married on Friday and SD speech
During our reception the oldest SD gave a speech it started with 2 years ago my mom died....I clenched my teeth and looked towards a table of friends I can not tell you much of what was said after that because I was furious...why did she have to mention her mom's death on the wedding day (just to make a point I know)....the speech did end with how I have brighten her dad up and made him happy. To be honest I don't believe that part one bit. Then my BF and her husband was staying with us (it was a day or two later) and as the SD left to go to her Aunt's house announced they were celebrating BM birthday and just said "BYE DAD" so my BF an Hubby said BYE back to her. I think I am in for a long long road. My SD are 22 and 25 the oldest still lives at home. Me and My husband are only living together on the weekends because of the 45 minutes driving distance and work. until spring when his house goes up for sale and he moves down with me. Of course SD thinks he is throwing her out of the house. Any suggestions please!!!
What is it, exactly, that you
What is it, exactly, that you need suggestions on?
Why would anyone let her skid
Why would anyone let her skid speak at their wedding? hmmm...Oh my geez...No skid at weddings should be allowed unless they actually LIKE the person their parent is remarrying...sorry...not acceptable. What did your husband do? I'd say something to the idiot such as "yes, thanks to your mother dying, I am the happiest woman in the would have never happened had she not croaked"...IDIOT!
well she just stood up there
well she just stood up there and ask fo quiet and starting reading her speech Neither of us knew about it or was asked if it was okay. Our wedding was at a winery very casual I didn't want any traditional stuff ie cutting of cake, speech from anyone.
So she reception-jacked
So she reception-jacked you.
I'll bet Dad is brighter now that you're in the picture. Lets just take that at face value unless she was making a ugly face when she said it. To speak when not invited was certainly rude at best but its done now. Don't ask your husband to "fix" it - he can't anyway.
As for the "Bye Dad" (deliberately not saying your name) my reaction to that is to not respond which is what you apparently did also. Their childish action is then negated by your failure to react. The fact your BF and DH responded is not relevent. They're not in the dynamics of the situation.
By not getting angry over their actions and failures to act you can make it clear that they are wasting their time. How long that takes to sink in depends on how mature they are. Meanwhile you enjoy your life. These people are not important or even relevent to your life if you just let it out of your head.
So, is your DH kicking them
So, is your DH kicking them (SDs) out when you guys move? For your sake, I hope he is.
Yes they will have to live on
Yes they will have to live on their own. My home is 45 minutes from his, since their lives, friends, work is up there it makes no sense to come down south.