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husband needs to step up

Lita's picture

I need perspective perhaps. I have been taking care of step kids since they were 2 and 4 - now in their 30's. I had them every summer and for a year when they were 6 an 8 and another year just ss at age 16 - he had threatened his mother), also I have had step grandkids for a month the last 3 summers but not allowed this year - I dared to discipline a very undisciplined immature (ok he's 7, BUT acts 3) step grandson. He stole money, threw tantrums etc...My husband has left the discipline to ME-making me literally the mean old step mom. I expected the kids for a week last summer but they were left here for a month - BECAUSE "THAT IS WHAT GRANDPARENTS DO" and "we parent 10 months of the year" (maternal grandmother has them the first month and they come here with granddaughter super sick from swimmers' ear EVERY YEAR! I get to take her to a doctor and pay for meds etc....Did I mention my husband has had to work out of province the last 2 years - so he wasn't even HERE last summer!!!!!!) Now he went to visit them for a weekend - I am all for that - but didn't tell me, so I did not budget it and now we are behind on bills - but he thinks I am angry that he visited them - NOT- angry he does not comunicate with me or for me with his son.

OptimisticMe's picture

Holy smanoly! I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old, and I would NEVER ask my mom (their biological grandma who loves them dearly) to watch them for an entire month (I couldn't even dream of being away from them for that long, it would KILL me). I am going out of state for 4 days and feel bad asking my mom to keep them while I am gone!

They watch them 10 months out of the year, huh? Did you get them pregnant? I'm pretty sure they made the decision to have kids without asking you about it...and I bet they didn't say they would only have kids if you would watch them for a month. GEEZ! Immature people like that raising tiny humans...scares me half to death!

You have gone above and beyond the call of duty...WAY above and beyond. Sounds to me like you should have disciplined that boy a long time ago! I would tell them "THAT IS WHAT GRANDPARENTS DO" when they ask why you punished him.

If this is something you WANT to do, then by all means do it. But to me, it sounds like they are using you for a free babysitter so they can act like they don't have kids two months out of the year.

OptimisticMe's picture

P.S. YES your husband needs to step up...and SUPPORT YOU! Verbally to his kids and physically when his kids' spawn is at your home.

Orange County Ca's picture

YOU need to step down. As one of our esteemed First Ladies said "Just say no".