The Height of Entitlement
Hows this for blatantly overt entitlement. SD25 says to DH,
"Do you realise that whenever you do anything with that slut (me, his wife) you are using "our", fuel, car etc? You have no right to spend "our" money on her."
This coming from a kid who left the nest years ago, has her own place, job, car etc. The mind boggles.
DH never said a word. He just
DH never said a word. He just stands there, looks at the floor, and takes the abuse. He says he is giving his kids the opportunity to get their anger off their chests. I think he feels he deserves it. He is still in a FOG.
"Our resources" WOW! is that
"Our resources" WOW! is that shit funny or what? I love it when SD sounds like she is married to the DH...gross.
Anger? But this is abuse and
Anger? But this is abuse and greed, not an emotion.
I totally agree Poodle. But
I totally agree Poodle. But try and get him to see it that way!
Whats more gross is that that
Whats more gross is that that guilt trip works. When DH left BM the skids were in there like seagulls on a french fry. Went to the marital home and just took what they wanted without his knowledge. BM refused to let him take anything, and she gave away what she didnt want. DH ended up with an old bed and his office desk. To me thats theft whichever way you look at it. But did DH do or say anything? Nope....just let it go. Now SS23 is storing his belongings in our shed, which includes alot of furniture that he stole from DH. Not that we need it but I told him he should take his stuff back while he's got the chance, just to make a point, but he says thats just being nasty and stooping to their level! I have a good mind to just throw the stuff in the middle of our busy road and let the gravel trucks run over it!!! In fact, if SS doesnt come and collect it when he said he would I will.
wow! I feel like have heard
wow! I feel like have heard everything now. Your DH like mine needs to grow a spine.
Wait a minute, it's SS that's
Wait a minute, it's SS that's accusing you of stooping to HIS OWN level? That's priceless -- he's not for real!!!!!!
But hey, be happy you got none of the crud from his former matrimonial home. I'll never get over laughing that our BM let DH take their matrimonial bed away -- years after they had parted, but the silly idiot did not realise why she was happy for me to sleep on it. I got rid of it myself.
As for the shed, I suggest planning an actual use for the shed so there is good reason for instant removal. Then there is nothing personal in it.
No its DH thats accusing me
No its DH thats accusing me of stooping to SS's level. I dont care if its personal. SS said he would be back in two weeks to collect his stuff. But I KNOW that if he had his way it will stay here until he gets his own place again....which I also KNOW wont be for a hell of a long time.
what an unbelievable bitch.
what an unbelievable bitch. she must be one of those asses who think every penny their dad has is her "intended inheritance". sd19 has never gone that far, but she does still refer to everything as "ours" or "mine". she thinks has ownership of the house, the appliances, the truck, the animals, everything. makes me want to punch her.
Wow!! Of course
Of course they are going to behave that way if DH allows them to! Not only are they being greedy & abusive but they are bad-mouthing his WIFE! I guess that if a man can't stand up for himself, he isn't going to stand up for the woman he loves either.
I'm so sorry you are dealing with this! Like Big said, go out & spend THEIR money & enjoy every second of it!
We do have a legit use for
We do have a legit use for our shed. We have stuff stored in there too, and cant get to any of it becos SS's stuff is in the way. And I didnt want any of the marital possessions, I had everything we needed and couldnt have fit it anywhere anyway. But DH was entitled by law to sell it and keep half the proceeds for himself. BM even threatened to go after 60% of his superannuation, but knew she would fail. She cant stand the fact that I may benefit from it in my old age lol. Of course needless to say the skids are feeding off her...I hear her dulcet tones in every word they say. I appreciate your concern guys, but dont be sorry for me. Thanks to this website Im well aware of all the tricks, and as opposed to feeling very depressed I am now finding it all rather amusing. It now brings humour to my day

Heres another gem from a
Heres another gem from a letter SD25 wrote to DH....
"It makes me sick to know that at times I have asked mum for fuel money or a couple of dollars to catch the train and she hasn’t been able to give it to me, meanwhile you’re traipsing around town, whore in tow, reliving your formative years."
Mum works full time as a public servant, and cant afford to give her (25 year old) daughter a couple of dollars to catch a train? Pffffft!!! I think theres another motive at play here rather than being broke sweet heart
Why? Becos Dad was always
Why? Becos Dad was always there for those sorts of things. Now he's not. BM not so generous, but do they hate her for it? Not on your life!
I am a fairly tolerant
I am a fairly tolerant person, but if my DH stood by while his daughter called me a slut, and said those other things - unless he stood up for me and told her never to speak that way again, I would pack my bags. "Letting them get their anger out" indeed! It won't have this effect, it will just fuel the SDs unreasonable little vendetta, when he says nothing.
I have a SD21 Iv'e been
I have a SD21 Iv'e been married to her father for 2yrs on april24th
SD refused to come to our wedding saying to her gran an aunt tht I will now get her inheritence. barein in mind wud mount to aprox 80grand. She has foul mouthed me to her Dad. Like you her dad had no spine to stand up to her.She played mind games, told lies about me an my S15 to her dad and gran who then gossiped it on to aunty, Aunty slagged SD down to me many times by email and face to face. SD slagged gran dwn to dad when gran questioned things an it showed SD was lieng. Infact the only reason she hates me is the fact tht the good saying u got to have a good memory to b a gud lier. Dad still stood by an allowed his brat of a daughter continue to lie bout me an my son to him using the sayin dnt say owt it will cause an argument. Well dad woke up and metioned to me in front of her wot she sed. May I say my eyes turned red. She burst into tears and sed she was leaving. this was the 20th time shed packed her bags and come back a week later. Thing is I never had my name on the house we lived in before and luckly my H was at work when I signed the agreement on this house so guess wot this is my house and now she has moved out she will nevr be moving back in. Lies flew between SD gran and aunty sayin i sent fowl messages to aunty bout SD when hubby challanged me on it I realed up the messages and he saw infact the messages tht went between my self and his sister wer infact his sister saying nasty things and a roll of gossip and lies tht had been made up bout my s and me to cause trouble for us. So now I have the rite to say Im 40yrs old and this stops now. After suffering with depression with all the arguments in past cus I fought for equal rights with how kids r treat as she lived with us from 15 cus her own mum didnt like who she was. This is it if he wants to live with his daughter it will be anywhere apart from in my house. That I will giv up this marriage for my sanity. He has since grown a spine an has told her she done it to herself and tht she will never mention my name again it over.
Funny how it all comes down
Funny how it all comes down to "Their Rightful Inheritance" isn't it. Their hatred towards us is all about money. My SD has said the same thing. NOTHING, nothing at all is theirs. It is our money, not their inheritence. I cannot believe how they could have been brought up to be like this, and I will never understand how their fathers' do not die of shame at the way their daughters behave. I would want a hole to open up and swallow me if I had brought my children up to be this way. It is absolutely shamefull.
In my case I dont think it
In my case I dont think it was Dad who brought the kids up to be this way. It was BM who was the money hungry one. She was always spending money on the house redecorating and renovations and stuff, thats where all DH's money went while he was married to her. He never spent any money on himself and his hobbies, every cent went to make sure wife and kids were happy. BM had an "image" to maintain and considered a big flash house reflected her "success" in this life. Everything she bought had to be the best....she is a very materialistic woman. Possessions mean more to her than anything...obviously she couldnt impress people any other way (certainly not with her illuminating personality). DH got sucked into that mentality and eventually came to believe that the only way to make people happy was to throw money at them. He does it to me, and I have to keep reminding him that he cant buy people. But after 30 years married to her thats the only way he knows.
I told my hubby to put all
I told my hubby to put all the money he had before we got together in her name and even the inheretence from his mum. put the pentions we pay as a couple which wil b less than wot she gets goes to me and if by the time comes she has grown up an proved tht like she is with other ppl she aint jus bein my friend for money then I may think bout lettin her have some. She has been out of this house 8 weeks and up until my hubby read the messages and challanged her on it she still tried to find things to have a go at me at like what I had wrote on face book even though she is blocked from my face book.So how can I be nasty to her on facebook if she cant even see my post tht I hadnt wrote and again like a mug I showed my hubby all my face book entries and they wer all about a bloody hidden chronicles game.
Now even my husband has sed this house a far nicer place to be without her head games and lies.
My kids are only 12 and 11
My kids are only 12 and 11 respectively but either one of them talked about their stepmother the way that you articulated, they'd be picking themselves up off the floor next no matter what their age is.
Let's dad is taking
Let's dad is taking my mom on yet another cruise because as she puts it "they have too much money and don't know what to do with it..." I think before they leave I will call up my dad and tell him to STOP spending money on my mom because it's MY money lol I have a feeling that he'll tell me to f$%^%^ off and probably never talk to me again. hmmm...OH, sorry, since they aren't divorced, it's ok...but once they are divorced, then it becomes the kid's money...little shits! :sick:
Oh yeah, if my DH ever
Oh yeah, if my DH ever allowed his loser kid to call me a slut I would whack him over the head and probably leave, unless of course, he didn't mind that I call her one right back!
LMAO herewegoagain. well I
LMAO herewegoagain. well I have had times felt fo my hubby with the situation he has been put it. but it never stopped me from having my say. Thing is I cud only have my say to him cus he didnt like it if I had my say to her cus it made her cry. I put up with not havin my say for 5 years. noy being able to challange her on her lies but gosh I cud only do tht for 5 years then eventually all hell let lose why shud i sit back be called all the names under the sun be lied about an dad jus say ohhh dont say owt cus she will leave well when she hit 21 I thought this is my house why shud i be ruled by her and her dad jus cus he didnt want to upset her. WELL iVE HAD MY SAY i LET ALL THE 5YRS OF LIES SHE HAD MADE UP ABOUT MY SON AND ME THE NAMES SHE HAD CALLED ME AN THRU IT RIGHT BACK IN BOTH THER FACES;LUCKALY HUBBY SEEN SENSE AFTER I TOLD HIM IF YOU WANNA LIVE LIKE THT THEN GO FIND YOURSELF A HOUSE CUS I SURE AS DAMIT AINT GONNA LIVE LIKE IT ANOTHER DAY.
stepaside..I have just read
stepaside..I have just read your blog on RA and infact I have sent it to my husband to have a read felt like it was talking about my situation with my husbands daughter,mum and his sister..thanx for tht read. I advise any SM to read it.givs u a better outside luck on things
Sarrina how do I find
Sarrina how do I find Stepaside's blog??
Yeah I should have thrown a
Yeah I should have thrown a fit about being called those names but honestly, I have pretty good self esteem and names will never hurt me. It was very early on in the piece and occured on neutral ground. It will never happen again cos all the skids have been banned from our home. The bottom line for me in all this is....inheritance, what inheritance? DH "allowed" BM to take EVERYTHING from the marriage, including the proceeds of the matrimonial home, so if the little money-grabbers want an inheritance I say GO WHINGE TO YOUR MOTHER!, She got everything anyway and we dont have anything to leave you. What we earn from now on is OURS and Im damned if ANY of our kids will get their hands on it including my own. If they want money they can work for it like we do. We earn it not them. Our parents didnt leave us anything, I never expected them to. What they have is theirs to do what they want with. I wont work myself to death to enable our kids to sit on their lazy arses and watch tv for the rest of their lives and not be able to leave THEIR offspring an inheritance.
I find the secret to all this is to not take anything the skids say personally, whether you are disengaged or not. They are the ones with the problem not me, and Im not gonna take their shit on board. I have enough of my own to deal with. Why should I carry someone elses hang ups around with me for the rest of my life? I told them Im only tiny, (5 foot 1" and weigh 40 kilos) carrying their crap on my sholders will kill me and I wont kill myself for those brats. Thats not to say I would put up with that BS in my own home though....thats why they have been banned.
Yeah the DH who does nothing
Yeah the DH who does nothing should be told, "4o what does that make u then? A pimp or a john? That's what your dhildren think of YOU my dear"