GENIE in a bottle... SILLY POLL
If a genie, or whoever appeared and said that you have ONE wish to be granted, but can only choose from the following list, which one would you choose?
A)Make the Stepkids disappear, like they never existed, like BM and DH never had kids
B)Go back in time to the point in which you met DH
C)Make the BM suddenly die of a heart attack
D)Be able to invisibly go to BM's house and scare the crap out of her as ghost (only for one night)
Or of course, no wish at all, and say "bye genie".
Personally, I wouldn't choose any of those...
- Gia's blog
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I'm sorry that you have to
I'm sorry that you have to go through cancer and all that
but unfortunately this is a very subject specific genie, he/she only has those options 
"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"
"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"
I would just take D: I would
I would just take D: I would LOVE to have a night to scare some sense into her...
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
* "There are two things over
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
I wanna say A but I like SS
I wanna say A but I like SS not SD so I am torn
I would wish that I knew
I would wish that I knew then what I know now.....because my decisions would have been ALOT different!
****I can do bad all by myself****
I would choose B and run for
I would choose B and run for the hills..... -)
ME TOO!!! "If I turn into
"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus
I choose A hands down. If A
I choose A hands down. If A were true, the other options wouldn't be necessary.
"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"
There IS a difference between having a different opinion and being an asshole, find it.
Truelight and I went to the
Truelight and I went to the same school. He was a senior when I was in 8th grade. We knew OF each other back then because everyone knew everyone else in the school. When he and I officially "met", it was over 20 years later, and believe you me, he had grown from an awkward, skinny, nerd into a beautiful fine man. I wish I could go back in time (knowing what I know now) and arrange to meet him before he married The Wookie. We would both have been young, and our children would be OURS.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
I wish I could do this too,
I wish I could do this too, except for the fact that DH met BM when he was like 20, meaning i was 11 or 10 years old. Nothing I could do was going to make them NOT be together. Oh and on top of that I didn't live in this country.
"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"
None of those although the
None of those although the ghost thing would be pretty fun.
Oooo, I'm naughty. But I'm irritable, sick and tired so it's allowed right?
Can we change B to Go back to the point where DH met BM and make sure their fornication and/or marriage never occurred.
*: (=’:’ ):*
I hate to say it, but I'd go
I hate to say it, but I'd go with C. BM has proven she does not have the heart for her children that a child needs their mother to have. They have had the opportunity to know what they need to know of her, and although I would hate for them to suffer that loss, I honestly feel like she is only doing a disservice to them being in their lives.
I would choose D - Because
I would choose D -
Because it would be funny and because I would like to see what she does when she is all by her lonesome. Although I would prob be bored.
A...hate to say it, but I
A...hate to say it, but I was married before and didn't have any kids...therefore, I have no baggage and every guy I dated, although I was worried they would see me as a divorcee completely saw me as a SINGLE girl since I had "0" baggage...if A, there would be no need for any other drama...if C, although I like it, there could still be major drama with her family, etc...