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Husband calls you a C*NT

LindaKjl's picture

My husband's 19 and 21 year old sons have been over to the house every night this week for dinner, including Wednesday night when my husband and I went out to a concert with a group of friends. Sure enough his cell phone rings and it's his kids saying they were hungry. He told them to go over to our house, let themselves in and help themselves to whatever they wanted. We got home from the concert very late. Didn't get to bed until 1:00 a.m. I work M-F and am up at 6:00 a.m. so I got little sleep. My husband is in sales and can do what he pleases. He had the luxury of sleeping in til noon and not working yesterday because of the late night. So, last night I get home from work, I pull my car in the garage and shut the garage doors. He is in the house unthawing THREE steaks (I don't eat meat) and getting numerous baked potatoes ready for dinner. I ask him what he is doing preparing all this food and he says I'm sure my son's will be hungry and will stop by. He then opens up the garage doors (he does this becaues he is a people person and when his friends drive by and see the garage doors open they know to stop -- which is basially ALL the time). Anyway a fight ensues. I very calmly asked him why for one night when we had a late night at the concert the night before and I got up at 6:00 a.m. to go to work aind worked all day and he has been home all day that he can't be understanding and respectful of my desire to have a quiet house for the night and have no one over. He got mad and said his boys can come over whenever they want and called me a "c*nt" for being anti-social.

Pook's picture


That, to me, is the unforgivable word.. so very harsh and calling your spouse names like that... yowza!!! Where did the rest of the so-called conversation go from there?

freedomSM's picture

HA! BM's cocaine-addicted friend and her bullied me, calling me that name and every other name on the planet. BM's H was involved as well. Now that's fun.

StickAFork's picture

His comment was WAY out of line. WAAAY.

Of course, I'd be pissed if my DH tried to tell me that my kids weren't "allowed" in my home. I think you guys both contributed to this mess.

LindaKjl's picture

It's not that they weren't "allowed". I simply asked, under the circumstances of having a late night due to us being out for something special on a work night (which is very unusual for us to do) that he be RESPECTFUL of my wishes for a quiet house the next day. It's not like his adult kids aren't over to our house every single day anyway. It's not like he has not seen them. I don't think this request is unreasonable under the circumstances. How is that "contributing"?????

SMof2Girls's picture

Did you ask him ahead of time for a quiet house? I think it makes a difference if you asked explicitly beforehand to not have anyone over, he agreed, and then did it anyway.

round2's picture

That is a line that will never be crossed in my house. To me, it is the height of disrespectful conduct. I am not sure how I would feel continuing to live with someone like that. Wow

Orange County Ca's picture

I reserve that word for when my wife swears at me because I think all such words are off limits. Call me a as...le then you'll get c..t right back. It works - she doesn't call me those names so I don't either.

Quit buying food. Eat on the way to and from work. Let him do the shopping, paying, preparation and clean-up as I'm sure "the boys" won't.

I also see a deep disrespect for you in the use of the word and want you to consider if the marriage is in real trouble in need of counseling.

Most Evil's picture

It really is and I would go apeshit on DH if he dared to say that to me. We do have awful fights and it has been said and worse as I have a horrible potty mouth also, but he has not said it to me more than once or maybe twice in 10 years as the hell rained down on him -!!!!!

If he says anything to me that is crude like that, or anything really I always say, ok well I hope SD's husband talks to her that way so you can hear how punk it is to talk that way to your spouse, etc.

That is the only way I can explain it sometimes and I hope by the 10,000th time I relate everything to her that way, it will sink in that your daughter is a woman just like I am a woman and how would you like it if someone said that to your daughter and thought it was ok, would you agree or would you bust his face for disrespecting her?! well that should be your guideline since your mama apparently didn't teach you? for crissake

c-mom's picture

It is obvious from this post that he does not respect you, and that is not okay. He needs to respect you, or you need to find someone who will. If you work, the house is as much yours as anybody else's and that is not okay. Yes, his sons should be allowed to visit any time they would like, but only if they can be respectful and be quiet so you can rest when you would like to. No, his friends should not have been allowed over. And also, sounds like someone needs to hand him some clippers to clip the umbilical cord. 19 and 21????? I was cooking for my parents by then and inviting them to my house. Time to make the overgrown skids grow up.

smdh's picture

I am against name calling in general. I don't fight that way with people I love. If I call someone a swear word you can bet is because I don't like them and don't care about our relationship. In 7 years my dh and I have never once called each other names in a fight. It is immature and disrespectful and I won't tolerate it from anyone. My SILs referred to me as a derogatory name once 2 1/2 years ago. They got one warning. If it ever happens again, we're through. They think because the do it to each other it is fine. It isn't fine with me.

So I guess the question you should ask yourself is "Am I ok with being treated this way? Is it ok with me that someone can be mean and hateful just to get me to acquiece to what they want? Do I want this to be how my marriage works? Do I want to be married for someone who a) doesn't have any consideration for me without me asking for it and b) calls me names and tries to make me out to be the bad guy when I do ask for it"

RedWingsFan's picture

OMG I'm at a loss. How disrespectful of him. Has he ever done this before? It seems so out of the blue and so inappropriate! Even in the heat of the moment, for him to call you that for "being anti-social"???? Left field!

If that were me, I'd have walked the Hell out and not come back! I've been in an abusive relationship and now I know, that's a big red flag warning sign. If your husband can disrespect you that way, that's unacceptable.


Pook's picture

I think both smdh and Orange County have summed it up: Is this behaviour something you can handle? If not, what do you want to do about it? Is counselling an option? If not, do you see a future with this man?

I agree completely that consideration be given for you in this regard. It does seem you may be very different people in that he is fine with being surrounded by people and you need some private time. Both types can work together but NOT if the relationship becomes offensive or disrespectful.

SASX's picture

If SO ever called me that lovely word. He would have one.

His outie would become an innie from the heel of my stilletto ensuring that the testosterone addled 'head' that was doing his thinking for him, was relocated to above his shoulders.

Trust that there is not a urologist in this world that would be able to reverse that procedure once I was done.

Willow2010's picture calling is just not right. I think you were well within your rights to ask for a night free from everyone. Even skids.

buterfly_2011's picture

um you need to leave him. There is NEVER a time for name calling. WOW!!!!!!! :jawdrop: I think my anger would have slapped the C@NT right out of his mouth and up his ASS!

stormabruin's picture

Difference in opinion is acceptable & expected in a marriage.
Namecalling is not.

Regardless of the dispute, someone who respects you will not call you names.

Lalena75's picture

that is a no go word in my house I understand cursing and name calling and only a couple are banned that being one of them. That word is a relationship ender for me personally whore as well.
Regardless how your household works using the C word over a request for a quiet house screams to me there are bigger deeper issues.

clenettec's picture

NO MA'AM! UNACCEPTABLE! My husband and I have an understanding when it comes to disagreements. He understands that if he ever calls me out my name, there will be serious consequences. Your husband just showed very little respect for you. I can only pray it gets better for you.

Disneyfan's picture

DF and I can have had some nasty, drag down fights, but he knows two words(bitch and cunt) better never cross his lips.

If they do, we're done. Those words are reserved for people you hate.

LizzieA's picture

Linda, from all your blogs, it is evident that your DH puts his boys ahead of you. He's told you the house is more theirs than yours. He's overridden your concern about underage drinking. From what you say, I can picture this man as an arrogant blowhard egotistical jerk that doesn't know how to have a good relationship with a woman. You are just an accessory. It's downright abusive. You do deserve better.

Pretty soon he'll go, ah, I didn't mean it, you just.....fill in the blank.

nemeneme89's picture

omg that is shameful on his behalf my husband would never even raise his voice to me we have been married two years were friends for 7 before that an i know his exs as well he never called them names or raised his voice to them sure they could argue but never going over the top ur husband needs to remember ur his wife an he needs to think about ur needs first now not his adult sons i mean its good for him to see them but every night no thanks an to be cursed at i would of calmly packed his stuff an escorted him out of the home an said when me husband who loves an respects me comes back into ur head an u have a fantastic apology let me know until then u are not welcome in my home stranger