SGD Being Neglected
What do you do when SS is neglecting his 3 year old daughter and DH ignores it for fear of hurting SS's feelings? The senario is SS has separated from SGD's Mother (they were never married) and is living with his GF. SS is an alcoholic and has severe gambling issues. He has been earning nearly $2000 a week for about the last 8 months but is ALWAYS broke because he spends all his money on booze, gambling, and other completely unnessary things. The child often goes hungry because SS cant afford food, and also goes without nappies, decent clothing and all those things a child needs. I kept pushing DH to do something but always got "oh you cant tell other people how to raise their kids. SS is young (23), he will grow up eventually". One night I was severley attacked by BM and her sister on a networking site with NO provication. I was accused of all sorts of things that were untrue, even illegal stuff, and was told to stay the hell away from SGD cos I am evil personified, which was a bit hard since SS was constantly asking me (me...not DH) to babysit her at the time. I retaliated and gave BM and her sister as good as I got, and of course upon finding out about it SS blamed me and said I should have kept my mouth shut and ignored BM's public accusations about me. Now if they hadnt been so public I would have ignored them, but I felt I had a right to defend myself against these very slanderous allegations against my character. I ended up telling SGD's Mother about the neglect going on with her daughter by SS, so now of course I am worse than evil personified, I am Satan himself. I only had the best interests of the child at heart as no one else seemed to, not even her Grandfather. Did I do the right thing??
My sentiments exactly. SS
My sentiments exactly. SS constantly complains about how f#%*ed up his life is becos his booty call decided to have the baby rather than abort (she was 16, he was 19 at the time), but he wont let her have full custody, they have 50/50 care. Personally I think its just becos he doesnt wanna pay her child support. He also constantly complains about what a sloth she is....having lived with him for 4 months it boggles my mind that he can make those statements. The only reason I didnt ring CPS is becos I know what its like to deal with those mongrels and that would always be a last resort. I think DH would have done something if I had threatened to do that. But in my mind he should have done something anyway, it shouldnt have been left up to me so that I end up the wicked witch....again. I will never understand how a grown mature man can be so terrified of his own children that he allows his 3 year old grandchild to suffer that way in order to keep the peace with them. It just defies all rational thought. The silver lining to all this is that I dont think BM or the two SDs will attack me again in a hurry, as they know I have way too much dirt to throw back at them now. They havent said a word since their own dirty laundry was brought to light.
You can make an anonymous tip
You can make an anonymous tip to CPS ---
Yeah....and like he wouldnt
Yeah....and like he wouldnt suspect me at all would he?? I'd be the first on his list
No. SS comes home from work
No. SS comes home from work and doesnt even acknowledge the kid. Grabs a beer and then gets on his laptop where he stays all evening while his GF takes care of the child, but she's an airhead as well. They dont even recognise when the child is sick.....last time she had an infection from scratching mosquito bites and I took her to the doctor myself cos those two are so wrapped up in themselves they didnt notice she had a raging temperature. They put the grizzling down to naughtyness and just yell at her. I have to say though that since I brought it out in the open they seem to be doing a better job....on the surface anyway. They may hate me for it but it was probably just the jolt they needed. BM probably bawled them out for giving me so much ammo against her perfect little family lol.