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Am I too young for all of this?!?

Jeanna619's picture

I am an almost 24 year old girl (no kids, never married) who is currently in a relationship with a 32 guy who has two kids (different mothers) and divorced. I am having trouble accepting this. Is it normal? is this too much "baggage"? I feel like I need some support! thanks Smile

twopines's picture

If you were my daughter, I would strongly advise you to step away from this situation.

Don't become mama #3. Yikes.

Rags's picture

Generally you are never old enough to have to deal with the crap brought to a relationship by an SO with multiple previouse failed marriages/relationships and multiple kids by multiple former partners.

That said, it all depends on how commited and focused both you and your SO are on your relatiosship. If you both put the marriage/relationship fisrt and always make that your prioority as a team then the rest can be dealt with. Not always easily but it can be dealt with.

Were I you ....... at your age ..... I would not subject myself to a marriage with a parnter who had such poor judgement and character as to spawn with multiple baby mama's and have multiple failed marriages. But, that is just me.

I am on my second marriage. No kids from my first 2.5 year marriage to the psycho adulterous whore of an XW and just celebrated our 18th anniversary with my soul mate and DW #2. We have only one child, our 20yo son who I have raised as my own since he was 1yo. Even when there is only one SKid in your relatiosnhip and when you are notably older than 24 when you start your Sparent career it can be difficult. I was 30 and my wife was 18 when we married. We met the last semester of my 11yr undergrad career and her first semester of undergrad. I was naive enough to be shocked that at 18 she had a nearly 2yo kid. We did not share the detail of our ages until we were on our first date. I was surprised that she was 18 and she was surprised that I was 29. Things have worked out so far though so I have no complaints regarding our marrage. Not even about my Skid. Though I can and have complained incessently about the toxic worthless POS that is my SS's SpermIdiot and the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool that his the SpermClan. But, I know of no blended family situations that do not have some significantly toxic element.

Please keep all of this in mind as you make your decision.

Good luck.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I agree with this "Generally you are never old enough to have to deal with the crap brought to a relationship by an SO with multiple previouse failed marriages/relationships and multiple kids by multiple former partners."

If you were my daughter I will tell you to find a man with no children. I believe you can do better than this.

I'm in my early 40's and I can barely deal with it. I have to go to counseling to deal with the emotions that come stepparting and being a 2nd wife. It's suck bad! I wouldn't wish it on anyone, especially someone who is just starting out in life.

You can do better Babe. Go find a man to be with who has a better head on his shoulders. Have a fresh marriage someday with your own babies. RUN!

Good luck to you!

StickAFork's picture

This is something that only you can decide.
I was 17, YES, 17, when I hooked up with my XH. He was 26, divorced, with a child. We dated and then spent 15 years married.
So, is 24 too young? It wasn't for me, but it may be for you. If you don't have similar goals and priorities, this isn't the relationship for you.

StickAFork's picture

Well, he's procreated with two women. He's either irresponsible, or feels the need to spread his seed.

Does he focus on being a father and doing fatherly things? Like teach the kids to play t-ball, get up in the mornings with them, take care of homework, etc.

Or.... does he want to sleep in, find a sitter most of the time, and party? Is he "settled" down?

If those are all "yes" answers, is this a life you want? Or do you still want to be young and free, and not tied down to TWO baby mamas and TWO child support orders. Think about sharing holidays... what will that mean if you ever want your own family?

Lots of questions to think about. For me, I was never a partier, I've never done drugs, and I can count the number of times I've been drunk on one hand. I always wanted to be a mom and have a family. I took on the role of stepmother eagerly. His child was one of his strong points for me, and not considered baggage.

Anyway, just stuff for you to think about. Just don't move in with him if this is even on your radar.

StickAFork's picture


Jeanna619's picture

Me and my boyfriend are like..perfect for each other, i feel like..the only problem is his past..n i dont know if i can get over it..idk if its too much for me to handle, or itll get easier as time goes by..we have been together a yr n almost 4 months though..

Im just super confused :?

Jeanna619's picture

Thanks Smile ..yeah? well at least I'm not alone! just sucks because I feel like he has all this past that I have to deal with..and I don't..I just wish sometimes he knew how I felt :/

Jeanna619's picture

Thanks Smile ..yeah? well at least I'm not alone! just sucks because I feel like he has all this past that I have to deal with..and I don't..I just wish sometimes he knew how I felt :/

Frustr8d1's picture

Dealing with someone's past just gets way HARDER over time. More and more baggage will continue to arise. For me, it's something I don't think I will ever get used to, and I didn't marry a man with kids until I was 39.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I was 23 never married and no kids when I married my 7 years older husband who was (and still is) the custodial parents of two kids.

I was too young. Way too young to be a custodial stepparent. Way too young to be married and way too young to deal with HIS drama that was inflicted on me due to me marrying him. In fact I am still too young to have two kids in college...I will be too young to be a grandma, mother in law, etc. Those thoughts make me shudder!

I love my life and our son, but the 37 year old me would have made very different decisions than my 23 year old self.

Two kids by two women? Hell no, you deserve better. If you are 24 and he is 32 and "has the same goals" as you I find that to be a red flag. He should have met his goals at some point as he has two mouths to feed, and should be moving in an upward momentum. He should not have the same goals and priorities as a 24 year old female who has no children.

RedWingsFan's picture

I know for a fact I wouldn't take on what you are. After dealing with past ex wives and stepchildren from my last marriage to my SD14 now with my current marriage, I wouldn't do it again.

sbm014's picture

I'm young but have a past with dealing with a BM, and some pretty retarded SMs. I don't believe as people said you are ever old enough. Though you have to be ready - I have issues dealing with BM now even though I've dealt with one before simply because the new ones level of crazy. I love my SS4 though and fell deep in love with his father so I can deal with the crazy. My DH was in my same position he didn't have a BD there but he was still the SP he knows the difficulty of falling for another person’s child - so I have a little bit of support and probably the best DH every. I don't know if I could take on two BMs though.

If you notice a lot of us struggle with the issues of being a SM on our own a lot of boyfriends/DH doesn’t understand nor do they try. You will always have the thought of the past hell it will walk through the doors of your home multiple times probably a week. You have to be ready to handle that; can you handle the resistance of a child saying you aren't my mother or other comments? You will be on vacation a BM will call or text or whatever it will always be there. His past will most ALWAYS be there - as bad as it is I used to have dreams before we got OUR bed even though I don't know if BM ever slept in his original bed from when we got together but I was sleeping in BMs spot, I was a warmth because BM wasn't there. Luckily when we got our bed this stopped and as before my DH tries to be as understanding and open as possible about my issues - which have greatly gone down...though not many are like this.

In my opinion even though I am young if you are questioning you aren't ready. As stated above he may have the same 'priorities' but that is odd. He has two children, you don't and they should be one of his main priorities. My DH and myself have the same lifelong goals - but not priorities mine are college, and getting my career started...he has a career his are to give his little boy the best, make sure I start my career life the way I want, and to build his dream can tell mine are focused his are a little more broad. Though we both want our house together, to raise his boy the best, and to travel the world these are goals and dreams not priorities. Also the fact he has procreated with two women - man whore? Lack of birth control? Psychopath? This to me in its own should be a red flag for you. I know some circumstances don't make it as red but I am 99.9% sure he isn't one of them.

And remember if you are having issues with this one you will probably have issues with any dad you will date. I say focus on yourself and find someone without kids who you truly have the same priorities as.

Orange County Ca's picture

Holy crap girl doesn't the fact he's been married twice already tell you something? Surely you're not that desperate?

For Christs sake get on a web site and import a guy from Russia if you have to but don't, don't, don't marry a guy with kids. You're nothing but a babysitter and a masturbation recepticle. At least the guy from Russia will leave once he's a citizen.


wife2's picture

Orange County nailed it !!! lmao....RUN KID RUN dont toss all those young years away.

sundowner's picture

My advise to you...YOU,( not him)write down at least 3 RED FLAGS (major issues) between the two of you, regarding his past. If you cant find at least 2, there may be a problem that you are perceiving the relationship incorrectly.EVERY relationship has red flags.People cope with them and stay together, or they may eventually never get resolved and you could end up in a failed relationship.Do not marry until they are resolved.Pay close attention to HOW you resolve them. Otherwise, your love-blindness will omit them and one day they WILL raise their ugly heads.
Secondly, during an argument with your BF, read those red flags, State them OUT LOUD. Make them real. And when you are still in the process of an argument..try making your decision, then. Because, it may be what you will experience with him when married.

anafiodorova's picture

No , it does not get any better. Run for the hills and focus on your happy,loving 24 year old self. I was given the same advice as you 3 years ago when I came on this web site. Ironically it was also an year and a half into the relationship. I agree that 2 kids from 2 BMs is a huge huge red flag about serious issues that this guy has. It is not your place to change him , fix him or make his life better.Do no abandon yourself - love yourself enough to walk away and donot allow him to sweet talk you into staying! Love and Light to you.

christinen's picture

I don’t think it’s so much about age, but about what you are willing and not willing to accept in a relationship. I’m 26 and married to a guy with a daughter. If I had to do it all over again, I would run for the hills like everyone told me to do. Seriously. Had I known then what I know now, there is nothing in the world that would make me do this over again. It’s HARD. And it’s NOT worth it. Being stepmom is a thankless job. The kids don’t appreciate you and your DH probably won’t either. You will never be #1 the way a wife should be. The kids will always come first. Your needs and wants will never be met. You will not be happy in this relationship. People tried to warn me but I did not listen and I wish I could go back in time and take their advice. I am already considering divorce. I hate my life. I hate my marriage. I hate my stepkid. Please. Listen to what these stepparents/ex stepparents are telling you. Best of luck.

I got a good one's picture

At your age, you can easily find a man without children. For your own sanity, that would be the best way to go. Just read what all these women have written about their experiences. That should be enough to make you RUN from this man. Do yourself a favor, find another man.