siblings. There is snuggling and then there is "snuggling" and any adult and most children know the difference.
Girls are not all that different than boys maybe we don't have the "outie" that shows what we are feeling but we still have all of those same urges going on inside!
Is it her fault or his fault?
Is it her fault or his fault? Where should your anger be directed? Who is the child here and who should be overseeing her education, morals?
So read your DH the riot act and demand a new mattress. 15 yr old girls do NOT snuggle in an incestuous manner in bed with their fathers. I woul so sleep elsewhere tonight.
Definitly HIS fault, I'm not
Definitly HIS fault, I'm not mad at her for doing it, I think she should know better and in general it's respect which she clearly lacks but I made it crystal clear I'm angry at him for allowin it. I can't stand her asss for other reasons
My thoughts exactly, She knew
My thoughts exactly, She knew what she was doing, it was intentional because I wasn't in the bed so she "showed" me by jumping in
agreed, I've been waiting to
agreed, I've been waiting to grab that bitches pony tail too!!!!
Now that IS creepy.
Now that IS creepy.
put a sign up on the door!!
put a sign up on the door!!
Its the worst fucking cycle
Its the worst fucking cycle ever
She wants something>comes over, starts drama,/gets mad at me>punishes daddy by not coming over or calling him/ignoring him> daddy feels bad bc he misses her>>>she wants something>>>comes over>>>..............EVERY FUCKING TIME
Nothing ever gets solved, I give a piece of my mind, it goes right in the cyle. Shes a manipulative entitled lying bray and he is a guilty disney dad. Sh has even gone so far as saying shes the victim bc her parents divorced and uses that shit to the max.........I'm so over her, they BOTH need professional help and NEITHER of them stick to it- 1 session and done
I was shocked, it really
I was shocked, it really caught me off guard. People can give me shit for not freaking out right away but it really did shock me. I was leaving out the door and the more I thought how fucked up it is the angrier I got.
I will stand my ground and we can't stand eachother so I really don't give a shit if what I say makes her angry but heres the deal, She hasn't been around at all. If I say "boo" to her she creates this huge drama scene and punishes DH and gets everyone involved and calls her mom blah blah blah and will stop coming over again- great for me, however, DH needs to see the problem here and 1. it's creepy and 2. thats a HUGE violation of MY privacy.
I have no problem telling her myself, and I think that is what needs to happen bc DH has already told her to stay out of our room supposedly........"but they miss eachother" God, shit is so fucked up :sick:
I told him I'll spend the
I told him I'll spend the weekend else where so they can sleep together LMAO he was like " You think I wanna sleep with her??? OMG" LOL
Ummm yea , your actions show me you do!!!!
OMG...Nothing suprises me
OMG...Nothing suprises me anymore either. At first wondered if it was me that was insane or them it is so completely crazy!!! LOL
I forgot to finish my other
I forgot to finish my other sentence, I give 2 fucks less about her mom or her drama she creates. DH gets punished for EVERYTHING, and of course it would be all because of me, I'm the scapegoat for it all so I had a million things going through my state of shock.
Hypovic did your DH think it was OK?
I'm in the same boat, only 1
I'm in the same boat, only 1 1/2 years of living together. Things have gotten better but we have a LONG way to go. She just needs to stay at her moms. DH and I had an hour long conversation about my boundarys and general respect in the house and how HE is the one who needs to put his foot down. The only thing I ever did to that little bitch was date her dad and he knows that.
He told her when She moves out and has her own life I'll still be there with him and she better get used to to it. She can either accept it or not. And if she doesn't want to accept it then she can stay at her moms and not come over at all.
Ya know, the drama and the stress really gets old. I know it's far fom over and it's gonna get ugly.
Awesome! I know he sticks up
Awesome! I know he sticks up for me but he acts like a complete pus to her. She will talk shit to him and he just sits there and takes it. He has told everyone he loves me and wants to be with me and he's not gonna let his kids ruin our relationship. But somethings def need to change. He's the biggest pushover with SD15 and it's causing a lot of problems
Newwife is right on the $$$
Newwife is right on the $$$ goincrazy, take pics with your cell next time and ask him if he's comfy with them going on line. If it happens again, in addition to the pics I would tilt my head and ask him sweetly if he had a boner while he was in bed with her. But I'm a bitch.
IT is a great Idea, too bad
IT is a great Idea, too bad she blocked me otherwise I would tag her in it for her friends and boyfriend to see. I want to take the pic and put this as my status" FACEBOOK POLL, Like my pic if you think it's super creepy to cuddle with your 15 year old daughter in the same bed you have sex with your SO"
Well then you just tag her
Well then you just tag her friends and boyfriend, since you can't tag her.
I would stay out of the whole
I would stay out of the whole appropriate/inappropriate thing since your So doesn't agree with you.
I would just tell him that that cuddling in MY bed violates MY personal boundaries and it will not happen again (this usually works for me because I rarely, if ever, draw a line in the sand like that.)
He doesn't even have to understand it, but I ask for so few things to be exactly my way, he can respect one of the few things I ask for.
If he doesn't comply, I'd seriously think about DTMFA.
I think in every relationship people NEED to be able to respect each other's personal boundaries.
He and his daughter both need
He and his daughter both need to get professional help NOW. This is clearly warped in their minds if they think it is acceptable and ok. I say "they" because at 15 she is almost an adult and a sexual young woman. My advice would be to insist on the two of them going to counseling or therapy. Even if they look at you like you are crazy, you will be making the clear point that their behavior is not normal and definitely could be mistaken for incestuous behavior. Ugh, what a mess. Best of luck. Very difficult situation.
I def agree that she feels
I def agree that she feels like I'm taking her spot. Pretty sure she slept with her dad. She would get "scared" and sleep with her dad before I was in the picture. Her sister teased her that she just hates me bc she can't sleep in her dads bed anymore...........
DH acts like its no big deal, I know obviously it wasn't anything physical but still.....creeps me the F out and they think it's normal and that he's just a great dad bc he's affectionate........crossing the line. Either way I did make the point that it's crossing MY boundary and unless he wants to get his own room do they can cuddle that was the last time it will ever happen in a bed he shares with me
This is the way it is in our
This is the way it is in our house.
No skids in our bed or bedroom. I just told the skids; "We sleep naked" }:) }:)
I tell them I sleep in my
I tell them I sleep in my panties- that's it & Daddy in his gitch, too! EWWWWWWWWWWWW :sick:
LOL - that reminds me of when
LOL - that reminds me of when OH and I first moved in together, we both sleep naked, and the door is ALWAYS shut.
The skids went home to BM and complained...
So next time they came the silly bitch had the nerve to tell him we had to leave the bedroom door open when her kids are here....
He pointed out that this is not such a good idea (and why) and laughed at her, I do believe he rather enjoyed telling her the reasons
That is just f-ing gross! My
That is just f-ing gross! My SD used to do that when she was 4! But I put my foot down really quickly and it stopped. It only took a few nights of letting her cry and not running up to her and giving in. I was surprised how quickly it stopped actually. She's almost 13 now, and she doesn't try that on him, but he's been pretty clear about physical boundaries with her. I would seriously flip out if she did this!
EEEEEWWW!!!!! That is so
EEEEEWWW!!!!! That is so disgusting! Is there something wrong with this girl?! She's 15...why the hell would any 15 year old in her right mind sleep in bed with her dad??!!......Why would any 15 year old sleep in bed with his mom?!!! ...I bet if kids at school knew..they would never stop making fun of her. Does she think she's still 10?...And what the heck is wrong with the father for allowing this.
Alot of teens are sexually active at 15 nowadays...and even if they're not...they know everything about's just terribly wrong to sleep with the parents in bed at that age. This is disturbing! :sick:
You know now that I think
You know now that I think about step son grosses me out with his clinginess to his dad. He always wants to be on his lap...he comes into our bed at night...and today he sat on his dad's lap and was kissing him on the cheek than it appeared that he was trying to kiss his dad on the lips..and he was trying to use his tongue...and my hubby turned his mouth away and gave him his cheek....Now I know he's only six and is probably just immitating what he see's his Psycho mom do with her husband but I was still surprised that hubby never said anything to him about it.....I mean what if he tries it with another adult who just happens to be sick in the head. If my kid did that...I would tell him he is to never use his tongue when kissing people...only a kiss on the cheek.
What's wrong with these parents, why cant they teach their kids boundaries?!!!
It pisses me off.
I think children need to be
I think children need to be in their own beds, their own rooms, by themselves. You want to hug or snuggle go to the living room. 15 seems very old to be doing this. My 10 year old gets a kiss on the forehead and then nighty night. Lights out. I think the kids should NEVER be sauntering into an adults bedroom, this is how I was raised and out of respect for your parents you need to be out. But STEPKIDS get away with murder. God forbid daddy goes in another room, without being followed. Get the FUCK OUT. I would have blown up and I have. It is a game. A dangerous one too.
Y'know, even when my SD-16
Y'know, even when my SD-16 was 11y/o, she knew she wasn't allowed to sleep in our bed.
Even if she had a nightmare from hell, she would come & knock on our bedroom door & ask to be comforted, or ask to sleep in the livingroom, on the couch, (right outside our bedroom),but she never asked to sleep in bed with us.
I do remember one time, she had been up and down all night long, driving me crazy with her bad dreams...And I finally said to DH, "If we want to get any sleep at all, let's go sleep in her room." It was one of those weekends when only she was "allowed" to come, and the skids bed is a double over double bunk-bed. Even then SD slept in her own bed & me & dad slept together in the bottom bunk. SD woke up again, scared the scrap out of me, I forgot where I was, sat up @ 60 m/ph and got knocked the fuck back down when my head connected with the upper bunk....
And that was the first, last, and ONLY time that happened!
I think your DH is right. I
I think your DH is right. I know she feels threatened by me and she should. She will get over it. I encourage DH to spend alone time with her like taking her to lunch etc. Thats why I make plans if I know ahead of time he's picking her up but like I said it was intentional and thats what bugs me is that DH DIDN'T say anything. He also doesn't go out of his way to make plans with her anymore bc she's backed out last minute so many times he doesn't even try. I know she is at a tough age but I feel there is a lack of general respect in our home when she is there and it's not being addressed.
Maybe if she didn't act like an asshole everytime she called him or came over bc she wants something she wouldn't feel that way as much???
Hi Ripley, I'm glad you
Hi Ripley,
I'm glad you talked to your DH about this creepy situation. I just wanted to share with you what my marriage counselor said about my complaints of my oldest SS coming in our room and rifling and helping himself to my belongings. I think the advice will help you too.
My counselor said that your bedroom should be off limits period the end. The child should not even knock on the door when you are in there. It is a more or less sacred place for you and your spouse only. I'm sure she would be horrified at the thought of you going in to her room and climbing in her bed.
It's YOUR room, YOUR space and she needs some clear-cut boundaries.
Good luck.
*UPDATE* She never came back
She never came back home. It was 9pm and she said she was going to her boyfriends, FDH said it was too late and she said since her moms is closer shes going there and haven't heard from her again.
FDH feels as though theres nothing he can do?? How about NO, YOU ARE NOT?????? I think its an excuse and he goes along with it, blames most of it on her mom and he doesn't want to be the bad guy bc he has rules and he's guilty parenting again! Drives me nuts!!!!! WHATEVER
MY daughter will not be able to do what she wants. It's really hard to sit back and watch shitty parenting when you are directly involved and just have to sit back and watch them feed this monster they created who is only getting worse
I agree, thats what I said,
I agree, thats what I said, he can't blame his ex when he's not putting his foot down either. She had plans afer school so he knew she wasn't coming home right away. He said don't make it late, he hadn't heard from her by 8 and asked her where she was at. They continued to go back and forth and she said she was going to her mom's and never came back. He called her mom to make sure she was indeed going there and she wouldn't answer his calls or texts so SD got what she wanted and FDH was walked all over again and did it to himself.........
My bed is the ONLY thing I
My bed is the ONLY thing I have left - steps can't have NICE things anymore SOOOOOOOO NO CHILDREN IN MY BED! They are stinky, dirty (reguardless if they JUST had a bath) kids are dirty - putting boogers in sheets, biting their nails and leaving the nails laying around NO NO NO NO! Since our brats have been about 4 and 6 I made a RULE - absolutely NO kids in OUR BED!
1. What if she went to school and said, "I sleep in bed with my dad." WHAT WOULD PEOPLE THINK?
2. YOUR bed with your husband is a place where you sleep with one another, cuddle, have intimate relations - Does this NOT kill the romance knowing that a kid he made with someone else has been in YOUR bed?