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Dumb Question.

Willow2010's picture

This is stupid, I know. But I am interested in the answers.

If your DH could save you OR the BM from death...who do you think he would choose? You or the mother of his little angles?


DaizyDuke's picture

Me with out a doubt.... he despises both BM's and would actually be willing to FACILITATE their death on any given drama filled day!

Marie0124's picture

Me for sure. Then we could raise the skids without her interference. They are young and would forget. And he loves me and despises her

purpledaisies's picture

I know too with out a doubt he would save me. He hates even thinking about her let alone talking to her right now. He hates her so much he even said he wished he could make her disappear but of course he would never do that. He loves me so much. He will stop to call me several time a day just to hear my voice. Biggrin

Still Standing Strong n Spfld's picture

No questions,hands down,without a doubt, he would most certainly choose me.I know honestly there are plenty of times myself that I have grossly fantasized about the police actually calling US with wreck news or something before that scheduled wknd pickup time.instead of us having to call them due to the BM showing how "grown" she is and refusing to return or get them on time.O how calm and pleasant our lives could be!

Willow2010's picture

He hates her so much

This brings up another thought for me. At first I thought DH was still in love with BM because he hated her so much. There is such a fine line between love and hate. And there is so much passion in “hate”.

Do any of you feel that when DH talks about how much he hates her?

ddakan's picture

Well, I never loved BM and I HATE her behavior. DH is indifferent, as long as she doesn't ever contact her, he is happy.

Shaman29's picture

It would be me. He said Uberskank always presents him with the following moral dilemma:

Uberskank on fire and DH with a full bladder.

Rags's picture

If my SS's BioDad and I fell through the ice of an ice covered pond my wife would stand on BioDad's head to pull me out, then she would continue to stand on BioDad's head until the bubbles stopped.

That is no contest at least in our marriage.

bruisedpeach's picture

my so often says..well i guess the best we can hope for is a herion o/d so i assume me.

sasha101's picture

Definitely me. He says he never loved her anyway, only stayed with her cos a drunken night resulted in her getting pregnant. Much as I hate the bitch, it would be my worst nightmare if she died because we have custody of the skids and she takes them EOWE and school holidays - I could not cope with being a SM if we didn't have regular breaks and I just live for our kid-free "couple time".

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

No EXHUSBAND would save me first over any wife because of our kids and what it would mean for them.

Now would MY HUSBAND save me for the same reason? I don't know.

ddakan's picture

Haha, he'd push us both off the cliff!

Not really, he'd save me, but if she was on fire, he'd probably piss on her to put her out. I'd be there with a blanket, "don't die precious!" as we facilitate yet another TURN THE OTHER CHEEK superior moment :sick:

I couldn't get lucky enough for BM to die, God knows I've wished it enough.