Has anyone switched to lower paying job because of child support?
DH received papers this week for an increase in child support (mainly because she decided that she was tired of working AGAIN). We have SS8 14 days a month and she expects $714.00 a month plus insurance. If we thought that this money would go to SS8 it would not be an issue, but realistically, Chef Boyardee (which is his dinner usual at BM's house) is only a dollar! DH is really considering taking a lower paying job so that she does not eat up so much of his monthly income. Have any of you do that? :sick: :sick:
Sorry, last line should read
Sorry, last line should read "Have any of you done that?"
Tell him not to do it. My DH
Tell him not to do it. My DH did that once and the judge TRULY told my DH that HIS KIDS did not have to change the standard of living they had grown used to because of HIS poor choices.
They kept the CS as it was and he fell into arrears. Eventually, he had to switch jobs again.
THANKS, everyone! Their court
THANKS, everyone! Their court date is in a few months.
Not a good idea.....you and
Not a good idea.....you and your family are already having to go without because of c.s. Taking a lower paying job would only make you and dh have less money and eventually make you more resentful of skids and bm (if that's possible
). Speaking from personal experience.
Bwahaha! Love this!! And I
Bwahaha! Love this!!
And I couldn't agree more...
i have an ex who would rather
i have an ex who would rather starve than pay me cs. or work at all. because you see, it IS just giving me money if he pays. it's not taking responsibility for a child he created, what the hell does that even mean? i wanted custody, therefore she is solely my responsibility. any money taken from him and given to me is just me robbing him, because after all, i only care about money. :? (the money he has never had, not when we were together, and not now).
How do you feel being married
How do you feel being married to a man who would do this?!? Man, this would piss me off.
And I wouldn't do it. He'll likely still be on the hook for the higher amount. It's called "voluntarily underemployed."
What is the legal custody
What is the legal custody arrangement? If it is not 50/50 but you have him half the time, I would be getting that changed for starters.
Document, document, document. I cannot stress that enough.
Taking a lower paying job on purpose is not the answer. Judges see right through that. Though it is unfortunate that BMs get away with all kinds of crap.
In response to the harsh
In response to the harsh criticism......the selfish bitch already gets $600 a month for an 8 year old boy that leagally she only has 16 nights a month, but that does not stop her from having a bill at the school for unpaid lunches that eventually gets sent to us or her child getting sent home from school with a stomach ache because his underwear was three sizes to small(which is why we keep a seperate wardrobe here at our home for him)-----one week after she and her husband took a vacation. THE MONEY DOES NOT GO TO THE CHILD! WE also pay for all sports, fieldtrips, extra curricualr activities, etc., because if not SS8 would sit on his ass and have no physical activity or ambition just like her! SO JUST BECAUSE YOUR EX WAS A PIECE OF CRAP DOES NOT MEAN THAT ALL MEN ARE!
We paid more for one kid who
We paid more for one kid who we had more than 14 days/month.
Sorry, I think ANY PARENT (male or female) who takes a lower paying job just to avoid paying more in CS is, in fact, a piece of crap.
And if the kid is there almost half the time, he SHOULD have clothing at your home.
16 nights works out to be
16 nights works out to be about half, so you should be supplying clothes at least while he is in your care.
Unless sports, field trips, or extras are included in the custody order, she has no obligation to pay for them. Neither does DH. They are EXTRAS. If it's a burden to pay them, don't let the kid participate.
If DH is concerned about the kids' welfare then he should be documenting and seeking more custody, not trying to take the easy way out. By seeking more custody time, his CS would go down, just for a much more legal and respectable reason.
Depends on which state you
Depends on which state you are in, but some states start proportionally reducing the amount of CS you pay when you have the kid at like 40% of overnights. But definitely don't quit jobs or get lower paying jobs, EVERY state says "too bad, so sad"...that's voluntary unemployment or underemployment and judges see right through that.
BM here threw a tantrum
BM here threw a tantrum because DH was 'voluntarily impoverishing himself' by taking a new wife...errrrrrrrrr do not judge everyone's spending habits by your own lady! LOL
We paid child support even when we had custody of the kids to shut the bitch up, nominal amount and no one here was deprived of anything.
It's seriously not a good idea to reduce your income, far better go to court and see about getting the amount reduced, based on what you pay for that is extra and how often you take care of the kids.
So your husband wants to take
So your husband wants to take a lower paying job because his support may potentially go up by $114? Can you see the lack of logic in that sentiment? That is just dumb, I'm sorry there is no other way to state it. Over a potential $114? Who is to say that the support won't go down? CS does not go up because the CP doesn't want to work. It is a numbers game/formula, when was the last support review?
My stepkids live with us 100% of the time. My husband never got any child support paid 100% of everything, all medical, all extras, and now college, while BM got to live free and clear with no consequence for her actions. It is just the way the chips fall sometimes.