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Do you ever get tired of hearing the old stories of...

OMG_Why_Me's picture

Do you ever get tired of hearing the old stories of how "mommy and daddy did this with us and mommy and daddy did that with us when both bio parents were still togheter? Does anyone else hear these stories over and over again from the skids when their visiting your house? I never tell them to stop or I don't care to hear it but it really does get to me. I know the kids would like to have their parents back together and maybe this is their way of delaing with it. But part of me also knows that SD 15, who doesn't like me, is hoping to upset me and get under my skin. I let her tell her stories and try to show no reaction. I'm hoping my lack of reaction with eventually show her that her efforts are not working. She's said repeatedly "she wants her old life back." It does upset me to see her sad about it but there's nothing I can do to give her that life back.

Does anyone else hear these types of stories? How do you handle this situation?

OMG_Why_Me's picture

LOL.....I can't believe I didn't think of that one on my own! How about stories of vacations and activities with just her father and my bio kids and how wonderful they were!

I don't think I could really do that....but it sure feels good to say it! }:)

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I JUST posted on this exact, same subject matter. Yes, I am VERY tired of it. Actually, DH is irritated with it as well; but doesn't want to hurt his kid's feelings, SS8. What about mine though? This is MY house, for god's sake. NOT your mommy's or whatever. You would think the kid was living in his 3rd year of life, at 8 years old. I was very worried about this situation as this was the home once of BM, DH and SS8. It makes me VERY uncomfortable.

OMG_Why_Me's picture

I would ask to move into a place that is yours and DH's! I don't think I could live in the house that my DH and his Ex lived in. it would be too difficult for me!

Kes's picture

This would piss me off. My SDs don't do it, but if they did, I would remove myself from the room. Even if we were eating a meal, I would finish mine in double quick time and excuse myself from the table. It's not part of my job description to listen to this crap.

sarebear's picture

This is also what I do. Usually it doesn't get too involved but when they start talking about these things in detail, I just busy myself with something else. I don't need to listen to it.

My SD7 seems somewhat oblivious to the fact that we are not all family. She talks about wanting the family back together but she is including me and her half siblings. She thinks we could be one big happy family in one house. This is funny, yes, but it really bothers me on the inside. At this very moment she is planning a party for her mom, dad and me. Yuck!

hippiegirl's picture

Oh, hell yes! SS24 STILL talks about old times (with me standing right there). I play it cool, but honestly, it makes me sick to hear it. He mentioned going to Eugene and driving by the old house and blah blah blah. "Hey dad, remember when you and mom got me this guitar?" That stupid guitar is in my house as we speak. Gag! can you stand to live in that house? I would HATE that! Is moving to a fresh, new place not doable right now?

bi's picture

i don't hear that, because sd was 3 months old when bm and fdh split. since having my son 4 years ago, i hear all about when dad used to that with me, when dad used to do that with me. oh bs reminds me of when dad did this with me. like when i was giving him a bath once. that "reminded" her of when her dad used to give her baths. she's delusional. fdh did not take care of her when she was little. when he had her, his mom and sm did all the work. he was 20 and was not interested in taking care of a kid, especially bathing a girl! i think she makes shit up to make herself feel better about the fact that bs has the family she never did and never will.

Texas_Pete's picture

My skids sometimes tell stories,, my wife talks about the past,, I sometimes tell old stories when around my sisters.. The kids are just remembering things that had an impact on their life,, so is my wife and me as well.. I dont mind the stories,, its what make us who we are.. (unless I hear the same one a thousand times) lol

88keys2happiness's picture

Just wait until the 25 yr old SD shows you pictures of 'Mommy and Daddy' in bed. Stepmother is just another word for 'interference' Let's just all call an ace; an ace. Why are there problems with step families? Genes and basic human instinct! Done!

MaidJane's picture

SS likes to reminice about his mothers cooking. He times it perfectly too, my SO will say this is wonderful "......" whatever I made that night, and SS jumps in with, "Dad, dont you remember how great moms "......." was? She was such a great cook wasnt she dad?"
Its the most awsome part of my day being compared to BM Biggrin

Carah's picture

Omg I hear it all the time and especially love the ones that end with my mom still loves my dad or my dad doesn't love you he loves
My mom.

disneygirl64's picture

My skids used to do that ALOT and it drives me crazy! Though my SD9 used to tell me how much mommy and daddy would fight and how many times mommy left HAHA The Skids seem to tell me things all the time about thier mom like this moring they told me mom had a new Boyfriend and truck and how cool it was. Or how the boyfriend is is jail? LOL I have to hold my tongue and say thats cool! HAHA I did tell my SD i think he mom is silly for wanting a boyfriend whom is already in jail but if he makes her happy thats what counts. One time the SD told me "you have been with my daddy for a LONG time even longer then mom was, mom was only around a few months at a time" That comment made me feel good! I WIN }:) I don't like Bio mom at ALL

Starla's picture

Yea SD was doing that to me for the longest time too. It was all fun & games for her until the day I said " yea its a shame that your mom didn't want to be married anymore." The look on her face was priceless...she did quit throwing that at me since.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Baa haaa! Great response!

I get sick of the stories too. I've heard the same ones over and over for 9 years.

WarmBody's picture

I don't allow rudeness. They know when they are being rude. I put a stop to that with a sharp tone and explanation of why it was not polite and the kids became careful about what they said afterward. It's better because when they talk about someone I hate affectionately it makes me feel betrayed and mad at them. Kids shouldn't feel like they can annoy or be rude to adults and get away with it.

christinen's picture

My SD is 5 and my DH and BM were broken up before she was a year old so she has no memory of them ever being together, THANK GOD. If I had to deal with her telling stories like that, I would be so upset. I feel for you! My SD does talk about "at mommy's house..." & crap like that, and normally I just tell her "well this isn't your mommy's house" or whatever applies to what she said. I think if I were in your situation, I would just be honest with her and say you don't want to hear that crap in your house haha!