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SD 10 Mouths off to her dad and her dad takes it as a joke!!

Ondasash's picture

My SD is 10. I don't like her at all but .. one thing I can't stand is her mouthing to her dad and she gets away with it. Example: Last night her room was so smelly. We thought it was the dog but after we bathed dog and cleaned her kennel the room still smelled. My SO even shapooed her carpet. Well come to find out she had a boiled egg in her trash can that was so nasty! Well... she cleaned her room but her dad tells her in a stern voice "That's nasty and you know you not supposed to have food in your room!" After that lecture he jokes with her about being nasty and smelly and so on. To me I think joking was not appropriate. Am I wrong? If my son who is 4 had done that he would have been sent to his room by my SO and joking. My SD stomps off when her dad tells her to do something and she doesn't get in trouble. She can tell her dad she going to do something first before she does what he told her to do and she gets away with it. MY SON WOULDN'T GET AWAY WITH THAT! My thing is... shouldn't she be getting in trouble for mouthing off to her dad? Or am I just being like that b/c I don't like her? My son gets whooping for not listening but my SD don't. If this continues wont this get worst for my SO dealing with his daughter? She will be in 6th grade next year and I have a feeling her dad is in for it with attitudes since she gets away with murder. He already don't see how much of a bitch she is with other stuff so... any suggestions? Should I talk to him again about not joking with her with something serious or leave it and let him see when she get older that he caused this since she gets away with stuff so much?

frustratedstepdad's picture

Yes this is a problem. If you think she mouths off now, wait until she turns 12-13. It will be twice as bad.

Ondasash's picture

He doesn't treat them differently all the time. I do discipline my son b/c I know the things he does he knows not to do but he actually doesn't get in trouble alot except for when he's yelling at me or something. My SO ... well he is basically the dad to my son. He came in the pic when my son was turning 2 but my son will get in trouble for hitting my SD and my SD has thrown my son, hit my son everything and she hasn't been in trouble but maybe two times. My SO it seems to me punishes my son for stupid stuff compared to his daughter. His daughter walks free and my son has to walk on egg shells he probably feels around my SO. I believe the way my SD gets away with stuff so easy my son should too then. My SD needs the punishing more right now b/c she is disrespectful. Does that make sense?

Ondasash's picture

Well I'm a stay at mom with my 6 month old son and 4 year old son so we always visit my fam which live 7 minutes away. Lol. We shop and get toys and eat out sometimes. My son loves my hubby he 'sis all he knows as a dad besides my brothers and my dad. But my SO should punish his own more before punishing mine. That's how I feel. But he sees his daughter doing no wrong mostly. Especially if he gone then she's a angel.

dont know what to do's picture

It will get worse and he needs to nip it now! Just had this discussion last night with my dh. He favors sd7 way too much, if I punish her he jokes with her while she's in time out or he will feel bad and go sit next to her. Unreal! I spoke my mind last night and I'm hoping he understands and is more conscious of it next time they are with us. I notice just after a month how much worse it gets every time sd7 comes to our house because he hasn't called her out on things, she thinks she can get away with it now every time! last time she slammed her door so hard one of my frames fell and broke, I was livid!

Ondasash's picture

O gosh! I would be livid too!!! I figured when she gets older it would get worst. She knows I wont go for it and she hasn't tried mouthing to me hut she has it bad with her dad and gets away with it. I don't understand it. It bugs me tho!