What a Relief!
Wow, what a relief it is to know that DWs' are not the only ones who get frustrated and emotional about these issues. There appears to be alot of bitterness towards men in the DW forums, as if its ONLY men that commit these crimes with their biological children. I knew it had to work both ways...
(No subject)
Same here, but we have to be
Same here, but we have to be fair about this. Women can be just as guilty as men of almost everything in life. Still, I think women bear the brunt of it because (and I apologise if this offends anyone) I dont think men were meant to be parents in the true sense of the word. Its the Mothers who do the bulk of the day to day raising of the children therefore they cotton on to kids tricks and manipulations fairly quickly, and get jack of it just as quickly. Over years they become amune to the "I hate you cos you wont give me what I want, youre the worst parent in the world", so learn not to take the emotional blackmail too much to heart. Men on the other hand, when suddenly faced with having to parent full time, cant deal with it. And most men's egos are such that if their child says they hate them when they dont get their own way just fall to pieces. Its far more important for men to be loved by their kids than do the hard yards early, be patient, and wait for their kids to become the mature adults they need to be in order to appreciate the lessons they learned from being taught respect, manners, and the work ethic they need to be productive members of society after Daddy is dead and gone and no longer there to rescue them any more.