Dh is mad at me
All because the other day, he mentioned something about inviting SS24, his girlfriend and their baby over for a bbq. All I said was "as long as they don't move in". OMG! From his reaction, you would think that I just admitted to being the Green River Killer! He was all "why the f%#k do you have to be like that"? I wasn't trying to start a fight, I just wanted to make sure we were not going to travel down that road. AGAIN! Also, we recently moved into a larger house, so I could see SS trying to weasle his way back into my home. And his girlfriend. And his kid. UUUGGGHHHHH! Was I wrong for clarifying?
Well, yeah dtzy....I did kind
Well, yeah dtzy....I did kind of mean it as a joking thing. He gets all bent whenever he gets reminded that I don't think his kid is awesome.
Dtzyblnd, Love it: "What bio
Dtzyblnd, Love it: "What bio parents can say, step parents are cruel evil beasts for saying."
DH's friend was at our house and said, "I really love SD. She gets along so well with my son!" So, sarcastically, BOTH me and DH said, "Really? Well, you can take her with you when you leave!" I would have said the SAME thing about my own BD, yet, DH's friend freaked the fuck out and said, "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT! That's DH's daughter!" Talk about a friendship falling apart in about 2 seconds! That would never have happened if is was me and DH talking about OUR own BD!
First, they now know who the
First, they now know who the real Green River Killer is. Just kidding.
Second, I would have said the same damn thing! He is just defensive because his son is a loser.
Maybe they just THINK they
Maybe they just THINK they know who the real Green River Killer is. }:)
I agree with Echo. I can see
I agree with Echo. I can see just about any parent getting defensive over a statement like that, even if it was meant as a joke.
Yeah, it was snarky but not a
Yeah, it was snarky but not a reason to get THAT pissed considering they have apparently moved in with them before.
If I said something like that to my husband, yeah, he would be a little irritated but mostly because he would know it was the truth!
They are very defensive over
They are very defensive over their kids, period. WE may know we are joking, and they may KNOW it but when they hear it, it hits a nerve and they get defensive. Especially if this has been a hot issue lately. Sometimes we are just better off keeping our traps shut and thinking what we want.
Yep. They are very defensive
Yep. They are very defensive about their own kids. That's what I deal with here. Better to just smile & not say things out loud. Sigh!
I said the same thing to DH
I said the same thing to DH yesterday. We both laughed. Why? Because neither of us wants his kids moving in. If your DH is that pissed i wonder if he isn't at some level considering them moving in at some point. I don't think you wete neing a bitch dear hippiegirl.
I thought the same thing-her
I thought the same thing-her DH was possible considering them moving in, based on his reaction.
^^^^^ THIS!!!! Agree 100%.
^^^^^ THIS!!!! Agree 100%. The main reason for getting defensive like that is because there's a hidden agenda.
^^^that^^^. he reacted in
^^^that^^^. he reacted in "guilt" most likely. I'd say move into a SMALLER house!!
That is what DH and I did-we
That is what DH and I did-we had a choice, with our budget, of a small place that needed some work, as opposed to a larger place that needed a lot of work. DH is very handy and could have fixed the problems, but as I was walking through the bigger homes, I kept thinking it would make it so much easier for the skids to move in. We now have a cute place with NO room for anyone-they have tried, but NO WAY.
Funny! DH & I were talking
Funny! DH & I were talking about the kind of place we're going to get when he retires next year, and he said, "We don't need a place with a bunch of bedrooms. It's not like anybody else is going to move in with us." My response, "You got that right."
Normally, under other
Normally, under other circumstances it would just come off as a joke.
Unfortunately, under this sort of situation - it hit a nerve with him. Obviously HE isn't at the stage where he also can see the humor in the statement.
My DH used to be hyper-sensitive like this, but now that some time has gone by, and he has a better perspective of his kids and their games - HE is usually the one now to make the jokes!
If his kids only knew some of the ideas he has joked about on how to "jerk-their-chains"!
Don't be too hard on yourself. You meant it as a joke, it didn't work - hubby blew a gasket, and now you know he is not capable of finding the humor in the situation.
Hopefully, with time he will.......someday.
Problem is...Dh thinks he
Problem is...Dh thinks he "owes" this moron a life because of a divorce that happened 20 effing years ago! WTF? I hate it. Echo, I think you're a little bit right. I think on a subconsious level I wasn't joking. }:) But, ya gotta understand my position and my history with this skid.
Hippiegirl, my stb ex dh is
Hippiegirl, my stb ex dh is the SAME with his second son, age THIRTY EIGHT!!! Skid's parents divorced when skid was 3 - so THIRTY FIVE YEARS AGO - because bm was a WHORE - but according to both skid and dh, dh owes skid a life and a living and everything! Skid #1 (age 40) is NOT like that at all, he is GREAT.
I agree with several others.
I agree with several others. He jumped down your throat beause if not today then tomorrow he still holds the hope of them moving in. I think the defensiveness was borne of guilt, you trashed his idea before he even got to put it out there.
Well I suspect you weren't
Well I suspect you weren't joking but you tried to put it out there as if you were because let's face it, what would have happenend if you had tried to have a serious conversation about it. Maybe you did it this way because you were to scared to do it any other way because you know bringing it up in a serious manner would send DH into frenzy. So don't be too hard on yourself. I know in the past if I so much as mentioned DH's daughters name, he would attack me the moment her name came out of my mouth. Not because I constantly spoke badly of her because I didn't, but he was always on the defensive. One time I went to say to him SD and boyfriend called in to pick up their washing machine today (we bought it for their new house), and as soon as I said SD he went off, what now, you always have something to say about her blah blah blah. As I said, I didn't always speak badly of her I tried not to speak of her at all, but he knew exactly what she was like and he was always on the defensive. Perhaps your DH is much the same.
EBU, I think you make some
EBU, I think you make some great points. I eventually would not speak of my second skid at all because I didn't have anything good to say. BUT...like the original poster, I would usually have to interject something if skid was coming around, like "yes, they may come over but all of the grandchildren are going home with them when they leave" or something - because skid and his wife always have to PUSH the envelope...nothing is ever enough...
No nothing is ever enough
No nothing is ever enough when you have one of these self centered spoilt brats with an over inflated sense of entitelment I know. We gave SD a front loader washing machine, the exact one she had asked for cost us over $800 as soon as it was purchased she started hinting for a fridge. she wanted a fridge exactly like ours. No she didn't get it. But she dropped hint after hint for months, then on the day she went off with boyfriend to buy it she rang daddy no less than 5 times to ask questions about the fridge, and of course to tell him in horror do you know how much these fridges cost, I didn't think they cost this much. Yes she did. She was just waiting for daddy to say, don't worry spoilt one I'll buy it for you. He didn't take the bait I think he knew far better than that, I had told him once before if he gave his kids money for the hell of it then I would give the same amount to mine. We bought each of them a gift for their new homes, so if he had forked out the extra 2K for a fridge, I would have given one of mine 2K or shared it around the three of them and he knew it.
Thankfully DH and I are on
Thankfully DH and I are on the same page and he would have laughed if I made that comment to him. Sounds to me like your DH is ruled by guilt and would allow them in if asked. Dh was ruled by guilt for years. He is coming to find though that his kids don't give a damn about him or anyone else for that matter.
I got no problem with them
I got no problem with them coming for dinner.....I just don't want them dropping anchor here. I've paid my dues with the baby thing and do not want one living under my roof. It's time for them to pay their dues now. DH and I had this discussion when skid moved (got kicked) out last time.....after pulling a knife on my daughter! Yeah, skid has trouble controlling his temper. Don't want it, don't need it. Thanks all of you who replied, even the ones who held me accountable (Echo).
She pulled a knife on your
She pulled a knife on your daughter. She'd not even be coming to dinner at my home after that. You're a better woman than I am. There is no way in hell she'd come into my home ever again after pulling a knife on anyone, let alone one of my children. Normal people don't pull knifes on people in temper. They usually handle their anger in better ways. She needs anger management I think. As maybe does your DH. This is not even his or your daughter it is your SS girlfriend. Who does your husband think he is yelling at you over his son's girlfriend. (sorry). I'm shocked. No wonder you feel you have to walk on egg shells in your own home.
No no ebu...it WAS my ss that
No no ebu...it WAS my ss that pulled a knife on my daughter (his half sister). This is WHY he will never live in my home with my family again. As for SS girlfriend, well I just don't bother getting to know them anymore. He will be on to the next poor sucka in a month or two. It's sad, because he has had some really nice girlfriends. In the 7 months he lived with us, he went through 4 girlfriends! Four! He can get them, but he can't keep them. Sooner or later he acts like himself and screws everything up. As of right now, he has 3 babies with 3 mamas! Nice, huh?
He will be just like his dad
He will be just like his dad (I love DH but he hasn't always made great choices, which is why I'm on this forum) 20 years of paying child support to a woman he doesn't even like! Only with SS, it will be to three women he doesn't like. So much for him ever having a REAL family. No woman I know would be cool with her man paying support to 3 women for 3 kids!!! His life is OVER before the age of 25.
Nice catch. I still wouldn't
Nice catch. I still wouldn't have him in my house again though. Surely pulling a knife is something of a dealbreaker even for your DH.
Yeah, well ya know
Yeah, well ya know EBU....."he's a poor child of divorce", so he doesn't have to act normal or right! His world was ripped apart, don't ya know. I get sooooo sick of DH making excuses for this pos. "I need to try to help him". Blah blah blah. That's what I hear when DH talks about this idiot!
Oh sorry I wasn't wearing my
Oh sorry I wasn't wearing my compassionate cap then was I. Your DH is right his poor son is a victim of divorce true but that was nothing he couldn't have overcome lots of people do. Unless they have secondary complications from divorce. a parent or parents who want to be liked more than they want to be a parent so they trap their kids in an ongoing drama whereby the parent always gets to be the superhero and swoop in to save the day. Those are the real and true
Victims of divorce. They will never ever get over it because mum or dad or both want the kid dependent on them forever because mum and dad are needy. Sorrry bagging my husband there but kinda yours too